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Things that make you :)

Andy Y

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The Police will decide the blame so don’t fall into the media trap of deciding first.

And you think a Police Officer (or whoever makes these decision) is going to decide the Husband of the Queen should be charged do you?


It would never happen, but if it did I am sure he (and the paperwork) would 'disappear' rather quickly.

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  • RMweb Gold

All I was trying to remind people was this is supposed to be the daft and nice things that makes yer smile thread not another three pages of establishment conspiracy. Feel free to expound at length on a thread about it but I just suggested leaving this one for the fun not more roundy arguments ;) That’s all I’m quite happy for everyone to think whatever but it ain’t makin’ me smile here ;)



There that’s better, nice memories of what got me started as a kid ;)

46703046171_261cb2dd10_b.jpgTreasures by -salisburyASC-

Edited by PaulRhB
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All I was trying to remind people was this is supposed to be the daft and nice things that makes yer smile thread not another three pages of establishment conspiracy. Feel free to expound at length on a thread about it but I just suggested leaving this one for the fun not more roundy arguments ;) That’s all I’m quite happy for everyone to think whatever but it ain’t makin’ me smile here ;)



There that’s better, nice memories of what got me started as a kid ;)

46703046171_261cb2dd10_b.jpgTreasures by -salisburyASC-

Hi Paul,


Here is what may well be the inspiration for the Locomotive from Chigley:





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  • RMweb Gold

All I was trying to remind people was this is supposed to be the daft and nice things that makes yer smile thread not another three pages of establishment conspiracy. Feel free to expound at length on a thread about it but I just suggested leaving this one for the fun not more roundy arguments ;) That’s all I’m quite happy for everyone to think whatever but it ain’t makin’ me smile here ;)



There that’s better, nice memories of what got me started as a kid ;)

46703046171_261cb2dd10_b.jpgTreasures by -salisburyASC-

I’ve got that Robert harrup ‘ivor’ too along with a load of roal Dahl figures

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  • RMweb Premium

When I worked in retail, I used a model/casting of the Coyote (Wile E) looking forlorn and holding his sign saying "help" as a cash payment paperweight. 


If I say I like those on the left but don't much care for the one in blue on the right, will Mr. Y get cross with me for making a political statement?  :jester:


Maybe I'm getting a grumpy old man but these days I am increasingly attracted to whimsical themes, I've sketched out an idea for Ivor, partway through one for the Magic Roundabout. Now all I need is time to build them! 

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One of the nice thing about the Triumph Spitfire was that it was possible (without the roof on) for a largish individual to squeeze in behind the seats, sitting sideways, and not be excruciatingly uncomfortable or encroach on space for the driver or front passenger. The rear suspension sagged a bit but with the swing-axles that wasn't necessarily a bad thing :D.

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One of the nice thing about the Triumph Spitfire

Lots of nice things about them - had one for 8 1/2 years. I made a sort of raised hardtop so that someone could fit in the back with roof. Had to get rid of it, sad days, when our son got too big for the carry-cot, which would fit nicely behind the seats.

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Odin update:

I think he’s going to be an absolute bruiser when he’s fully grown, got him some toys at the weekend and he’s loving them, the little stuffed mice he grabs and kicks hell out of them with his hind legs, good at prowling too, you will walk in a room and he’ll dive at you from behind something with no mercy!

He had also mastered the stairs so now sleeps in the bed when he feels like by, he also has a new cat house, climbing tower which he enjoys

Doesn’t seem like the same cat as a couple of weeks back!EE7C8FDE-5A3D-4163-B7E7-39C191667065.jpg

Also mastered the litter tray now too, no accidents anywhere

He's a cracker Jim! We've a silver and white tabby but her stripes faded as she got older, no discernable 'Scarab' on her bonce now. Odin's a proper tiger-cat!




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Seen on FB - be warned - this is dreadful!


Finding a woman sobbing that she had locked her keys in her car, a passing soldier assures her that he can help.

She looks on amazed as he removes his trousers, ..... Rolls them into a tight ball and rubs them against the car door.

Magically it opens.......

"That's so clever," the woman gasps. "How did you do it?"

"Easy," replies the man. "These are my khakis".

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

Seen on FB - be warned - this is dreadful!


Finding a woman sobbing that she had locked her keys in her car, a passing soldier assures her that he can help.

She looks on amazed as he removes his trousers, ..... Rolls them into a tight ball and rubs them against the car door.

Magically it opens.......

"That's so clever," the woman gasps. "How did you do it?"

"Easy," replies the man. "These are my khakis".

Where oh where is that long promised GROAN button.



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