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Andy Y

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  • RMweb Premium

That stretch of road has had problems for quite a while with the speed of traffic and the amount of junctions. In 2016 it was decided to fit average speed cameras and reduce the speed limit. This is yet to happen. 

I felt that the early bulletins were too pro-royal and not as objective as they should have been. Little attention was given to the other party apart from the comment about accidents being caused by speeding drivers.

That comment I felt was unnecessary and as it stood a sleight on the other driver.

Even my missus commented (unusually) about it the fact that only the Duke was mentioned to start with.

Maybe it was the overnight news hacks cutting out too much detail?


There was more detail in later bulletins including the condition of the occupants of the other car

and more about the problems with that stretch of road and the fact that speed limit reduction and cameras had already been agreed by the council and would be installed ASAP.

I also heard one local's quote that it was a "rat run". Strange, I've never heard an A road called a rat run before! :scratchhead:



Funny how different people 'read' news stories. At no time did I think that the reporting on the local and national news sought to put blame on either party. But then maybe your last comment probably has more of a bearing on how you interpreted it.

A bit of jocularity based on perceived bias in the reporting.



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  • RMweb Gold

There was more detail in later bulletins including the condition of the occupants of the other car

and more about the problems with that stretch of road and the fact that speed limit reduction and cameras had already been agreed by the council and would be installed ASAP.




We're in the 'Look East' & 'About Anglia' TV region so might have had a bit more than the nationals who just go with a popularist news theme.


It really is an awful road to travel on. Some time ago coming back towards Kings Lynn, I had the sight in front of me of a car and caravan travelling at 55/60 being overtaken, that in itself isn't bad, but the car overtaking the car & van was also being overtaken by a left hand drive car. It did make me wince a bit with the expectation of wreckage.

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  • RMweb Premium

We're in the 'Look East' & 'About Anglia' TV region so might have had a bit more than the nationals who just go with a popularist news theme.



Same in West Midlands region. Sketchy main news stories get fleshed out more.

We also get some frivolous stuff to pad it on a quiet news day. e.g. cat rescued from tree by fire brigade etc.


The news I heard was variously from BBC Breakfast, BBC R2 & Classic FM. The last mentioned is the worst for abbreviating news, so much sometimes that it barely makes sense.

It was the later Radio 2 bulletins that gave more details.


BBC Breakfast also had a bit about "elderly drivers" with Edmund King (of the AA) discussing driving license conditions and the fact that renewals for over 70s (myself included) just have a tick box form filled in by the driver with no proof of the fitness to drive. (Apparantly there are currently 250+ drivers over 100 in the UK)

Eyesight being the biggest failure amongst elderly drivers because many don't have regular eye checks.

It was also mentioned that most accidents involving over 70s involve turning out of a T junction.


So a thinly veiled questioning of the Dukes fitness?



Edited by melmerby
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  • RMweb Gold

BBC Breakfast also had a bit about "elderly drivers" with Edmund King (of the AA) discussing driving license conditions and the fact that renewals for over 70s (myself included) just have a tick box form filled in by the driver with no proof of the fitness to drive. 



That would be my (late) Uncle Arthur, who said he was fit to drive and failed to mention his Parkinsons disease! Luckily my cousin convinced him that it was cheaper to use a taxi for his occasional journeys rather than pay tax, insurance etc.

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G'Day Folks


My Dads just renewed his Driving Licence for three years, he's not sure if he will last that long, he's 93, and Dementia is creeping in. So he has 12 months max, before we take it away.



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  • RMweb Gold

So LGB released their 2019 catalogue and it caused some intrigue as p20 has four pages about the US Transcontinental Golden Spike 150th Anniversary but no announcements.




Then on their website




Sit down first ;)




No seriously sit, no hot drinks . . .




Are you ready?





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  • RMweb Premium

So LGB released their 2019 catalogue and it caused some intrigue as p20 has four pages about the US Transcontinental Golden Spike 150th Anniversary but no announcements.




Then on their website




Sit down first ;)




No seriously sit, no hot drinks . . .




Are you ready?






For that price, the spike should be solid gold...

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  • RMweb Premium

Going back to a recent collision on a Norfolk road -

I have to ask what were the protection officers doing?


Because it clearly wasn't doing their job properly!!


They are there to protect him from others but not others from him!

Knowing Phil he probably told them to F*** off and get out of my way. :jester:



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  • RMweb Gold

Can we forget Phil on this thread and take it elsewhere and get back to the topic of fun rather than Republicans vs the Monarchy? Ta ;)

The Police will decide the blame so don’t fall into the media trap of deciding first.

Edited by PaulRhB
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Can we forget Phil on this thread and take it elsewhere and get back to the topic of fun rather than Republicans vs the Monarchy? Ta ;)

The Police will decide the blame so don’t fall into the media trap of deciding first.


This is the internet... that is what it's for... ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Can we forget Phil on this thread and take it elsewhere and get back to the topic of fun rather than Republicans vs the Monarchy? Ta ;)



I wonder how good Phil is at changing headlight bulbs......?

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