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Things that make you :)

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Premium

Compared with this it definitely is.....


Now why would a saving on Chad Valley games be an incentive to buy this stuff??





Even wiping you *rse on the Daily Mail (other rubbish tabloids are available) would be more comfortable than using that hideous stuff :jester:



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  • RMweb Premium

Compared with this it definitely is.....


Now why would a saving on Chad Valley games be an incentive to buy this stuff??





Last seen by me (fortunately) when the military stopped using their equivalent in about 1984. They then switched to white stuff that was infinately softer but nowhere near as soft as a commercial brand.

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  • RMweb Premium

Last seen by me (fortunately) when the military stopped using their equivalent in about 1984. They then switched to white stuff that was infinately softer but nowhere near as soft as a commercial brand.

I used to work for GPO and we had our own version which was physically the same as the Izal stuff with "Government Property" on every sheet, until we started local purchasing and bought soft tissue.



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  • RMweb Premium

I used to work for GPO and we had our own version which was physically the same as the Izal stuff with "Government Property" on every sheet, until we started local purchasing and bought soft tissue.



One of the guys at Telstra (Aussie version of BT), told me that his exchange ordered toilet rolls one day. They ordered a gross. A few days later a large truck turned up with 144 CARTONS of toilet rolls (for 3 people!).


They briefly thought of keeping them and supplying family, relations & friends for months. But thought better of it and refused delivery. Hard to come up with the correct answer, when a large truck is idling outside!

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There's an original roll in the toilet of 70294e the Gresley sorter at the GCR. When we use it for a static display I make a point of showing people, gets some great comments! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Not as bad as some orders in the RAF,

One guy i Knew ordered a couple of hundred valves for a Aircraft simulator (yes it was a long time ago) accidentally got the wrong part number and a lorry load of Very large, Very expensive TV type Display tubes turned up.


At a station I was at we needed the main Hinge pin (not the correct technical term) for a nodding radar height finder.

The chief got the number wrong, again by one digit and the first we heard was there was a Queen Mary Stuck by a humpback  bridge, luckily it hadn't tried to go over. But in mid summer there were huge traffic queues as this thing had to be backed up and brought round another way...

then when it arrived they took the cover off to find.... A complete radar dish assembly about 30 foot long.. instead of a hinge pin a few feet long..


and a minor RAF one, someone ordered 10 Chinagraph  propelling pencils, and got ten boxes of around a hundred. So from being as rare as hens teeth before, it became chinagraphs all round with plenty to spare.. (i've just looked them up they are still made, though not quite the same)

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I was once on a course with a serving Naval officer who told a story about his ship (sorry, don't recall which one) needing a replacement 4" gun mounting. They put on for it through the dockyard office, but it hadn't arrived when they sailed - from memory it was something like Gosport to Rosyth, or two similarly separated locations.


After berthing they had a call from a lady in the previous dockyard office to say this component had arrived. "Ah", said he. "That will be a problem".


"Why?" she replied. I'll just pop it into the post".


"How big do you think this thing is?" he enquired.


"Four inches" she replied. "It'll go into a Jiffy bag".


He suggested she go outside and look at the specially escorted transporter carrying the mount (I think he said it was about 30 tons worth) and then make arrangements to hold it until they were next due to dock there.

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I'm sorry - but my fundamental orifice is twitching, in memory of that dreadful stuff pictured at the top of the page - it was normally only ever used for military air-mail letters 'ome - even torn-up old newspapers were preferable to using that stuff for its intended purpose!

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  • RMweb Gold

My maternal grandparents actually bought that stuff.  No, I never understood why either!


It wasn't much better at my paternal grandparents.  They had much the same stuff but theirs was branded MoD.  :nono:

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Always best to stay regular, though.



I'm sorry - but my fundamental orifice is twitching, in memory of that dreadful stuff pictured at the top of the page - it was normally only ever used for military air-mail letters 'ome - even torn-up old newspapers were preferable to using that stuff for its intended purpose!


Yes, it's all coming out now.

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