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Things that make you :)

Andy Y

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11 hours ago, KeithMacdonald said:


I would go with the majority. We have Domino's Pizza's here, but I've never had one, local shops almost certainly better.

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A professor for a computer science course split up his class with men on one side and women on the other and they had to figure out Is a computer a man or a women?


The men answered that they're female because:


No one but their creator understands their internal logic
When computers communicate with each other only themselves and experts can understand them
Every mistake you make is saved on the hard drive for future retrieving
As soon as you buy one you spend half of your paycheck buying accessories for it


The women answered that they're male because:


In order to get their attention you have to turn them on
They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves
They're supposed to help solve problems but half of the time they are the problem
As soon as you buy one you realize that if you would've waited a little longer you could've gotten a better model

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Three kick rule

An English lawyer went duck hunting near Truro Cornwall. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of a fence.

As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing. The litigator responded, "I shot a duck and it fell in this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it." The old farmer Peter replied, "This is my property, and you are not coming over here."

The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial lawyers in England and, if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we settle disputes in Cornwall . We settle small disagreements like this with the 'Three Kick Rule.'

The lawyer asked, "What is the 'Three Kick Rule'?"

The Farmer replied, "Well, because the dispute occurs on my land, I get to go first. I kick you three times and then you kick me three times and so on back and forth until someone gives up." The lawyer quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the attorney. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy steel-toed work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees!

His second kick to the midriff sent the lawyer's last meal gushing from his mouth. The lawyer was on all fours when the farmer's third kick to his rear end, sent him face-first into a fresh cow pie.

Summoning every bit of his will and remaining strength the lawyer very slowly managed to get to his feet. Wiping his face with the arm of his jacket, he said, "Okay, you old fart. Now it's my turn."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Nah, I give up. You can have the duck."

When you are educated, you'll believe only half of what you hear. When you're intelligent, you know which half.

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