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Kernow Models D6xx Update

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Premium

No John, that's not what I'm suggesting. At risk of this becoming tedious, perhaps a monthly update and, if there has been no progress during that month, a brief comment explaining why with implications on future release dates, etc. We live in an information age - some of us have apparently grasped it more than others?


What I have grasped is that we live in an excess information age, unfortunately.


It would seem that at least half of the population do not believe in their own existence, unless they are broadcasting their current activities to all and sundry - who really needs to know and who really cares?


It's the same with model railways - a certain section of the membership of this list cannot really believe that Kernow will eventually release the early Warships, unless they are reassured on a regular basis that it is true.


Surely life is short enough as it is, without wasting time worriting about things that we can't influence?


Again I say - there MUST be something more productive for you to do?



John Isherwood.

Edited by cctransuk
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Guest chris.trebble

What I have grasped is that we live in an excess information age, unfortunately.


It would seem that at least half of the population do not believe in their own existence, unless that are broadcasting their current activities to all and sundry - who really needs to know and who really cares?


It's the same with model railways - a certain section of the membership of this list cannot really believe that Kernow will eventually release the early Warships, unless they are reassured on a regular basis that it is true.


Surely life is short enough as it is, without wasting time worriting about things that we can't influence?


Again I say - there MUST be something more productive for you to do?



John Isherwood.


John, abuse turns to insult - thank you. 


End of conversation

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It occurs to me that one reason why people would like at least reasonably regular updates - even of the "no news" variety - is that the imminent arrival, or lack thereof, may well be influencing their modelling choices and priorities for months and years ahead.


When the IoW O2 was announced, I ordered one in advance with a view that I might, as a subsidiary project, have a crack at a little 'shunting puzzle'-style layout as a quickie, making use of it and the Kernow SR brake van that would also be suitable, which was announced roughly around the same time.


Well, the O2 eventually came, but after a brief test-run it has stayed in its box and not turned a wheel all this while, because there is STILL no sign of the blooming brake van any time this decade.  So I'm glad I never made a start, because up to this point it'd have been a waste of effort!

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes and no.  


I ordered an IoW O2 for no other reason than my affection for and memories of those trains and riding behind steam from Ryde in my earlier years.  So it arrived and has never had - nor is ever likely to have - a suitably-themed layout.  It is part of the collection for purely personal reasons.  


The 600s were ordered because I had, at the time they were announced, a Cornish-themed layout.  I also have a deep affection for these locos.  The layout is gone, I now live 12000 or so miles from where I then was, I have nowhere to run them when they arrive but I still have them on order.  Why?  Because I want them.  And I am prepared to wait even if they do nothing much beyond a test run now and again and gaining a coat of weathering grime.


We are all different and each with unique circumstances.  That does not make these or any other models come any quicker.  What is might do is show who is prepared to wait quietly knowing the project is proceeding, however slowly, and who prefers to have more communication even if there is nothing to say.  Even a "no news" message takes a little of their staff time to post.  And it can send a negative message even if unintentionally because it can be misinterpreted as "nothing is happening - these items are not worth considering".  Which is not the case at all.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think that the point has already been made that the world changes and people's expectations for communications have changed. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is a moot point, it is what it is. Many people are now accustomed to the sort of very slick, professional and voluminous information pumped out via company websites, social media, email updates etc. That is the benchmark and what is expected by many, whether or not I or others like it is just as irrelevant as whether others like my own preferences. The world changes, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.


I do think that some model companies make a bit of a rod for their own back by announcing early. I can understand why they do that, especially small companies, but along with the benefit of hopefully reducing project risk it does create expectation and introduce a new risk in terms of PR. Personally I do prefer the approach taken by SLW.


A good thing about Kernow is you do not have to pre-order. You can wait for the model to be released and then order. You may pay more but you also avoid paying up front and waiting for an indeterminate period after paying. That's my own preference, it may cost me more and I may even miss out but I prefer to do it that way and it means that any delays are irrelevant to me really.


On the model, I have every confidence that it will be excellent and look forward to it.

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What I have grasped is that we live in an excess information age, unfortunately.


It would seem that at least half of the population do not believe in their own existence, unless they are broadcasting their current activities to all and sundry - who really needs to know and who really cares?


It's the same with model railways - a certain section of the membership of this list cannot really believe that Kernow will eventually release the early Warships, unless they are reassured on a regular basis that it is true.


Surely life is short enough as it is, without wasting time worriting about things that we can't influence?


Again I say - there MUST be something more productive for you to do?



John Isherwood.



Totally agree John

This morning I had a quick whizz through Youtube and the Southwest flight which suffered the engine misbehave near Philly. If you don't know the 737 suffered and engine fan blade release which basically blew the left hand engine apart and a piece broke a passenger window.  Unfortunately a lady went half way through the window for a brief period, was pulled back into the cabin as it depressurised but sadly died from the event. I certainly wan't being ghoulish, just seeking a little information but Youtube flipped over to a guy a few rows back on the other side who explained how he was desperate to document his last few minutes, and established a facebook live link to tell everyone what was happening. Were i in the same situation I really dont think I would be providing instant news to the social media on my impending departure from this mortal coil.


Good job we are all different eh 

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  • RMweb Gold

Totally agree John

This morning I had a quick whizz through Youtube and the Southwest flight which suffered the engine misbehave near Philly. If you don't know the 737 suffered and engine fan blade release which basically blew the left hand engine apart and a piece broke a passenger window. Unfortunately a lady went half way through the window for a brief period, was pulled back into the cabin as it depressurised but sadly died from the event. I certainly wan't being ghoulish, just seeking a little information but Youtube flipped over to a guy a few rows back on the other side who explained how he was desperate to document his last few minutes, and established a facebook live link to tell everyone what was happening. Were i in the same situation I really dont think I would be providing instant news to the social media on my impending departure from this mortal coil.


Good job we are all different eh


Dunno, Facebook might give you chance to get a message to loved ones, though not sure his chances of bandwidth to stream.

On a plane chances are at 30k feet your mobile phone won’t work, and recent tech in the US means airphones have gone but onboard Wi-fi has arrived. whilst panic and all out turmoil might be going on in the air, chances of my wife picking up and answering are pretty slim at any time let alone the last time, then there’s everybody else.. at least a broadcast message has chance to be seen.

But what else you going to do in that situation, you’ve got 3sq ft of space which you cannot manouevre from and no privacy, even getting a drink from cabin crew are pretty slim and chances are the Entertainment service is over.

In my 3000+ flights fortunately I’ve only had the minorest of incidents, in each situation.. immediately after the event the planes cabin turns into deathly silence as everyone starts thinking until events normalise themselves, though I can imagine there was some urgent panic initially on this one.


Strayed a long way from D600’s on this one.

Edited by adb968008
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What I have grasped is that we live in an excess information age, unfortunately.


It would seem that at least half of the population do not believe in their own existence, unless they are broadcasting their current activities to all and sundry - who really needs to know and who really cares?


It's the same with model railways - a certain section of the membership of this list cannot really believe that Kernow will eventually release the early Warships, unless they are reassured on a regular basis that it is true.


Surely life is short enough as it is, without wasting time worriting about things that we can't influence?


Again I say - there MUST be something more productive for you to do?



John Isherwood.

Then why worry, about what ever people are worrying about :) :) :)

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  • RMweb Premium

I know there was a set back with the original production team and it was taken up by another, announced 2012........6 years later still waiting, I have already paid for mine, but I am quite happy to waitI.....for now

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  • RMweb Premium


That should calm everyone down again!

Now I am panicking, better finish off number 2 before the Kernow one arrives.  :scared: 


Seriously it does look good.

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  • RMweb Gold

No John, that's not what I'm suggesting. At risk of this becoming tedious, perhaps a monthly update and, if there has been no progress during that month, a brief comment explaining why with implications on future release dates, etc. We live in an information age - some of us have apparently grasped it more than others?


Kernow appear to have long had a policy of telling us something new (e.g 'development etc has now reached a particular stage') when they actually have something to tell us.  This strikes me as eminently sensible and I can see little value at all in being told - ad infinitum if necessary - that 'there is nothing new to report in this newsletter respect of XXX';  that strikes me as a waste of their time and money and a waste of my time and eyesight.  If they have something new to tell us then they tell us - it really is as simple as that (to me at any rate).

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  • RMweb Gold

I got a look at it too, and it did run well and look gorgeous, even though it was naked...

Do we need to amend the thread title to add another x?


Looking forward to mine and considering adding another :-)



Edited by Roy Langridge
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