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West Highland-ish "shed" layout


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I guess I got hooked on the idea of a small layout by reading about Kinlochewe and others.


First disaster was building a traverser that fed three tracks from four traverser lines --bad move as I hadn't really thought about track centres.

Rule one build a traverser to feed one line from "many" storage lines! The traverser got removed and short two line fiddle ard was added.


Second problem was getting a motorised turntable to line up with several infeed lines ----- inspiration here was faller roundhouse --still not cracked that issue.


Third problem is I have probably got too many points and not enough track.


Fourth problem is being torn between it being a locomotive shed layout and a shunting yard --- too many track magnets and spratt and winkle couplings and too few SMALL locomotives !


Fifth issue is now that I am thinking it should maybe be linked into my double oval tail chaser layout --- I think the shed layout has been built the wrong way round !


Why am I starting this topic ??/!!! Maybe I am trying to convince myself that by eating humble pie I will plan rather than do the next time and having confessed get on with stripping it out.


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  • RMweb Gold

Why am I starting this topic ??/!!! Maybe I am trying to convince myself that by eating humble pie I will plan rather than do the next time and having confessed get on with stripping it out.

There is no need to be humble about this layout - you have something here which is rather more complete than many of us ever manage. It has some good modelling and several really nice little cameos. What I sense it may lack is a purpose. What does it represent? What are its objectives for you, the builder and owner, who have bust a gut and spent quite a few £ to get it this far? You don't need to justify it to anyone but yourself, of course - but my own feeling is that for the West Highland it looks a little busy!


If you are dissatisfied, I suggest you sit down and analyse what you like, what you don't like - and what it means to you. Would adding it into the tail-chaser give it a purpose? We can only guess. You have lots of good ideas and modelling skills. Perhaps they just need re-directing and managing into one satisfying layout.

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There is no need to be humble about this layout - you have something here which is rather more complete than many of us ever manage. It has some good modelling and several really nice little cameos. What I sense it may lack is a purpose. What does it represent? What are its objectives for you, the builder and owner, who have bust a gut and spent quite a few £ to get it this far? You don't need to justify it to anyone but yourself, of course - but my own feeling is that for the West Highland it looks a little busy!


If you are dissatisfied, I suggest you sit down and analyse what you like, what you don't like - and what it means to you. Would adding it into the tail-chaser give it a purpose? We can only guess. You have lots of good ideas and modelling skills. Perhaps they just need re-directing and managing into one satisfying layout.


Thanks for the feedback --maybe you have hit the nail on the head with it needing a "sense of purpose" and being too busy trying to get everything idea I have borrowed from others in one small layout.


the signals all work in conjuction with point changes and there are fires & welding flashes going off at random not to mention shed doors that open shut ---just to add to the "confusion"!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having taken on board the observation about the Shed layout needing a purpose, I decided to convert it, from multiple end to ends, to a layout with a track in & a track out and link it into my double oval layout.



Conversion of the "Shed" to a "U" required the re-wiring of the selected output tracks to avoid a dead short, when the output was connected to the input and the complimentary swapping over of point frog feeds to the point motors -- together with isolating one section to create definitive in and out tracks.

( The shed layout had been configured to go anywhere, from anywhere, hence the need to split it).

The "Shed is being fitted with two new sets of points to give a single track in and a single track out .


The Double oval was DC and has now been rewired for DCC resulting in a pile of wire left over.


The Double oval layout is about to have its "right hand end" dismantled and a new base board fitted to allow the oval to link into the shed in/out tracks.


This is all of course still a work-in-progress.




Putting the two together will give me an L shaped continuous run loop of someting like 9 metres which in my N scale will give plenty room for reasonable length trains; still leaving the shorter low level oval original track in place and plenty of shunting available on the EX- SHED part of the layout.


Best of all it gives me plenty of railway work to complete !


The picture is of the oval layout right hand end that is about to be pulled apart --much of it of course will be re-cycled into the modified layout.


Finally, I read a thread on here, by somebody questioning the lack of replies/comments on posts re layouts --- the one reply to my post made me re-think my layout ---more replies might have given me more food for thought and a better result/direction !


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