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Lulworth Castle, 1930's to 2000's


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  • RMweb Gold

Well I had doubts about the minx and they've unfortunately been realised. The point for the yard would only change one way and alarmed with no action the other way.

I ended up having to swap it with the other siding point motor so one down . . . . .

Not impressed! Worked fine for two days after the mods then this. Any movement, and I suspect the hot trip in the car is part of it, and they want re calibrating. Compared to the robust tortoise they are a nightmare. I'm going to seriously consider binning these for a portable layout and finding a way to make a tortoise fit or go back to the Peco servos which I dropped with others experiencing problems.

I hope not but I suspect that Lulworth may experience engineers possessions and wheels free this weekend.

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Well, as Paul will know, I got there, took a look and we had a chat - always nice to meet a fellow subscriber face-to-face.
I took a few random photos around the exhibition, which I will be uploading in the next few days here http://s234.photobucket.com/user/railwest/library/WimRail2015 . Naturally I've started off with a couple which I took of Lulworth <g>, tho' I'm afraid that they do not really do the layout justice.


Good luck with fixing those pesky motors!

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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers and yes nice to meet and chat, hope you enjoyed the whole show.

I will be talking to John at Minx tomorrow, we've already corresponded about the under board mounting problems. I don't think it's a bad product but I do think it's too sensitive to cope with portable layouts. I don't build like a tank's going to sit on the boards but they aren't flimsy either and with three layouts recently exhibited in HOm and G without issues I think my construction is fairly sturdy. Rhätia worked first time after a year in storage.

Re calibrating IS simple but it shouldn't need doing every time you move the layout, re synching is barely noticeable to the punters but again one crossover seemed to do it about once an hour while the other did it twice today. I don't like the uncertainty so they will be replaced, probably by cobalts which the new ones seem to be nearly as good as tortoise and a little smaller. The minx may well be used in the less critical signal mode to get the bounce and can migrate a couple to the G layout too for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Finally a bit of time to sort out the points :)

Cobalt motors went in last week but I needed to have a separate bus for when operating under the Britmod system so I could isolate the point supply from the track.

A simple DPST switch no means on its own it all runs off the main BUS but for Britmod I can switch the points to the Z21 and leave the modular bus to supply the track with no way of shorting the two as the Z21 uses a separate plug in.


Edited by PaulRhB
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  • RMweb Gold

One thing that did rear it's head in programming the Cobalt ip motors was that the instructions are a little vague on the programming saying follow the instructions for your system to set the address,


What would have been helpful was it saying put the switch to set and then use the address as though you were going to change the point and it will learn it when you select it.


NCE - to program cobaltip address


(1st to deactivate auto centre using 198)

Connect dcc input

Put switch to SET



Disconnect dcc input

Put switch to NORMAL

Connect dcc input

Put switch to SET



Disconnect dcc input

Put switch to NORMAL

Connect dcc input

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Hi Paul

Enjoying the layout very much. Do you mind me asking how are you finding the Z21 in operation?

Mines still in the box until I get my proposed layout sorted.




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  • RMweb Gold

I like it, it has it's quirks and the old iphone locks up occasionally but it's done 8 long days at various shows and the most it needed was a quick reboot when we lost the wifi which we think was a poweful local wifi interfering.

I'd certainly buy it again :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes the station building and yard hut are interchangeable with modern buildings I've yet to finish. The station name board just sits in two holes and the Signalbox is having a magnet glued inside and two alternate era style names mounted on steel cut from a can :)

I will probably offer it as one or the other for shows to save clutter in the car but at home it will run as:

1- SR branch line

2- BR branch 1960's

3- 2000's era with SWT and EWS etc.

4- 19?? Branch line with metropolitan BoBo's and J15 fantasy I just like it.

5- 80's West Highland with Large logo 37's and the K1 on the mini Jacobite ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Took the oppotunity tonight to do a bit of programming of the first two modern locos to get chipped to run on Lulworth.

60048 working the clay tanks



and a screenshot of the Z21 control screen with the icons you just tap



Not chipped yet but I couldn't resist the shorty 159 in push along mode ;)


Edited by PaulRhB
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That's looking good Paul, I do like the idea of different eras mate, very clever, as like you I cant make my mind up what I want, will it be a T9 in Olive or a 67 in DBS, hahhah.


Looks really nice mate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes the station building and yard hut are interchangeable with modern buildings I've yet to finish. The station name board just sits in two holes and the Signalbox is having a magnet glued inside and two alternate era style names mounted on steel cut from a can :)

I like it Paul.

Are you going to have removable thickets of invasive Buddleia to fill the trackside for the more modern period???

Cheers, Dave.

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  • RMweb Gold

I could as Temairaire found a good source!

No I think I'll leave it as I kept Marchwood when I was Signalman there, well weeded in the gaps between trains. Them were the days, (only 15 years ago!), when you could put the signals to danger and get stuff done without three courses, a planning pack and full ppe to do weeding!

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  • RMweb Gold

I used the Kilfrost as it was useless for de-icing but soaked up spilt diesel from over filled locos just off the yard and killed weeds a treat! Ah it changes so fast. I had a nice sort of wild flower lawn slowly evolving on the platform too but that was let go and got tarmac'd.

Edited by PaulRhB
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