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This morning I received a tax demand for £151.60. I receive the State Retirement Pension and a company pension.


Somewhat baffled I checked the P60 and of course the extra tax is because the Retirement Pension was raised by this amount through 2011/12. HMRC did not take into account my other pension for which the tax-free allowance had been reduced and so did not issue a revised Notice of Coding.


Would it not be easier if the Pension Service spoke to the Revenue once in a while ?

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you think you have problems! I have two pensions to mop-up the basic allowances but have to tell HMRC about them most years to get correct tax coding issued to both sources. A couple of years back I paid no tax for the whole year, only to get a demand for it in the last week of the tax-year, (i had told them about the error twice, to no effect.)

I have friends who work, or worked, in the Tax system and they dispair of the lack of morale within the workforce. those who have not retired yet can't wait to get out.

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Well as most of you know I dont work (or live ) in the UK, but they still sent increasingly threatening letters to my ex as I hadnt filled a self assessment form in. (I just use the address & we're still on good terms). Tried e-mail via their web site....cant do that you must ring.....'phoned the call centre, Tried explaining that I dont live in UK, dont work in the UK, dont get paid in the UK, had to go through this four times before I could get any one to understand......following day even nastier letter shows up...."prove you're not in UK"......easy say's I - check with border agency, they record my passport every time I leave / enter UK....." cant do that, because of date protection" ...Ended up having to get my accountant to write to them.....Grrrrrrr!

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I fill in a Tax Return every year. One year I made a slight error and got a large tax refund. Later they figured out the error and asked for the money back. Thing is, apparently, they will pay out initially on any amount, no matter how unlikely. They only check the calculations some months later.


Moral is, make an 'error' and then emigrate...

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