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Scottish Locomotives


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  • 1 month later...

My latest, just completed conversion of a gbl j39 into a j38. Shown as running earlier tonight. post-10572-0-78599900-1460680818_thumb.jpegpost-10572-0-38718700-1460681042_thumb.jpeg


As a kit for the class, when adding the cost of the kit, wheels, motor and gears etc i decided to have a go at the gbl j39 and i dont think it turned out too bad, ok the wheelbase is slightly out but everything else i matches the photo of the real loco.



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Strictly speaking, your loco should have a different style of tender, but nevertheless you've done an excellent job.



Thanks, i was unsure about doing the conversion for that very reason but i then found out that a few received larger tenders later in life, notably 65917, 65921 and 29. I have found many shots of the locos clearly towing a larger tender. Apoligies for thevarting size of image here as i zoomed in a bit on them to show the tender. The locations are leslie, alloa and kincardine.




Lastly quite a clear shot of 65917 at alloa which more clearly shows the larger tender.




Edited by kingfisher24
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  • 6 months later...

Thought I would post a few pictures of my latest loco. A J69 No. 8623. Made from a Gladstone Models kit which I got cheap on Ebay. It must have been from the 1970's and required a fair bit of work to bring it up to modern standards including a scratch built chassis. It was an exile from the flat lands in the east of England which ended up at St. Margarets in Edinburgh. It is fitted with the traditional Scottish shunter's step and hand rail. Separated from the rest of its kind it also avoided being rebuilt with a taller cab and retained its stove pipe chimney which marked it out even more as a Scottish loco.















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  • 2 weeks later...

Why have one 439 when you can have two? You wait all day and then two turn up! One brass, one card! Not quite finished yet. Forfar 'Crab' lurking in background, on my fledgling Arbroath shed layout.

Some fantastic engines on here. Hope these don't lower the tone!


I've found some rolling stock that I built 40-odd years ago in card with airfix chassis. Have you seen the Duchess of Arbroath in Card thread by a Polish gent? It needs a strong stomach and a resolution not to give up and sit in a corner in the dark when looking at one's own offerings! Graham

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Yes Graham, I have seen the Duchess that the Polish guy did, just amazing? Thats what sort of inspired me to have a go, but I'm afraid I cheated and used the kit as a template (probably shouldn't be admitting that, oops)! Ducked out of making the wheels and boiler fittings though. It's not motorised but I think it adds to the fleet.

Cheers Les

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  • 2 months later...

Why has this dried up? Here's my C16 in I hope the correct livery. I have a pic in later LNER guise numbered 67491, and a pic in BR colours but none as shown, if anyone can enlighten me as to the correctness?

This is from a 'sassenach' although brought up in Dundee ( yes I know someone had to be) so come on you guys, let's see some more Scottish gems!


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This thread gas gone a bit quiet of late, so thought I would add one or two of my creations to it - the usual hacking arounds of perfectly innocent Southern area locos into approximations of their more distant, depending on your location, cousins. These have been described on my workbench thread, so nothing new here,but they can take their place among more worthy specimens gracing these pages.


Firstly, a CR 0-6-0 812 class as preserved on the Strathspey Railway and once common the length of Scotland. It started off as a Hornby 700 and went through the mill to turn out in a more handsome guise, to my mind.






Peter Drummond had drawn up plans for a family of three 0-4-4T  engines, one of which became the Dornoch regular in the survivors later days, while for reasons now obscure, the other two did not get the go ahead. One was a obvious copy of his brothers M7, which had appeared several years before his proposal, while the other was an intermediate size between the other two. Looking at these drawings it was apparent that the M7 was going to match the HR version closely, while the DJ Models 02 was close enough in dimensions for my elastic standards. Anyway, here they are both, interesting variations on a theme.










This is the CR 439 that was the Scottish mainstay and the different cab and tank shapes make an interesting contrast.




For the sake of completeness, here is the only one that was actually built, sitting at Helmsdale. It came from ebay,built well enough to EM gauge and crammed full of lead that I could not remove without damaging the brass body, and with the usual c**p motor that was the norm thirty years ago. So, for the moment, rather than have it sitting in a cupboard, I built a plasticard chassis  and have it lying on shed till I get round to doing something about it.



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Just that the photo came out upside down for me!



Sorry Jim, I thought you were having a go cause a previous pic of mine was on its side, but the latest one came out OK on my iPad.

Just looked at your2mm opus and I am mightily impressed. It takes me all my time to see in O gauge.


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Sorry Jim, I thought you were having a go cause a previous pic of mine was on its side, but the latest one came out OK on my iPad.

Funny you should say that because when a friend of mine in Melbourne sends photos from his iPad they are upside down when i get them.  I think it's something to do with iPads.


Thanks for the kind comments on the layout.



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Hi Rich, never get tired of seeing your layout and locos. Have you got a D30 amongst your stud? I'm thinking of saving up for, or taking out a mortgage for an o gauge one! I just like the Scotts and some of their names are classic.





 Thanks, no NB stuff around the layout I'm afraid, only some GW :smile_mini:, although there is a J36 in the pile - wife's uncle was a driver at Haymarket and Maude was one of his charges so this may be put together sometime. Can't really justify it on the line but they did make to the eastern ends of the HR, so perhaps there might have been a Caley crisis one day that needed some reinforcements brought in  :scratchhead:  .... 

Edited by Ben Alder
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  so perhaps there might have been a Caley crisis one day that needed some reinforcements brought in  :scratchhead:  .... 

CALEY........ CRISIS.......... The two words should never appear in the same sentence for goodness sake Richard what are you thinking man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why has this dried up? Here's my C16 in I hope the correct livery. I have a pic in later LNER guise numbered 67491, and a pic in BR colours but none as shown, if anyone can enlighten me as to the correctness?

This is from a 'sassenach' although brought up in Dundee ( yes I know someone had to be) so come on you guys, let's see some more Scottish gems!



Why has this thread dried up? Well for me ive had not so much time because of three little reasons which came into the world in 2014,2015 and 2016 (little princesses and i dint mean the stanier ones (mind my three do consume a fair amount of fuel and run around a lot)


Although i have three projects on the go but never have much time as yer, they are a j37 from a Hornby 700, stanier 5mt 44767 and another j88. I have all the donor locos and parts but not the time - yet.



Why has this dried up? Here's my C16 in I hope the correct livery. I have a pic in later LNER guise numbered 67491, and a pic in BR colours but none as shown, if anyone can enlighten me as to the correctness?

This is from a 'sassenach' although brought up in Dundee ( yes I know someone had to be) so come on you guys, let's see some more Scottish gems!



Why has this thread dried up? Well for me ive had not so much time because of three little reasons which came into the world in 2014,2015 and 2016 (little princesses and i dint mean the stanier ones (mind my three do consume a fair amount of fuel and run around a lot)


Although i have three projects on the go but never have much time as yer, they are a j37 from a Hornby 700, stanier 5mt 44767 and another j88. I have all the donor locos and parts but not the time - yet.



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Why has this dried up? Here's my C16 in I hope the correct livery. I have a pic in later LNER guise numbered 67491, and a pic in BR colours but none as shown, if anyone can enlighten me as to the correctness?

This is from a 'sassenach' although brought up in Dundee ( yes I know someone had to be) so come on you guys, let's see some more Scottish gems!


It takes time to build a Locomotive, especially from scratch, but here is my latest! Posed on 'carpet hill', it's too cold in the layout room just now, and not quite finished, she needs a bit of ageing and dirt on the rods to tone them down a wee bit. One of the 'Fower Wheelers' which were found around the pits of Ayrshire. This one ended her days at Ardrossan and was photographed quite late in life in 1906 still without brakes on the engine and only wooden blocks on the tender. David L Smith describes some of the work these wee locos did in Tales of the G&SWR, worth a read if you haven't already.




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