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Use of images from RMweb

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Hotlinked images are a potential source of abuse. I hotlinked (note not 'uploaded') to a few (in a recent thread), and whilst copying the image url, or opening the url in a new tab, or inspecting its element, would reveal its source as not being mine, merely 'saving image as' would not.




Edit: the 3 images concerned have now been 'de-hotlinked'.

Edited by Miss Prism
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A good point.


Hotlinking your own images from elsewhere (as long as any external site's rules permit this) is fine.


Hotlinking someone else's images without consent should not be done and will be removed if seen or reported.


Anyone hotlinking to images on RMweb on other sites without the consent of the original contributor on RMweb is not permissible .


Abuse of RMweb facilities to purely or substantially host images for hotlinking to on other sites is bad form and would result in the removal of the material.

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Hotlinking someone else's images without consent should not be done and will be removed if seen or reported.


(Miss P scuttles off to edit a thread.)


I think a middle course might be preferable whereby someone else's hotlinked images are clearly marked as not being the owner of the hotlinker.


Anyone hotlinking to images on RMweb on other sites without the consent of the original contributor on RMweb is not permissible.


The objective is understandable and fair, but unenforceable ("anyone"??) in practice.

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The objective is understandable and fair, but unenforceable ("anyone"??) in practice.


It is 'enforcable' if the original contributor wished to pursue anyone breaching copyright but whether it's worth the effort is debatable. It's there to say that we do not permit or condone it and would back removal of any image that was being hotlinked to elsewhere to support the originator if required.

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  • RMweb Premium
Anyone hotlinking to images on RMweb on other sites without the consent of the original contributor on RMweb is not permissible.


Hi Andy,


There is a setting in your cPanel to prevent this. See Security > Hot-link Protection.


End users can get round this by changing the referrer settings in their browser, but most users don't and the person posting the image can't do anything to enable that.





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It is 'enforcable' if the original contributor wished to pursue anyone breaching copyright but whether it's worth the effort is debatable. It's there to say that we do not permit or condone it and would back removal of any image that was being hotlinked to elsewhere to support the originator if required.


So the rule, in terms of what RMweb's responsibilities are, should perhaps be expressed as:


"If other sites hotlink RMweb images without the consent of the original RMweb contributor, RMweb will support that RMweb originator in any request to remove copyright material."

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  • RMweb Premium

For the benefit of those who are a little foggy on jargon perhaps the term "hotlink" might be clarified? I am assuming this refers to the practice of showing an image itself - for example with an address contained in IMG tags - where that image is hosted somewhere other than RMweb and that posting just the link (without the image being displayed directly) pointing to the host site is still in order.


I am also assuming that it is perfectly in order to "hotlink" to ones' own images hosted on sites which exist for that purpose such as Photobucket.

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"If other sites hotlink RMweb images without the consent of the original RMweb contributor, RMweb will support that RMweb originator in any request to remove copyright material."


Sensibly put.



I am also assuming that it is perfectly in order to "hotlink" to ones' own images hosted on sites which exist for that purpose such as Photobucket.


Your understanding of hotlinking is correct and yes; sites such as Photobucket and Flickr have options to make the necessary codes are made available for users to hotlink the content.


It's worth clarifying the position with regard to most Flickr content.






Birkenhead Central. by cabsaab900, on Flickr


Although I have hotlinked from another site without the specific consent of the original contributor they have uploaded the image to Flickr and chosen to make the content available for posting on other sites. It has been used correctly though by getting the BB code under the sharing options to link back to the original source and credit the contributor.

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Although I have hotlinked from another site without the specific consent of the original contributor they have uploaded the image to Flickr and chosen to make the content available for posting on other sites. It has been used correctly though by getting the BB code under the sharing options to link back to the original source and credit the contributor.


Hi Andy


Out of interest, how do you attach the BB code underneath?

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Hotlinking someone else's images without consent should not be done and will be removed if seen or reported.
Although I have hotlinked from another site without the specific consent of the original contributor



So hotlinked images are ok provided they are properly attributed?


(The fact that photobucket/flickr's syntax facilitates this mechanism is incidental and purely fortuitous.)

Edited by Miss Prism
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  • RMweb Premium
(The fact that photobucket/flickr's syntax facilitates this mechanism is incidental and purely fortuitous.)


Those sites exist for the purpose of image storage and sharing. Most other sites do not and any images are displayed purely to illustrate the subject matter. Many sites may not have adequate bandwidth to accommodate high-volume hot linking which affects the performance of those sites.

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Out of interest, how do you attach the BB code underneath?


If an image has been enabled for sharing you should be able to do the following for example


Go to http://www.flickr.co...ages/7289537650


Click on Share

Click on More ways to share

Click on Grab the html/BBcode (if that's not present for an image the uploader has disabled the facility)

Click the BBcode radio button

Click on the dropdown list or the sizes available

Copy the code in the box.

Paste that code into the forum post here.


That gives....




An 86 to Glasgow by geoff7918, on Flickr

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Many sites may not have adequate bandwidth to accommodate high-volume hot linking which affects the performance of those sites.


A fair point. That involves some judgement on the part of the poster though. What we are trying to arrive at here is whether the principle of hotlinking is acceptable, and, if it is, under what circumstances and conditions it is permissible.

Edited by Miss Prism
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  • RMweb Premium

If someone uploads their content to a public web site or forum such as Flickr, Photobucket, RMweb, etc., it seems to me that there is a reasonable assumption that the intent was for the content to be shared -- providing it is not done for commercial gain, and proper credit is given. Many uploaders do specifically say as much.


If someone wants to publish their content on the internet with full copyright protection, it would be much safer to do it on their own web site or blog site. It is then abundantly clear to all that the content is private property. Such content can then be linked into posts elsewhere if required. It is really quite easy to have your own web site, and there are many places on the web which will create a free web site for you, such as http://www.webs.com and many others.



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I think you're a few steps behind Miss P.




There is no dispute over the hotlinking of an RMweb-hosted image by another site where the image owner has given permission (and subject to the conditions of that external site of course). Where the image owner has not given permission and is unhappy about the situation is covered by my #7.


Similarly, there is no dispute over the hotlinking on RMweb of an external image where the image owner has given permission, and in such cases it would be common courtesy to provide suitable attribution. (The first part of Martin's #17 takes the case a little further though.)


Andy has clarified (#9) the hotlinking situation from another site where the image owner has given, by the nature of the site the image is posted on, an implied "permission in advance", and where the mechanisms of that site facilitate proper attribution.


The grey area we are trying to clarify is a externally-hosted image hotlinked from RMweb and where that image owner has not given explicit prior permission.


To me it appears you've broken these rules at least once and now try to talk yourself out of it? Am I right? ;)


My apologies if I have broken current rules (reference please?), but to be clear, I have no strong feelings either way about a proposed rule on image hotlinking, although I feel RMweb would not be so 'content-rich' if a blanket ban were to be imposed. If it is not to be permitted (Andy's #3), then as I've already indicated (#4) I'm quite happy to amend such postings I've made to conform, but Andy's #9 clearly indicates a qualified retreat from that blanket edict. What we're trying to arrive at is an articulation that fits desirable/best practice.


A couple of other observations:


- RMweb's software doesn't help Andy's objectives. Currently, it's easier to hotlink an image than it is to do an inline image link.


- To widen the subject, why the focus on images? Is not a thread on the 'Use of RMweb or external text' equally pertinent?

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- RMweb's software doesn't help Andy's objectives. Currently, it's easier to hotlink an image than it is to do an inline image link.



Its equally as east to do either, link button or image button and paste in the image location.

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The grey area we are trying to clarify is a externally-hosted image hotlinked from RMweb and where that image owner has not given explicit prior permission.


Hopefully it isn't too grey; it can't be linked to if the consent hasn't been sought unless the image has been uploaded to a site where provision is made for its onward use without further requirements.


- To widen the subject, why the focus on images? Is not a thread on the 'Use of RMweb or external text' equally pertinent?


Legally the same applies to both but I can count the number of times that text has been an issue on one hand.

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Guest jim s-w

I always ask permission to post pictures that are not mine and can honestly say i have never been refused.


If you want to use someone elses pictures, regardless of where they are, just ask. The only reason you could possibly have for not doing so is that you must simply be too lazy.





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If someone uploads their content to a public web site or forum such as Flickr, Photobucket, RMweb, etc., it seems to me that there is a reasonable assumption that the intent was for the content to be shared -- providing it is not done for commercial gain, and proper credit is given. Many uploaders do specifically say as much.




I upload content to share my modelling experiences, not to have my content freely distributed around t'net without being asked. After all, its my work, my photos and my text. Why should anyone think that they can simply take that without permission?


I always ask permission to post pictures that are not mine and can honestly say i have never been refused.


If you want to use someone elses pictures, regardless of where they are, just ask. The only reason you could possibly have for not doing so is that you must simply be too lazy.






Or perhaps either ignorant of copyright, or just damned rude!


I have a feeling that this thread started because someone posted some of my pictures, taken from my blog, on their own web page without permission or even giving credit (the same person also copied a pic. taken from someone elses layout thread). After e-mailing them I am now at least credited but have not had an apology or even a reply to my message. If the person had contacted me in the first place I would probably have given permission and perhaps even re-took the photos in better conditions (the pictures were of 'workbench' quality). At the very least I would have e-mailed them higher resolution copies of the original pics.


To my mind, posting someone elses work on your own thread/blog etc. without giving credit could be seen as passing off someone elses modelling as your own.

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  • RMweb Premium
I upload content to share my modelling experiences, not to have my content freely distributed around t'net without being asked. After all, its my work, my photos and my text. Why should anyone think that they can simply take that without permission?


Well maybe because you uploaded it to a public web site instead of your own web site? I agree that it should be fully credited to you, but I'm not convinced it is necessary to ask you first if you have uploaded it to a public web site. Doing so could be construed as making it publicly available.





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  • RMweb Gold

I upload content to share my modelling experiences, not to have my content freely distributed around t'net without being asked. After all, its my work, my photos and my text. Why should anyone think that they can simply take that without permission?




Or perhaps either ignorant of copyright, or just damned rude!


I have a feeling that this thread started because someone posted some of my pictures, taken from my blog, on their own web page without permission or even giving credit (the same person also copied a pic. taken from someone elses layout thread). After e-mailing them I am now at least credited but have not had an apology or even a reply to my message. If the person had contacted me in the first place I would probably have given permission and perhaps even re-took the photos in better conditions (the pictures were of 'workbench' quality). At the very least I would have e-mailed them higher resolution copies of the original pics.


To my mind, posting someone elses work on your own thread/blog etc. without giving credit could be seen as passing off someone elses modelling as your own.


Thanks for bringing this up Andy and clarifying the rules, but would the offenders read this?


It was a photo of mine that Paul says was also taken, on contacting the person at first they denied that it was my photo but they have since credited me but I also have not had an apology. As Paul said if they had asked I would have given permission freely but in future (unless it is someone I know and trust) I would think twice about giving permission.

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If someone uploads their content to a public web site or forum such as Flickr, Photobucket, RMweb, etc., it seems to me that there is a reasonable assumption that the intent was for the content to be shared -- providing it is not done for commercial gain, and proper credit is given. Many uploaders do specifically say as much.


If someone wants to publish their content on the internet with full copyright protection, it would be much safer to do it on their own web site or blog site. It is then abundantly clear to all that the content is private property. Such content can then be linked into posts elsewhere if required. It is really quite easy to have your own web site, and there are many places on the web which will create a free web site for you, such as http://www.webs.com and many others.




Quite so, Martin,


Although, over the past months, several of my images / pics, posted on RMweb, only, have been hot-linked on to Google ?, with a link to this forum ?

Can any one searching there, and downloading, say, EMU pics, access said image, without contacting RMweb, and asking for their permission ?


I have noticed that Google, on here at least, are one of the most prominent members / users ?, judging by this forum's 'Users online'...... I'd be most interested to know, if Google have anything useful to contribute here, or are they merely trawling ?


As you say, once anything is posted onto the wwweb, it is immediately 'common' knowledge, but, it would be good to get a little feedback from the outsiders,... occasionally.


Cheers, Frank.

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