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Perhaps a nice portrait of the B1?


I am hoping to get a snap or two of the B1 in action on Dock Green this weekend - if I do I will post it here - I hope it's in time to appear on page 100!



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We had a good day at the Eastleigh Show today - a few glitches, the occasional stall, derailment and operator error (mea culpa) but it all went well. The B1 was given a run out from the new cassette (some photos will follow later)


Towards the end of the day I was dragged away from the back of the layout and told by the judging group that they had decided that Dock Green was the best layout at the show. Golly!




I get to keep the cup for a year.



I think it was the Ixion Fowler with EDM sound wot dunnit.

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I did say I would post some snaps of 61027 if they were worth looking at.......you judge.




You might just imagine the yard foreman's language when the B1 turned up, substituting for the usual J50. "Where are we going to put that *&%$£+ thing?". A call through to Hornsey shed and a lot of abuse (the foreman at the shed supports Spurs and our man is a Gunners follower) turns the air a darker shade of blue.




Well, they tucked it away on the transfer siding so that some shunting could go on.


Later (and there must be a turntable or triangle nearby) the B1 is on the front of the return working. The photographer seems oblivious to the unusual visitor, he's more interested in the Peckett (well it is a bit of a cutey).




At last the board comes off and the unwanted visitor can leave the yard. The foreman is back on the blower to 34B - "If you pull a stunt like that again......."   The Hornsey man is already working out if he can borrow a V2.




The last snap would benefit from some Photoshopping, a job for later....



Edited by chaz
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We had a good day at the Eastleigh Show today - a few glitches, the occasional stall, derailment and operator error (mea culpa) but it all went well. The B1 was given a run out from the new cassette (some photos will follow later)


Towards the end of the day I was dragged away from the back of the layout and told by the judging group that they had decided that Dock Green was the best layout at the show. Golly!




I get to keep the cup for a year.



Well done! I had a similar shock when "Trezeath" won a similar award at Erith a couple of years ago.


Much as I would have liked to visit Barton Peverill again, I was stymied by the reduced and extended schedules of the train service due to them putting in some new crossings at Wimbledon.

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Well done! I had a similar shock when "Trezeath" won a similar award at Erith a couple of years ago.


Much as I would have liked to visit Barton Peverill again, I was stymied by the reduced and extended schedules of the train service due to them putting in some new crossings at Wimbledon.


There will be other chances if you want to see Dock Green. Watch this topic for details of future shows.

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I like the B1 (you said WHAT Paul....!!!! :jester: ).  But as you say, I am sure there would have been a choice few Anglo Saxon words banded about.  Can you offer a V2 then Chaz?  Or even an O2 (the LNER kind, not the Southern type!)?


There is a V2 in a box in a cupboard, it may make an occasional foray onto Dock Green's grimy metals.




You will note the signal, an LNER wooden post UQ starter. I have since replaced this with a lattice post GNR somersault signal, more interesting I think.


An O2? Almost unknown in London after the war, I only saw one in all my trainspotting days. I was on the long footbridge at Hatfield with Dad when one came through heading north. Checking my 1958 Ian Allan part 4 (60000-99999) I see it was 63958. A much more likely 2-8-0 would be a WD Austerity.



Edited by chaz
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A continuing aggravation for me is the problem caused to trains running into the yard from the cassettes suffering derailments and/or uncouplings. The layout was being a bit of a prima donna at the show on Sunday and we had a few too many of these embarrassing moments. Was it showing off after winning "best layout"?


Unfortunately any derailments only show up when the vehicles run onto the Peco track - which is in full view of the public. So I intend to change how we use the cassettes. It will involve adding a new section of baseboard on the end of the warehouse board. This need be no longer than the longest cassette plus a bit of working slack. The existing cassette areas, which are at present plain plywood will be laid with Peco track with the transition pieces (which the cassettes couple to) repositioned at the RH end. The new section will be hidden from public gaze by the type of screen which is often used to hide a fiddle-yard - it can carry a labelled trackplan, information and maybe some jolly snaps.

To make up a train to arrive in the yard each cassette in turn will be hooked up to the transition. First the loco cassette and then in turn each of the two wagon cassettes are coupled up to  the transition and the stock moved onto the hidden length of Peco track. Once the train is complete any derailments can be corrected and the couplings checked while the train is still out of sight of the public. The train can then run into view (on plain, straight track) without the clatter of wheels in the four foot or the shout of "train divided".

There are a number of aspects of working with the cassettes that will be made easier, not the least an end to the struggle of working with the cassettes under the warehouse.
This is my sketch of the short extension - I anticipate it will be about 700mm long.




The extension and the extra legs to support it shouldn't take too long to make. There are a few modifications to make to the existing board as well.



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A continuing aggravation for me is the problem caused to trains running into the yard from the cassettes suffering derailments and/or uncouplings. The layout was being a bit of a prima donna at the show on Sunday and we had a few too many of these embarrassing moments. Was it showing off after winning "best layout"?


Unfortunately any derailments only show up when the vehicles run onto the Peco track - which is in full view of the public. So I intend to change how we use the cassettes. It will involve adding a new section of baseboard on the end of the warehouse board. This need be no longer than the longest cassette plus a bit of working slack. The existing cassette areas, which are at present plain plywood will be laid with Peco track with the transition pieces (which the cassettes couple to) repositioned at the RH end. The new section will be hidden from public gaze by the type of screen which is often used to hide a fiddle-yard - it can carry a labelled trackplan, information and maybe some jolly snaps.


To make up a train to arrive in the yard each cassette in turn will be hooked up to the transition. First the loco cassette and then in turn each of the two wagon cassettes are coupled up to  the transition and the stock moved onto the hidden length of Peco track. Once the train is complete any derailments can be corrected and the couplings checked while the train is still out of sight of the public. The train can then run into view (on plain, straight track) without the clatter of wheels in the four foot or the shout of "train divided".


There are a number of aspects of working with the cassettes that will be made easier, not the least an end to the struggle of working with the cassettes under the warehouse.

This is my sketch of the short extension - I anticipate it will be about 700mm long.




The extension and the extra legs to support it shouldn't take too long to make. There are a few modifications to make to the existing board as well.



The misbehaviour on Sunday was almsot due to a lack of military discipline as we had very few problems when I was operating on Saturday.


Instead of the privacy screen, which sounds like something pillaged from a public convenience, how about a display case to show-off some of your lovely excess rolling stock.

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The misbehaviour on Sunday was almsot due to a lack of military discipline as we had very few problems when I was operating on Saturday.


Instead of the privacy screen, which sounds like something pillaged from a public convenience, how about a display case to show-off some of your lovely excess rolling stock.


military discipline - of course, how silly of me, that's what we lack.


"how about a display case to show-off some of your lovely excess rolling stock"   Do you know I never thought of that. It's a damned good idea. The only reluctance I have is that it might be a rather fragile item to put in the van - but then people do take them to shows (I've seen 'em :jester: ).

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military discipline - of course, how silly of me, that's what we lack.


"how about a display case to show-off some of your lovely excess rolling stock"   Do you know I never thought of that. It's a damned good idea. The only reluctance I have is that it might be a rather fragile item to put in the van - but then people do take them to shows (I've seen 'em :jester: ).

If you know sn ex-military type perhaps they can find you some army surplus bullet proof glass for the display unit...

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