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Dapol 2013 Catalogue...


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Sorry, I couldn't resist.


I'm aware that a post on May 21 elsewhere on this board, Dapol Dave stated he thought Joel would have the catalogue out in early June.


However, in all seriousness, I believe we were originally teased with "It'll be out in April." Then it was "May" and then it was "June." And that is fine. I'm sure Dapol has perfectly valid reasons. But at some point, some will start to wonder if the repeated delays in releasing the 2012 catalouge indicate something is amiss at Dapol, and not just with its catalogue. Admittedly, I have.


Strictly from my point of view as a consumer, at the very least the catalogue release has been poorly handled. If it wasn't going to be ready until June an earlier issue date should never have been hinted at.


I am hoping it comes out this week.



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Joel on facebook has said June and the hattons website suggests towards the end of the month, doubt very much this week with the bank holidays etc. The last thread on this subject ended up being locked so with no new info suspect this may go the same way.


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