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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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Its oozing so much quality and atmosphere that it doesn't even need rolling stock in the pics...wonderful modelling.


That's one of my "marks of a good layout" - is there enough interest when there's not a train to be seen. This one scores very highly :)

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  • RMweb Premium



Can I ask where you got the station signs and poster boards in #97 please?


Many thanks,




Hi Dave. The posters, including ones on the station building and in the shelter, are from a sheet produced by Kirtley Model Buildings and entitled British Railways Western Region Poster Boards Sheet KMB 21. The lettering on the station name board is from Slaters but sadly the origin of the board itself is lost in the mists of time. It is a metal casting probably bought from www.invertrain.com where I have bought many items over the years. I had a quick look at the site and the most likely source is PLM but there is no picture. Perhaps there is someone out there who recognises the it.


I hope this is some help.



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  • RMweb Gold

Super Rob!


Who needs rolling stock for a layout to work!


Good luck with the airbrush - they do take some practice, but really pleased that I bought mine. The Tim Shackelton DVD is also a good one. I would strongly recommend Martin Welch's book - The Art of Weathering.

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Hi Dave. The posters, including ones on the station building and in the shelter, are from a sheet produced by Kirtley Model Buildings and entitled British Railways Western Region Poster Boards Sheet KMB 21. The lettering on the station name board is from Slaters but sadly the origin of the board itself is lost in the mists of time. It is a metal casting probably bought from www.invertrain.com where I have bought many items over the years.




Many thanks for the info,



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks to everyone for the comments. When you enjoy doing something, knowing others get pleasure out of your work just adds that extra something to the mix.


Cheers Rob

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Smashing modelling again Rob :)

Really like the overall tone & weathering of the track, ballast, platform edging, and walls etc

It all looks so nicely subtle & subdued....


As one of the above comments says - it looks great without any stock

theres plenty of detail to feast the eye on, and keep an onlooker busy,

looking about the scene


Can't wait to see it with some stock....


Cheers again, and lucky you,

getting a railway related birthday pressie ;)



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  • RMweb Premium
name='marc smith' timestamp='1345811290' post='767582']

Really like the overall tone & weathering of the track, ballast, platform edging, and walls etc

It all looks so nicely subtle & subdued....




Thanks Marc. I think the reason is I use a very limited palette. The base colour for the track, stonework, paving etc is Railmatch Sleeper Grime and Precision paints Track Dirt. I know one is acrylic and one enamel but the colours are very close and it all blends in somehow.

name='Stubby47' timestamp='1345812318' post='767605']



Just looking back at some of the photos - how did you paint /colour the tiles outside the station building in your arty photo in post #80 ?




I was afraid someone would ask a detailed question like that! The tiles are from a Slaters sheet of 7mm setts. I then use very wet washes of colour until I am satisfied with the result, starting with the sleeper grime, followed by a lighter Tamiya buff paint, and finally something called Grot, produced by a firm called Finishing Touches from Leicester. Incidently he will be down at Hayle at the weekend. You can see why I was hoping no one would ask :no: . I tend to aquire paint when I see it and hoard it away till needed, hence the odd mixture.





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Well I managed to buy myself an airbrush at the weekend but am resisting any temptation to get started at the moment, as I want to have a clear work table to work on and that is not possible yet. I am by nature fairly neat and ordered but when I start modelling everything changes and I seem to need everything I need or might need immediately available. This means I end up working on a square foot of cutting board, with mounds of bits and pieces surrounding, and this is not the best situation for learning to use an airbrush.


So the plan is to finish the scenic work after we get back from Telford and Wales. One of the pleasures of building micros is that you can finish, and I always remember the advice of an art teacher I knew once which was that, know when you have finished a painting and don't fiddle, advice I follow with my modelling as I am really creating a picture of sorts. At that point I can have a good clear up and get rid of all the bits I don't need. When that is done I have to rearrange my room so that I can erect Osney with its two fiddle yards and see it operational at last. On that I have started work on the second fiddle yard which will be quite basic, just two sidings. Then I can start practicing with the airbrush and get on with weathering the stock which I am really looking forward to but not without a little apprehension.


Thats the plan, but like all good plans anything could go wrong, so watch this space. Finally you have only seen bits of Osney so far so will end with two piccies of the whole six feet as sometimes it is easy to forget that that is all it is.







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  • RMweb Premium

Looks great Rob!

Will be good to see this next year!

I will drop you a pm in the next few days.


Thanks Richard. Looking forward to it but seems a long way away at the moment.


Don't worry if you don't get an immediate reply to your PM as we might be on our travels.


Cheers Rob

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Thought it was time for an update although there has been little modelling to report on. We thoroughly enjoyed Guildex and I managed to get some scenic material but not what I really wanted which was a good quality grass mat. I like to use small pieces to break up areas of static grass and to use as a base material. So had to buy online eventually when I got home. I bought a mat from the miniNatur range and am fairly pleased with it and it should look fine as part of other areas of grass. While at Guildex I also stocked up on paint for future weathering and got some lamps for the station plus a couple of mineral wagons from Lionheart, but these were for my birthday so they have been taken away! Actually quite a useful purchase in the light of what happened later.


We also enjoyed Wales and sampled the delights of the Festiniog, Welsh Highland and Llangollen railways. Got home invigorated but strangely flat in modelling terms. So instead of getting on with scenic work I re-arranged the railway room and erected Osney in its entirety. Discovered I had at least 2 and a 1/2 inches to spare, so it pays to measure twice! While moving the scenic boards I had a senior moment and forgot about the two wagons left on the track and could only stand and watch as they flew off the end and crashed to the floor. I have put the remains away in a draw for the moment and will look at them at another time. Luckily I have two new wagons to come. :no: Finally managed to run a loco the length of the track. Quite wore out the poor little loco as it is quite the furthest it has ever had to travel.


Thats about it for the moment but hope to get back to the scenic work soon. I thought I would post a couple of photos of the railway room to show how everything is packed in and my tidy work space.








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  • RMweb Premium

We also enjoyed Wales and sampled the delights of the Festiniog, Welsh Highland and Llangollen railways. Got home invigorated but strangely flat in modelling terms.

Sounds like you need to start modelling Narrow-Gauge Rob!


Layout is looking great in the wider photos.




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Sometimes a good sort out is just as important as getting some modelling done

Wish I was as disciplined ;)


Looking great sir....

All very inspirational for those of us who like small layouts

and great to see those wider views, to put everything in context


Keep 'em coming




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I don't know about discipline, Marc, sometimes its more about finding that little item you need to finish a job which you know you only put down five minutes ago!



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  • RMweb Premium

I don't know about discipline, Marc, sometimes its more about finding that little item you need to finish a job which you know you only put down five minutes ago!

Five minutes? I can lose it in 30 seconds!

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On 28/09/2012 at 19:49, HSB said:



This problem is obviously more widespread than I thought. I wish I knew what caused it because it seems to be getting worse.


Depite these on going difficulties I have been doing abit of hedging and general planting. It may require some fine tuning but will leave it for a while and see how it strikes me later. I expect SWMBO will say it requires more colour in the form of flowers and these will be presented in due course.I don't think I have mentioned her contribution before but locally one modeller refers to her as the buddlea lady



Osney 015.jpg

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Guest 838rapid

Great looking layout.


Can I ask a question about the platform though.


What isits width and Length,just I am loose marking mine,but dont know what width to go for.



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  • RMweb Premium


Can I ask a question about the platform though.


What isits width and Length,just I am loose marking mine,but dont know what width to go for.




Hi 838rapid


When trying to build a reasonable looking platform in 6 feet compromise is everything, but I have tried to stick to some guidelines. The minimum distance between buildings and the platform edge used to be 6ft and I have got that in front of the shelter where it is 42mm. For the rest of the platform I managed to get a width of a scale 9ft, thats 63mm. The length is 1114mm which is about 154 ft in real terms. That will take 2 coaches and a loco but it would look very cramped and I will only use a single coach on the layout which gives a reasonable balance between train length and platform length.


Hope this is of some help.


Cheers Rob

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Hi Rob & 838rapid,


Yes, I agree, it's difficult to get the required minimum standards into such a small area

Most railway companies had their minimum platform width (depth?)

but there are always exceptions to the rules....


It depends on what area / company, and era etc

but there are "tricks" you can use to disguise where you have squeezed dimensions...

Rob, you have used some of these already I note;

such as not over-cluttering the platform, ensuring minimum width is adhered to around buildings,

placing figures well back from the platform edge etc....


Another trick/illusion you may want to consider 838rapid,

is when planning the placement of station buildings,

if the platform is relatively short, don't place the station building bang in the middle....

.... this will make the platform appear shorter...

try placing the building 2/3 or 3/4 of the way along


This has the effect of making one end of the platform appear longer

Also, try placing any huts / outbuildings in a group, close to the main building,

and leave the longer section of platform empty of passengers and general clutter....

Edited by marc smith
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Guest 838rapid

Cheers Rob and Marc for your help.


As you say about buildings placement I am looking at a GWR pagoda building and a oil store only,as you say placing them in the first quater of the platform.


I tried to guestimate the length using a Heljan 47 scale 63 ft or thereabouts as a rule,


However the width was soo confusing to master.


Time for a fresh marking out session.

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