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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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  • RMweb Premium

Absolutely blown away with the level of detail in all your models. My mind is collecting together ideas/inspiration from your skills with every picture you post! Keep up the exceptional work!

Thanks for your comments, its always good to know that your efforts are appreciated by other modellers but I really don't think I am doing anything that others can't do. I work on the kis principle, keep it simple, mainly because I don't do complicated.It may look detailed but I do use a broad brush approach and a limited colour palette. I also do a lot of research and observation whenever possible and we can all do that.


Cheers Rob

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Thanks for your comments, its always good to know that your efforts are appreciated by other modellers but I really don't think I am doing anything that others can't do. I work on the kis principle, keep it simple, mainly because I don't do complicated.It may look detailed but I do use a broad brush approach and a limited colour palette. I also do a lot of research and observation whenever possible and we can all do that.


Cheers Rob


Rob, you are a modest man, I can tell :)


Your modelling skills are of a very high standard sir!

Modelling skills are not limited to how well you can build a kit, make a working chasis,

or complicated painting & lining


Modelling railways encompasses so many skills,

no-one can be adept at all of them....

but what makes a model look good in my opinion,

is a consistency throughout the whole scene....


Planning is as much a modelling skill as any other requirement

and I'm in the same camp as you, regarding keeping things simple

that's not to say I don't like more complicated layouts - far from it


But I do like the "less is more" appraoch, for my own models

I think building a micro or small layout can really help you focus on what details are important,

and what details can make a layout too "fussy"


The fact that all your layouts so far have been fab,

is a sign that you have planned well....

a small scene can be both overdone, and too simplistic

You Rob, have a gift for knowing just how far to go....


To anyone thinking of building a layout,

or to anyone thinking they haven't space for one,

try your hand at a small layout like this....

you can learn so much - honest :)


Keep us posted with progress Rob


Cheers again


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I agree with Marc that planning and consistency across the whole scene is as important as any other aspect of modelling. However, there is also that je ne sais quoi about some layouts both large and small which may be down to a natural eye for composition. Looking at the three (and a half) layouts shown in the preceding pages, I think Rob's got it in spades.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm not quite sure how to reply to the comments from Marc, Nigel and Buckjumper, other than to say thank you guys, it is appreciated, and move quickly on to an update.


I have been working on the station building and the new industrial building and am nearly there with both:







I tried an arty shot of the station forecourt but I don't think the camera or the photographer are quite up to it.





Next job will be the footbridge supports. More later.



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  • RMweb Gold

I tried an arty shot of the station forecourt but I don't think the camera or the photographer are quite up to it.


Of course they are...but can I suggest a black piece of card/cloth against the bridge opening to hide the CD's? :P


Excellent work as usual Rob...love the colouring on the station roof.

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  • RMweb Premium





Excellent work as usual Rob...love the colouring on the station roof.

Hi Pete, the colour is a Woodlands Scenic paint, their Road System Top Coat, Asphalt. I used it alot on The Shed but never for the purpose intended. On the station roof it has been dusted quite heavily with a medium grey weathering powder with a little rust powder thrown in for good measure. Glad you liked the result.



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  • RMweb Premium

I have been concentrating on the footbridge at the south end of the layout and it is now nearly complete. It just requires a little more weathering and some vegetation. Before I do that I need to stock up on grass and other green items. I like to see what I am buying as I find some material too bright and 'green' and the local supplies are limited. So all the final greenery will have to wait until SWMBO and I make our annual pilgrimage to Telford and Guildex in early September and see what is available.


The new industrial unit also acts as a screen to hide a whole I have cut in the backscene. This is to provide access to a control for a working signal that is neccessary at the platform end, needed because for the first time I have a layout that can have two trains together in the station area. In accordance with my principle of keeping it simple I am hoping to use wire in tube control, but working signals are a new thing for me so fingers crossed!


A couple of photos to show progress, The first is especially for bcnpete. :no::no:


Cheers Rob





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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course they are...but can I suggest a black piece of card/cloth against the bridge opening to hide the CD's? :P


Excellent work as usual Rob...love the colouring on the station roof.


Or a mirror of course Pete ;)


Marc (who else?)


Edit: PS Looking good Rob :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Or a mirror of course Pete ;)

It did cross my mind to copy the 'Master', but I didn't have a mirror handy!


on reflection... :jester: looks terrific Rob - the rusting effect on the metal cladding looks great...

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  • RMweb Premium

I thought it was about time I posted an update on progress. I am getting to the stage when the major construction on the scenic section is finished and am now looking at the finer detailed aspects which hopefully will bring the layout to life. You will see from the footbridge end that a signal has been added and the dummy point has had dummy point rodding added, athough the photo doesn't show it that well. The signal does work but you will have to take my word for that.A low embankment has been added to the right of the footbridge and the station platform has now been surfaced.


At the station end the embankment has been added behind the buffer stop and there has been some work to the rear of the platform, but that is out of sight!


Although I am waiting for Telford to stock up on greenery I have found I have more than I thought in stock so may be able to make some progress with that before too long.


Yesterday I managed to get around to having some wood cut at the local DIY for the second fiddle yard, so now I just need to find the space for it when built.


Hopefully I'm not boring you with these updates,


Cheers Rob


I was about to post a couple of photos at this point but discovered that the new system won't allow anything over 2MB, so will have to investigate further.

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  • RMweb Premium

After some help from Stubby47 I think I can now add some piccies to make sense of my previous post.







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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Jonte for your comment, and I must be doing something right Stu. The risk is always that you like the new work better than the old and then have a problem. I am a little concerned that the area of vegetation opposite the station may require re-working. On Osney Town it was largely hidden by the Goods Shed and didn't get a lot of time spent on it on the basis of it being out of site and out of mind.


I've just had a thought, perhaps I haven't improved my modelling in the last two years :jester:

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Considering that's the original set of backscene buildings, the new front part of the layout looks perfectly natural, as if it's always been there.


.... I'll second that :)

Rob, I'm sure you will add "life" to the scene with all the little details

I wouldn't worry about the vegetation opposite the station needing re-working....

.... I'm sure you will instinctively know when it feels right

you certainly demonstrated that with your previous layouts


Perhaps restrain yourself a little - adding a bit at a time?

That's something I tend to preach, but not practice...

as I think I tend to overdo greenery sometimes.....


Looking great sir,

and that signal brings the bridge to life.....




EDIT: PS. I also really like the corrugated iron panels on the side of the bridge too

I think you've got the colour, texture & tone spot on

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  • RMweb Premium



I always wanted to ask you this question - are these wonderful buildings on your layout all built from scratch, or did you use any kits?

Hi Ulrich


Yes, all the buildings are scratch built although I do buy some architectural items like windows but I try and make as much as possible. It's the part of modelling I enjoy most, that and the scenery, just don't ask me to build anything that moves, like a loco as I wouldn't know where to start!



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Scratchbuilt buildings always give a layout a unique feel...

even if there are only 1 or 2 on the layout, among recognisable kitbuilt examples or off-the-shelf models

Black Rat has made some really nice improvements and finishing touches to several OO ready to plant buildings

- it's a differnt scale, but his ideas are transferrable to other scales,

and we are now seeing the likes of Bachmann, releasing some nice 7mm stuff.....

all "tweakable" to give that unique feel.....


Anyhow, Robs buildings are great :)

and they really make his layouts....


but it's also down to careful planning, and knowing when a building looks "right"

and when it is sat in a position where it genuinely looks as if it belongs there


Great modelling Rob

I'm sure you are helping inspire others with this thread


Cheers again


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  • RMweb Premium

I agree Marc that the position and massing of the buildings should be right as well and I have said before that I use card mockups sometimes, but even then things go wrong.


When I was building Osney Town I built the shell of the Goods Shed, tried it on the layout and immediately realised it was too big and dominated the space available. I left it for several days but realised that if I left it it would always be wrong so I had to bite the bullet and take a saw to it and I reduced the length by about 20%, and was glad after that I had done it, though it was a difficult decision at the time.


Similarly with The Shed I decided that some of the buildings at the rear were too small in relation to others. Luckily they were behind a wall so I was able to raise them up on a plinth and increase their impact that way.


So the moral of this story is, as my old boss used to say, get it right first time, or more realistically be prepared to change things if you are not happy with them.


And now for a quick up-date.






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  • RMweb Premium

This may be the last photo update of progress until I get back from Telford and a few days in North Wales to sample some actual steam. I need to collect a few bits and pieces at Guildex to complete various areas including the foreground and its vegetation, and some of the platform details. I have all the rolling stock I need to operate the layout, although you can always make room for a bit more, and SWMBO has asked if there is anything at Telford I need as I do have a birthday coming up soon!


You may have noticed an absence of stock in the photos and this is because most of it needs weathering before making an appearance. I have tried a little in the past, using a brush, but compared to some of the beautiful weathering I have seen on this forum it leaves a great deal to be desired. Consequently I am off this weekend to buy an airbrush and hopefully get practicing. I have also got a copy of Tim Shackleton's book on loco weathering which I have been reading avidly.


So, now to the latest piccies:












I have pondered for some time as to what type of fencing to use on the back of the platform, but finally settled on standard picket fencing, as I had some available, but went for the less common paint treatment. I don't know what you think but I am quite pleased with the result.


Finally a couple of shots of those areas only the 'little people' can see, although I am always surprised where some photographers manage to get there cameras at shows!




Cheers Rob

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