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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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3 hours ago, Stubby47 said:

Hi Rob, have you thought about putting the track/s at an angle, rather than parallel with the edge?

Hi Stu, I haven't but I understand where you are coming from and I would agree that parallel lines are not always the best and I would  probably opt for a curve if I could. I will have a ponder though but I rather think that my limited size will mean that it may have to be parallel but on the plus side the last photos don't show the rest of the board as there will be, possibly, a Y point which will add a curved element. Good to hear from you, 


regards Rob

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if you had a stream with bushes and trees along the course so the train was only visible between them would that reduce the impact of the train sufficiently?



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On 26/01/2022 at 09:06, Donw said:



if you had a stream with bushes and trees along the course so the train was only visible between them would that reduce the impact of the train sufficiently?



Hi Don,


Yes that was plan A but now I'm not so sure  and I was quite keen on modelling a stream! Still am really.



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OJ13.JPG.cbf3acecf53d306af6025ad81e443f96.JPGOJ14.JPG.40bb4c5a25e81101ec6aa8ab271abd5d.JPGOJ15.JPG.43a8ea828ed73b6686b7984ba4c56473.JPGHave been having a ponder about Don's comment and produced the following but don't look to closely at photos as old scrappage items have been used to give an idea. It might work.



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I could see now a couple of lads with nets on a stick and jam jars, and perhaps a fisherman fast alsleep while his rod obviously has a catch (either bent over or the float bobbing).



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13 hours ago, Donw said:

I could see now a couple of lads with nets on a stick and jam jars, and perhaps a fisherman fast alsleep while his rod obviously has a catch (either bent over or the float bobbing).



Let's not carried away now, although.... I am now wondering about a packet of jam sandwiches to go with the two lads. Food for thought.

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Hi Everyone,


I have been busy removing the old track ballast and some of the cork underlay ground cover in preparation for which ever direction I go in. I must say I am inching towards the stream being at the front of the board. When this issue of the size of the rolling stock first came up on an earlier build, the platform line was very close to the edge of the board and I had very limited space, a couple of inches or so, in which to lessen the impact. This time I have about 9 inches to play with and the photos to follow up Don's comments show that this can have a significant effect. While the trees etc would be very different  and the ground level could also be raised, I think it could well work. 


The new photos help to emphasize this fact and also show where the track would be curved  using a Y point, which would help to reduce the parallel effect. The buildings dotted around in the background are there merely to provide me with some ideas and anything could happen in the area if I go down this route. The old track bed would form part of the new stream bed but would obviously have to be swung away from the track towards  and under the bridge. That's it for the moment but the old excitement is coming back so watch this space, and also, thank you for the many 'likes' which seem to favour the stream option.


Regards Rob




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2 hours ago, sb67 said:

What about a light railway type wooden platform, that might not look so substantial but not sure if it's prototypical for the area you're modelling? 

Hi Steve, thanks for the suggestion. Timber would certainly be appropriate for the look I am after and was used, to some extent, on both the Looe branch and the Culm valley branch. So a possible in my head.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Progress continues, but slowly. The attached photo shows that track has been cut and  positioned but not fixed in any way. The old track formation has been swung away from the original. Those of you following this saga will probably pick up on the clues here, from the track formation and the former track bed, yes that's right, the stream at the front of the board has won out!





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  • 1 month later...
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Hi All,


I have been playing around with card buildings and other bits of salvage from previous layouts. I like to leave things in place for a few days and then come back to the layout. This I find helps in planning the final composition and , hopefully, prevents any false starts. It means the build is somewhat slow but reflects the look I am going for and gets me to the point of actual building which is where I think I am now. The photos illustrate the current ideas. The intention is to raise the foreground a little so that the land slopes to the stream. This would be from the edge of the board rather than shown on the photos! As always, comments welcome.







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It's always very convenient when streams run straight and parallel to any later railway track, or will there be evidence of the stream having been re-aligned at some point in the past ?



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Thanks for that Don and Stu, I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Have I missed something obvious? My stream has meandered along this valley since time began, or at least before the railway and is so gentle and quiet in its movement to the sea that it troubles no one, not even the railway. In fact it is lined with reeds and other assorted vegetation. The only problem now is how do I actually portray all that fantasy, do I use multiple layers of varnish or use one of the professional water treatments. How do you get the reeds to appear to grow out of the water and not appear just glued to the surface? All these and many other questions in my head remain unanswered. More importantly it is now time to go and collect the shopping which my wife has ordered, so answers to these questions will be put on hold, and perhaps someone will come up with solutions or point me in the direction of those who have already been down this modelling route.


Regards to all, Rob

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Put down a layer of pva and stick the reeds in it and allow to dry clear. Add additional layers of pva, as required to build up the depth, but allow each to dry clear. NB. Not all pva dries clear, try a piece first. 


You may already have sorted a solution, due to the enforced shutdown. 



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21 hours ago, Siberian Snooper said:

Put down a layer of pva and stick the reeds in it and allow to dry clear. Add additional layers of pva, as required to build up the depth, but allow each to dry clear. NB. Not all pva dries clear, try a piece first. 


You may already have sorted a solution, due to the enforced shutdown. 



Thanks for that suggestion, not one I had considered. I am some way from actually doing any work on the stream but all ideas will be gratefully received and tried. With your suggestion I guess you would need to dilute the pva to insure it has a smooth finish and can 'flow' into the areas you want it to go.



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Just brush it on neat, but not to thick,  about a millimetre at a time, the brush marks usually flatten out of it's own accord and a little rippling shouldn't be a problem, it's not often you get conditions that allow a dead flat surface.



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  • 1 month later...
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In the absence of any significant progress at Osney junction I had a wander down to the wharf and came on a remarkable sight. I have no idea what an auto-trailer was doing parked on the quayside while 7404 shunted the farm industries siding and the handful of passengers in the coach were probably just as mystified. On the assumption that this was never going to happen again I took a couple of photos in case no one believed me.


You can tell that my efforts to get going with the next layout have faltered, not with lack of ideas, those are established, but with lack of motivation. I am suffering from what I like to call that 'blank canvas syndrome' when you find it difficult to actually make that first positive step rather than using mock-ups etc because at that point you are committed. The answer to the riddle of the auto trailer may have something to do with testing clearances and having come out of its box the wharf was a handy place to park it.


On a different subject we have visited a couple of local shows recently and how wonderful it is to get back to some form of normality and to see old friends again, even though some of them are trying to convince me to exhibit The Wharf at some point.


Regards Rob.




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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi, and finally some positive action to report, not a lot, but progress of a kind. Track has been laid and ballasted and a basic paint job added which will do for the moment. Platform edging has also made an appearance and you will see that I have gone down the timber route as discussed earlier and suggested by Steve. I think it will work quite well for the location. In the photos the platform surface is 'building reclamation' but something similar should blend well. I think the next step should be a look at the two bridges which will frame the whole layout but I need to be clear in my head as to the number of arches and their function. A recent trip down the Looe branch helped with ideas, also with the relationship between the stream  and the line which runs alongside for a good way. That's it for now,





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1 hour ago, rcf said:

Hi, and finally some positive action to report, not a lot, but progress of a kind. Track has been laid and ballasted and a basic paint job added which will do for the moment. Platform edging has also made an appearance and you will see that I have gone down the timber route as discussed earlier and suggested by Steve. I think it will work quite well for the location. In the photos the platform surface is 'building reclamation' but something similar should blend well. I think the next step should be a look at the two bridges which will frame the whole layout but I need to be clear in my head as to the number of arches and their function. A recent trip down the Looe branch helped with ideas, also with the relationship between the stream  and the line which runs alongside for a good way. That's it for now,





That's coming on very nicely.

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Hi there Rob.

Good to see you've made some progress - and it's looking good I must say.
I took a trip along the Looe branch last year. I had intended to do so for many years, but never seemed to get around to it.

It's such an atmospheric, modellogenic line (I'm sure I either Iain Rice or Gordon Gravett used that term!). Yes, the stream does run alongside the track for some distance. Of course, the estuary runs alongside the track too - and the line is sandwiched between both.... and it's really quite delightful. I think it looks great on your layout, and will add some nice foreground interest.

Looking forward to seeing this one progress.
Hope you are well good sir? :) 

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2 hours ago, marc smith said:

Hi there Rob.

Good to see you've made some progress - and it's looking good I must say.
I took a trip along the Looe branch last year. I had intended to do so for many years, but never seemed to get around to it.

It's such an atmospheric, modellogenic line (I'm sure I either Iain Rice or Gordon Gravett used that term!). Yes, the stream does run alongside the track for some distance. Of course, the estuary runs alongside the track too - and the line is sandwiched between both.... and it's really quite delightful. I think it looks great on your layout, and will add some nice foreground interest.

Looking forward to seeing this one progress.
Hope you are well good sir? :) 

Hi Marc, I have fond memories of Looe and its branch line as we used to visit when I was quite young, in fact I can say that I can remember steam on the line, which makes me feel very ancient. I can also remember seeing wagons on the quayside at what used to be the fish market, now all car parking! Even today there are so many aspects to the line that makes it  'modellogenic'.


Good to hear from you Marc, we are doing well as I hope you are. Its finding time to model that is the problem.


Regards Rob

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi there everyone, some progress to report, the shells of the two bridges which frame the platform have been completed which begins to give some form to the layout. There may not be an awful lot to report for awhile as summer holidays approach and I have also just agreed to exhibit Osney Town Wharf at a local show and I have realised that the presentational aspects had been left unfinished, so will have to spend a little time preparing it for showing, its first public outing!


I have also been re-installing the photos on the thread, so any body who is interested can now go back and view the saga in full. The biggest problem was finding the originals on my own chaotic system. The only gaps are where others have added their own photos but I can't do anything about that sadly. Hopefully all the photos will be re-installed at some point.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Everyone, as mentioned in the last post I have agreed to exhibit the Wharf at a local show over the bank holiday weekend. As a result I have been spending time finishing the presentation of the layout and also adding a few details and actually spending some time running the layout as it would be at  the show. 


The name is now on the facia/lighting board and velcro has been stuck around the boards to accomodate the screening curtain. So presentation ready. However when I had erected the layout with fiddle yard there was a slight discrepancy between the rail heights on the fiddle yard and the scenic boards, how I don't know. The result was that when propelling wagons on to the wharf, and all wagons will be propelled, some derailed. The solution was simple and just needed some packing under the rail, but a good reason for testing of the layout in operating conditions.


I have also been adding a few more small details to increase interest. After all, this part of the system may see the daily goods to Osney only deliver a wagon to the the wharf very occasionally and nothing might happen after that for a day or so, hardly inspired viewing, so while everyone is waiting for something to happen there will at least be something to look at. That's my theory anyway. 😁


Lastly I have been running in the Dapol 14xx as I had only had it out of the box to check it out, not easy when you only have about 7 feet of track. But it is now running well and the sound is very good, to my way of thinking. Oh yes, I have also been practicing using my magnetic shunters pole and learning the best technique re the coupling. It does work well but I can't guarantee there won't be bad language on the day!!


That's all for now , Rob

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