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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry to hear about the health problems,  but you sound as if you're on the mend. Great to hear that you're back doing a bit of modelling and getting back into the swing of it. You may not sit for all that long on the stool,  I find that I just sort of perch on the edge,  but it does help my back and takes the weight off my feet a bit.



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Thanks for all your supportive comments, and its good to be back and feeling more positive about everything.


Regards to you all Rob

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Hi Rob,


Really sorry to hear about your health issues but I am so pleased that you are feeling more positive about you modelling now. Your projects have been inspirational to so many of us over the years, even from afar. I have never met you, or seen one of your layouts in the flesh, but I have learnt so much from following the progress of your various layouts on here. I have picked up alot from you sharing your skills and modelling techniques. You have also done a great job in showing that you don't need acres of space to make fantastic layouts in 7mm scale. 


Thanks for sharing and I really look forward to seeing what you do moving forward. 




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5 hours ago, south_tyne said:

Hi Rob,


Really sorry to hear about your health issues but I am so pleased that you are feeling more positive about you modelling now. Your projects have been inspirational to so many of us over the years, even from afar. I have never met you, or seen one of your layouts in the flesh, but I have learnt so much from following the progress of your various layouts on here. I have picked up alot from you sharing your skills and modelling techniques. You have also done a great job in showing that you don't need acres of space to make fantastic layouts in 7mm scale. 


Thanks for sharing and I really look forward to seeing what you do moving forward. 




Hi David,


When I first read your comments I decided to take a few minutes to consider how to respond as it seemed completely inadequate to hit the thank you button. I think we all model for our own enjoyment and when you put your efforts on to a public forum you can never really know how others see your work, so I can only say a big thank you for your comments which are greatly appreciated.


Kind regards Rob

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22 hours ago, rcf said:

Hi David,


When I first read your comments I decided to take a few minutes to consider how to respond as it seemed completely inadequate to hit the thank you button. I think we all model for our own enjoyment and when you put your efforts on to a public forum you can never really know how others see your work, so I can only say a big thank you for your comments which are greatly appreciated.


Kind regards Rob


No need for thanks Rob, whilst we may start off modeling for our own enjoyment, the work of others can have a big impact in the wider community. That is equally so whether it is at an exhibition or through an online forum such as this. Osney, The Shed and Bude Quay (I think that is the right name?) have all been wonderful inspiration to me personally over the years and have been a big influence in me finally taking the plunge and going down the 7mm scale path. The atmosphere and character you create through your small projects is top draw - it's the care that goes into the creation of the overall picture that I most admire. I know what you will do next will have that similar impact. Keep up the good work.




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Everyone, although my last post suggested there was some progress down at New Osney, this was before the summer break , which included visitors and holidays, so not a lot has happened of late, but I  now have some free time and am making real progress at last. I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel, which gives even greater impetus to the build. I mustn't get too carried away though, as I haven't even looked at the fiddle yard yet. No photos at the moment but thought that I would at least let you know that things are going ahead but will try and get some posted soon.  


Regards Rob

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I have been working on the coal wharf, as well as other small details, with still work to do but thought some photos might be appropriate at this at stage. In the background you might spot that poor Mrs Williams has had to make do with sitting  on a luggage trolley for so long that I decided to give her a proper seat to sit on. She likes to sit the trains come and go but never actually catches one. Have also just noticed, having posted the photos, that a member of staff seems to have flattened a member of the public. On a more serious note I must get the station building bedded in







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Hi Everyone,


I have been doing further work to the coal wharf which is now about where I want it to be, in terms of weathering and general decrepitude, not sure if that is a word but it sums up the appearance I am looking for in the final finish.




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All,


I can't believe how long it is since I last posted. With so much happening in the world the weeks seem to flash past. Some of the problem is to do with the reasons I model. As those who follow this thread will know, it is the creation of the overall scene that I enjoy, and although a small layout has the advantage of being able to finish it in a small space of time, the disadvantage is that once complete there is no where else to go. Added to this is that for some reason the finished New Osney has failed to give the pleasure I normally get from completing a layout. When I look at it which is every day, I see a photographic backscene which I was unsure about at the start of the build, but convinced myself if would work, but which I now find unconvincing and a stand of Scots Pines which I rushed and now wish I had spent more time on.


All in all, it doesn't give me that little something which I like in a layout and so I have been sat sulking in my corner!! However I now find, especially in the current situation that I need to build something and I have turned my brain to the question of what? I have been inspired by some layouts on this forum, particularly Tricky with his 'Midland' layouts, but there are others as well. I do love modelling urban grot, so my mind has turned to a shunting layout, which I have always rejected in the past, but I now have my shunters pole and with careful planning it could give me the interest and movement in an urban setting that I seek.


However, and it is a big however, do I use a new baseboard or use an existing one and demolish one of my two layouts? Planning is at an early stage and decisions will need to be made but in the meantime how about this:



The idea for this comes from the old Town Quay at Wadebridge in Cornwall. The layout would serve a number of businesses set around the track which would incorporate that rare thing for me, a point. So what does everyone think, early stages yet but the brain is back in action, or at least some of it.


Regards Rob

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  • RMweb Gold

Having built a shunting plank (Tinner's Forge), and now building a second one (T-CATS), I can recommend them for exhibiting with as they keep the mind occupied (provided you use the card system to generate / match the wagon order).


Shunting in 7mm with a pole (for 3 links) would slow the whole process, which would also suit your style of layout (gentle backwater).


If you can, use a new baseboard, you might one day wish to go back to either of your existing ones, and /or link them to this new one.



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Hi there @rcf 
Nice to see you are dreaming of new schemes and plans.
I haven't been doing much modelling at all lately (as you have probably gathered) - mainly due to lack of time

I would firstly say, start afresh on a new board, rather than rip up an old model.
My last project was a similar affair - I tore up my "Carsmoors" EM gauge scrapyard, in order to start a new layout
However, almost from the outset, I was making compromises on the overall design and plan....
Some of those compromises (believe it or not) arose from me having more space on the board than my original concept
This drove me to add more trackwork and features.....

Anyhow, I won't bore you with that! But hopefully, you get my drift. Better to start a new concept without constraints, or uneven ground-work etc
Also. I'm sure someone would happily buy one of your old models. I think someone bought your first diorama, if I'm correct?

I've been doing a bit of dabbling myself lately - and I'm really pleased to see you're still itching to build something too :)
Good luck matey, all the best, and stay safe

Hwyl fawr from South Wales

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