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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Everyone,


Well there has been some more progress and as always once involved I feel the need to get on and produce something tangible but I fear I may be somewhat restricted and have to make do with short bursts of activity. The photos show that the basic frame work for two new buildings on the back scene have been put in place to test their impact on the overall picture and I am pretty happy with the size and general massing of the buildings. I am still thinking about how to deal with the corner to hide the old fiddle yard exit, an added complication being the corner is curved. I have one or two ideas but I need to get a bit further with the buildings before making any decisions. The plan is to complete the back scene and then move towards the front, just like painting a picture.











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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for that Don, getting back to the modelling makes me realise how much I enjoy the process of creating something new, or almost new, well, slightly new!


Regards Rob

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that Don, getting back to the modelling makes me realise how much I enjoy the process of creating something new, or almost new, well, slightly new!


Regards Rob


The US term 'remodelling' seems most apt.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Some recent photos of progress. The two new buildings have received their outer covering of plywood and are now waiting for the layer of Das modelling clay to be added, so that I can get on with the lovely job of scribing the brickwork, at which point things should start to come together, hopefully. I have also secured the new section of track at the station end , although this has still to be ballasted but as this is only about 10 inches it shouldn't take long.









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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

I have been working on the corner area with the cul-de-sac which forms the approach to the station. The lean to building to the left has come from the original Osney Town but I have cut a doorway into the structure with a fanlight over the top to give it more interest. I wasn't sure whether I would be able to do this without doing serious damage to it, as it hadn't been built very strongly, unlike most of my buildings, but luckily the operation was successful. I have also added an entrance to the new factory building from the higher level of the road and linked this to the other building with a wall and gateway which serves a yard area next to the building. At least that's the story line. At the moment nothing is fixed down as more work is required before they become permanent on the layout. The road has been surfaced with granite sets, courtesy of Slaters, but these are suffering from wear and tear and will need repairing around the edge with some tarmac in due course, including that big pothole in the middle. I have given the road a slight camber but this does not show up well in the photos.


So slow but steady progress is the name of the game, but I am well pleased with the way it is going at the moment.







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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the comments Giles, much appreciated. I'm really enjoying this build, although slower than my normal rate of progress, due mainly to other interests taking priority at the moment.


Regards Rob

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Don and Ray for the comments and to all those who have hit the like button. I continue to be amazed at how only 6 feet of layout and its perpetual revamp still creates interest but it certainly gives me great encouragement with the ever present hope that this version will give me what I want!!!


Regards Rob

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All


I managed to get a good afternoons modelling in the other day and have followed that up with some more progress, with the result that most of the basic work has now been finished and I can assess the situation and see where I am. I am really quite pleased with the way things are going at the present and I can see the best of the old Osney Town re-emerging with what I think are improvements. I am now at the stage when I can really start some detailed work and start to fix items in position as at the moment everything is just loosely placed in position.


Since my last post I have had another look at the corner arrangement and I decided that it wasn't quite right so have re-visited this and simplified the walling by bringing the gateway forward and placing it at an angle. The tree is just there to see what it would look like. I find it is often a good thing to walk away from the model for a while  and look at it afresh and you then see things in a different light, sometimes they look right and sometimes they don't, but by leaving things for a while it gives a new perspective when you return.


The photos also show  a new wall under construction as a boundary between the railway and the industrial buildings and in the foreground  I have acquired a small storage building. Normally I construct  all my own buildings but I saw this Skytrex building and decided that when painted with some detailing it would act as a good scenic block at the end of the platform. The main work done has been on the construction of the new platform as you can see from the photos.


That's it for the moment but hopefully there will be some more detailed work to follow before too long.


Regards Rob









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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

On a recent visit to Osney Town it was noted that the old asbestos cement sheeting on the main factory building had been stripped off and replaced with corrugated sheeting, a very popular building material in this area. Also the opportunity had been taken to add some down pipes to the valley gutters, an omission that has caused considerable damage to the building over the years. I expect that given time there will be some vegetation growth along the boundary at this point which should break the outline of the building when viewed from the station. It was also noted that the back siding had been laid and ballasted, but I was advised that this process had been accompanied by considerable stress to those involved, due in no small part to the incompetence of the workforce which resulted in the ballast being lifted and re-laid, and which to my eye still looks a little bit rough!








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On a recent visit to Osney Town it was noted that the old asbestos cement sheeting on the main factory building had been stripped off and replaced with corrugated sheeting, a very popular building material in this area. Also the opportunity had been taken to add some down pipes to the valley gutters, an omission that has caused considerable damage to the building over the years. I expect that given time there will be some vegetation growth along the boundary at this point which should break the outline of the building when viewed from the station. It was also noted that the back siding had been laid and ballasted, but I was advised that this process had been accompanied by considerable stress to those involved, due in no small part to the incompetence of the workforce which resulted in the ballast being lifted and re-laid, and which to my eye still looks a little bit rough!



As always - lovely work.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello rcf Rob

Only just found this but have started the read through, very impressive it is too.  I marked as one to follow and will finish my read through after some garden work and levelling a few "old school size" flags.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Barnaby


Glad you enjoyed the read. I'm hoping to add some updates soon but there always seems to be something that needs doing first, especially in the garden at this time of the year, and I don't even enjoy gardening!


Regards Rob

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Progress is painfully slow but there is progress, which is something. One of the new buildings on the backscene has been completed, well almost , the photos suggest a little touching up round the windows is required. One reason for the delay has been the need to blend the new stonework with that on the older buildings. As they were painted several years ago, I had some difficulty in remembering what paints I had used on the original, nothing to do with old age I'm sure, but a little trial and error has worked. There is still some stonework on the station approach from Osney days which was obviously from an entirely different quarry and this needs to be altered in due course.


On a separate subject can anyone explain to me why I can no longer insert photos into the text and why when I try and quote someone else's comment it will not include their text in my response?


Frustrated of Osney Town.






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Looking good Rob.  


Ref. your photo enquiry I ask the same as I used to be able to do what you ask but for a while now I've not been able too.  I'll watch out for any "answer" replies to your question.


To be specific I can no longer add text to each picture instead all the pictures appear linked together and I have to comment before or after them but not on each one. :scratchhead:

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