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The Osney Story: 0 Gauge Cameos and Dioramas including Osney Shed


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Hi Rob,

It was wonderful meeting you both and seeing your layouts on Monday. They are really a work of art.

As promised, I will take good care of Bude Quay. 

Kind regards,


Hi Chris,


It was good to meet you and we are both pleased that Bude Quay has a new home in Barnstaple. We had mixed feelings seeing it go but having made the decision I was glad that it had finally gone. At least one of my layouts will have managed to get to Barnstaple!


Hope to see you again sometime.



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Hi Rob,


Hopefully it will go to the Bude show as and when it is on and if asked of.


At least it is not so far from Barnstaple (to Bude) It will at some stage to to the Barnstaple show subject to Richard penning it in.





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Hi Rob,


Hopefully it will go to the Bude show as and when it is on and if asked of.


At least it is not so far from Barnstaple (to Bude) It will at some stage to to the Barnstaple show subject to Richard penning it in.





Hi Chris


I didn't know Bude had a show but it would certainly be an obvious venue and it would give the local 'experts' a chance to examine BQ for errors! On one of its few outings in Cornwall a guy looked at it for a moment and then announced to my wife, who was on her own at the time, that it was the wrong gauge and marched off, leaving a somewhat non-plussed wife wondering what he meant. Thinking about it afterwards I decided he had confused the line with the narrow gauge line from the beach which was used to bring sand up to the canal basin. On the other hand when it was on show at Telford, one chap commented that it reminded him of when he used to go down to the quay as a boy. That gave me a great deal of satisfaction as I had never intended that it would be a faithful model of the quay.


Cheers Rob

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  • 5 months later...

I can remember issuing lots of Minor Works orders to have that stuff removed from Structures on the WR!!


I know it was a while ago (I've only just stumbled across this thread whilst searching on google for images of Welsh colliery lines!) but I just had to laugh at that!!!  I'm a constant Buddleia  picker at work (they love chalk and the interstitial spaces on earthmovers.....) but it is wonderful to see the butterflies.  No problem - in years to come I'm sure there will be r/c micro mechanisms which can be utilised for these in 7mm  :declare:

Edited by Osgood
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Hi Everybody,


Its been a long time since I posted any updates on Osney or on my other thread The Shed, so it was a surprise to see Osney on the current layout topics. Thanks for the comments Osgood and it reminded me that the buddleia, which produced the origional comments, were made by my wife, a fact known to some local modellers and resulting in her nickname, the buddleia lady. As the thread had surfaced, I thought I would take the opportunity to explain my absence as some of you may have thought it meant I had probably broken up one or the other of the layouts! Well no they are both intact.


In fact when I withdrew Osney from a couple of exhibitions last year and turned down an invitation to attend another, it was in the knowledge that I needed to spend all my time caring for my wife. Sadly my best friend and greatest supporter of my modelling has left me to model on on my own. At the moment this possibility seems  a long way away but hopefully I can get back to a hobby I love in time and may even get back on the road with Osney or The Shed when I can catch up with old friends and maybe meet some of you who have contributed to this thread.



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Hi Everybody,


Its been a long time since I posted any updates on Osney or on my other thread The Shed, so it was a surprise to see Osney on the current layout topics. Thanks for the comments Osgood and it reminded me that the buddleia, which produced the origional comments, were made by my wife, a fact known to some local modellers and resulting in her nickname, the buddleia lady. As the thread had surfaced, I thought I would take the opportunity to explain my absence as some of you may have thought it meant I had probably broken up one or the other of the layouts! Well no they are both intact.


In fact when I withdrew Osney from a couple of exhibitions last year and turned down an invitation to attend another, it was in the knowledge that I needed to spend all my time caring for my wife. Sadly my best friend and greatest supporter of my modelling has left me to model on on my own. At the moment this possibility seems  a long way away but hopefully I can get back to a hobby I love in time and may even get back on the road with Osney or The Shed when I can catch up with old friends and maybe meet some of you who have contributed to this thread.



Hi Rob,


Thanks for Posting at this challenging time.


I know what you are going through and my empathy and sympathies are with you.


All I can say, is that, when you are ready, model-making and railway modelling in particular, has seen my father and I through some very challenging times.


You are in our thoughts.


Kindest regards,



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Rob,


Very sorry to hear your news, although as we discussed last year, unfortunately only a matter of time.

I hope that you feel ready to embark on some modelling in this very difficult time.


You are always welcome to come up to our show in July, so please let me know when you are ready.


All the best and kind regards




p.s. your Bude Quay, now under ownership of our club chairman will be on display at our show.

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Hi Rob,

I'm really so very sorry to hear your sad news
I myself haven't been too active in the modelling sense lately, for other reasons

But the hobby is always there, and can be picked up again in time
As CME has already said, modelling can also have a great therapeutic value
and I'm sure you will return to it in good time,
but of course, it has to be the right time for you

One of the great, and oft overlooked values of rmweb
is that when a modeler for one reason or another needs a period of inactivity
those who admire his or her work can still look back through their favourite threads
and revisit work which inspires them

Your modeling has certainly inspired others Rob
and I'm sure we all wish you well on here

Keep in touch, and let us know when you start a new project

Take care


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Hi Everyone


Just wanted to say thank you to those who have posted and that the comments are much appreciated as are the many hits on the supportive button.




Richard, I have sent you a PM.

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  • 1 month later...
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With the improvements in the weather I thought I would take a trip down to see Osney as I have not visited for a while. Nothing much happens at this back water of the Western Region, so I was a little surprised to see that there had been a recent addition, in the shape of this:




I have been aware for a time that some foot plate crews have complained that the signal protecting the branch from the colliery line was badly sited to the south of the footbridge. I can only assume that in my absence some extra funds had become available and action taken to correct the situation, or alternatively the improvement is because whole line is facing imminent closure. I didn't have long to wait to see the signal in action as 7404 appeared with a short coal train and was briefly held at the signal before being given the right of way.










Well, thats the story but what really happened. I was in need of a project to get me back into modelling and the lack of this signal had always niggled away at the back of my mind. I hadn't put it in originally as there was a distinct lack of clearance where it needed to be sited, hence the story that it was sited out of site at the other side of the footbridge. I was operating Rule 1. I decided that I could focus on a small item like this, whereas the thought of starting something too big would have been to much to deal with. A little gentle therapy as some of you kindly suggested. After some measuring I realised that by re-aligning the post and wire fence at this point and up rooting a small hawthorn tree and re-planting it, there was just about room to get the signal in, provided you didn't look to closely at the end result. So thats it for now, hope you like the result.





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Rob,


Good to see that you are back. A few small steps at a time. Don't set yourself too many targets and take one at a time.


By the way, your Bude Quay will be making a public appearance on Sunday (with some of my stock), so will post some photos.

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A few photos of Bude Quay from today, with a couple of my wagons ...











Wonderful stuff!


Whilst I am not a fan of generic - cast - figures I do like the Mr. C Greengrass model - it captures not only the character really well but his ilk too (I remember a few characters like that when I were a lad, usually scrap metal merchants).


Is he available as a casting or was he from one of the Corgi/Lledo Morris lorry sets?


Kind regards,



Edited by CME and Bottlewasher
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Hi Richard


Many thanks for posting the pics of Bude Quay. A little strange to see something I built seven years ago but it seems to be holding up quite well. I see you have some O Gauge stock, you must be a closet O gauge modeller!


CME, the greengrass model, if I remember correctly was in a corgi lorry set.  BQ was built as a static display model for the Guild's Diorama competition in 2007 but with the addition of a small fiddle yard I suppose you could shunt wagons on and off, but limited as you say Donw.


Good to see it again.


Regards Rob

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Richard


Many thanks for posting the pics of Bude Quay. A little strange to see something I built seven years ago but it seems to be holding up quite well. I see you have some O Gauge stock, you must be a closet O gauge modeller!


CME, the greengrass model, if I remember correctly was in a corgi lorry set.  BQ was built as a static display model for the Guild's Diorama competition in 2007 but with the addition of a small fiddle yard I suppose you could shunt wagons on and off, but limited as you say Donw.


Good to see it again.


Regards Rob


Hi Rob,


Well, such a detailed / atmospheric layout should be displayed and glad that our club chairman (Chris) is now the proud owner.


I built a few O gauge wagons many years ago, when I was helping a friend with his exhibition layout. I did also build a loco kit, which I've still got packed away.

These are the only wagons that I have left. The GWR open is the Coopercraft kit and the flat wagon is scratchbuilt with Andy Duncan's farm impliments.

Tempted to build a couple more wagons ...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hallo Rob,


I dicovered your splendid layouts only very recently (a few days ago, in fact) and within weeks of joining RM Web.


They are most impressive!


Having been (and remaining) and H0 scale modeller, I have decided however to put a tentative toe into 0 scale. The main reason is that I got the opportunity last year to buy a fine 0-6-0 steam locomotive and 5 four-wheeler goods wagons, all nicely weathered, and feel this 0 scale train deserves some  sort of a showcase, and a small space where shunting movements could take place.


I also have a few lengths of second-hand Peco bullhead track and a couple of turnouts. Add to this a former H0 fiddleyard plywood caisson, and there seems to be potential for a modest micro-layout!


In this respect, I found your layout "The Shed" particularly inspirational, as both engines and wagons can be displayed on it. So I think I'll give something like that a shot, possibly adding one industrial siding in the background (space permitting). No more than one turnout on the layout proper, though, with a single-track sector plate acting as a fiddle yard. 


All this French, by the way - the engine is a PLM shunter and all the wagons are SNCF. Because of this, and although I love your grimy red brick atmospheres (and have this style on my H0 scale industrial micro-layout), I am inclined to give this loco a sunny southerly setting - the industrial siding could well serve a wine co-op!


Time will tell...


Congratulations once again.


141 C 78

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