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Black Country Blues


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


The latest RMweb member volunteering to have a crack at scratch building something for what is rapidly turning into the RMweb community layout is Blackrat. It's good to have Neil along because his Carrick Road layout (Spams and 22s) was partly responsible for my return to modelling after a few wilderness years. 


The project he's signed up to (not for the Donny show mind you) is an industrial water tower / tank. I've sent him a photo of something that's been in my BCB Inspiration folder for a while but as I can't currently find the original source I won't reproduce it here yet.


The specification is the metal tank will be approx 90mm x 90mm in plan and be supported by a framework of steelwork. In all we're looking at something in the region of 120 - 150mm tall. It will go along the back near the Rowland Priest inspired building and add a bit of height. (Yes Stu, we'll also have chimneys at some point and, no, there's no scope for a toilet in this build!)


If anyone knows of a prototype from the Black Country that fits this bill then let us know. 


Over to Neil...

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Dave


Will be using a West Mids rover ticket, so anywhere in the area, preferably without to much bus travel as that is the day job.


Cheers SS


If you spot any interesting buildings on your wanders be sure to take a photo or two.

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One of the companies was W. H. Smith, the newsagent. Another company was Frank Mason & Co. based in Shrewsbury. I have found a photograph of some Hoardings with some grotty buildings behind them. Interestingly despite the hoardings being of similar size the posters are all of different sizes. It doesn't state where they are but one carries a poster for a jewelers named Harris's and another for the 'Empire' theatre featuring Dickie Valentine which would put it in the 1960's/early 70's. In front of the hoardings is a low wall with a grassed area that is covered with litter. Regrettably I cannot reproduce the photo as it is in a book.

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This kind of thing Chris?


Not Black Country I'm afraid, but it may be of some help. It's the water tower at Dalzell steelworks, Motherwell. I believe it's still there, the works certainly is.



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In taking a break from building the Oldbury Road window frames, I surfaced the roof of the Tennants building with some 400grit sandpaper. This is a dark green(ish) colur and looks appropriate. As a new(ish) building in the 1970s (I'm assuming it was built well after the war), I think it would be in quite good condition, with neither roof nor walls showing much wear and tear.


And whilst on the subject of walls, I revisited the brickwork of the Tennants building, did NOT like what I saw, so have decided to repaint most of the bricks individually. A bit of a bu99er, but there you go.....

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  • RMweb Premium

This kind of thing Chris?Not Black Country I'm afraid, but it may be of some help. It's the water tower at Dalzell steelworks, Motherwell. I believe it's still there, the works certainly is.attachicon.gifDalzell Water Tank.jpg

Yes, that type of structure Arthur but perhaps a bit smaller in scale! Constructionnwise though the metal panels and supporting framework are just what I had in mind.

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There was the Squires one, by Willenhall I think



Yes, again, constructionwise bang on and it looks smaller in stature (or is it just further away Dougal?)

Let me guess though, it has long since been pulled down!


Keep them coming folks.

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I saw similar ones in a quick search I did but they don't shout industrial grot to me. I think they are mains water supply towers (for pressure) I'm after smaller scale ones specifically for industrial use. I suspect it's getting on 9-10" diameter too - wouldn't leave room for any wc features.

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Have you done anything about loads to and from the steelworks.....



It occurs to me that this is something which I'm likely to run out of time for. Is there anyone out there in RMweb land who would like to have a go at making up a few wagon loads for the layout? I'll post some photos this evening of the ones I've made before, but basically it's lengths of Evergreen or Plastruct glued together. If anyone is interested and has time to do a few, let me know. Thanks in advance.
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Well I couldn't let Stu have all the fun!


I have been giving it some thought whilst sat here in bed (its my day off!) and I must admit I am looking forward to the build, in particular the weathering which I think is going to be critical to the overall visual impact of the model.


I already have a few ideas and as yet can't decide upon either using Wills vary girders or brass for the tower, brass being much stronger but presents its own difficulties.


One of my thoughts is to use plastic and, Evergreen etc so if someone else fancies having ago, the materials and skills (or lack of in my case!) means we can all have a bash!


"Oh dear, what have I done!?"...............:)

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