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I'm sure there has been a huge amount of work that has gone on unseen to get our wonderful forum back up and running. No doubt with the different time zones there have been some late nights and early mornings for Andy and the crew, so here's a quick vote of thanks for all that has been done on our behalf.


On the up side, the forum is working better than it has ever done with all the speed issues etc seemingly resolved, so that's a huge plus having waded through treacle for several weeks.


Thanks guys, I'm so glad we're back on line. You realise just how much you miss this forum when it's not there.... :yes:

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Thank you Gordon; that's very decent of you. It was certainly a frustrating weekend as no-one from the software company would communicate. They advertise 24/7 support and I think was right to feel angry that what had been cocked up on a Friday afternoon was left in an unusable state until someone got in on Monday morning.


Jim went out of his way to fix the damage overnight on Friday and drive back to the datacentre on Saturday morning to plug the box back in. That wasn't to bear fruit unfortunately thanks to Invision but their President did respond to the rather blunt email which was in his inbox when work started. It was then left to the guys who'd been trying to sort it on Friday afternoon to pick up the baton again.

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I know ive only been a member for a short time, but God ive missed it.

RMWEB WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS, doctor said sorry, nowt he can do just have to wait.

Glad its all back and running smooth, i can start asking the dumb questions again now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Echo Gordon's sentiments entirely, of course. What some may not know is that Andy Y does his best to communicate with his flock while RMweb is offline, by means of Twitter (membership not needed) and Facebook (I think you do need to be a member). Thus I was in no doubt about Andy's feelings of utter impotence (only about the forum!) because he provided updates. There was even an interesting "debate" on Facebook about invisible ink - which one well-known member claimed infringed his copyright on the magic substance!


Some might want to bookmark/add to Favourites the Twitter page, at least - https://twitter.com/#!/rmweb just in case we get cast adrift again in future.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think we are all incredibly pleased that RMweb is back. I'm sure I speak for many in echoing the previous sentiments and felt like an old friend had gone away.


Very relieved to see us back online this afternoon. I can't imagine what Andy has been through over the last few days!


Best internet forum in existence. Many thanks Andy (and associates) for getting the show on the road again.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Andy , dont feel bad about this as it was totally out your hands , the vast majortity of us are just grateful

to have you at the helm of this ship .


I actually have done more work on my layout over the weekend than in the last 6 months so it was not all bad

news .


Cheers and thanks again .

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Guest Tom F

Lovely thought Gordon! :)

It's great to have RMweb back....and maybe there are a few glitches.....who cares!! At least we have RMweb back.


Thanks Andy and Jim! :drinks:

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Unlike some, who seemed able to post, :scratchhead: I was unable to until now. :yahoo:


So, thanks to all who worked on this, :superman: and I hope those software people who "failed" take heed! :rtfm:


All those breadcrumbs have made me put on weight, my diet starts tomorrow...... :training:

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  • RMweb Premium

I've got to add my thanks here too - as the old saying goes "you don't miss the water 'til the well runs dry" - well that has indeed been true, but at least with the Facebook and Twitter updates, those who knew about their presence were able to keep up to speed.


Yes, it was frustating for us as members of this excellent forum that our fix was missing over the weeekend, and in my case, this was compounded as I am still part housebound and the web in general and RMWeb in particular is one way of staying sane. But that is probably nothing compared to the frustration experienced by our webmaster.


So thanks, Andy - hope you can now have your weekend as no doubt your actual weekend was ruined.

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Nice to have this forum back up & running again.Thank you to those who's work made it possible.Forums like this are very important to those of us who live far away from the main areas of our hobby.Well done to all involved.

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