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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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Will look out for some type of 7mm scrap metal wagons from the 60s in kit form, haven't got a clue what l need ? also will take lots of wagon pictures for my database, and l have decided to scrap the points using C&L chairs as there is far too much fiddling about, just didn't get on with them so l have gone back to soldering the rails onto copper-clad sleepers, to me they are much stronger, and as l want to build a yard with over grown green stuff and cobble stones you wouldn't see the chairs anyway...



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Hi Mate, some ideas for your Yard from my original Trebudoc, in 6ft x 20 inches scenic.


From left to right;

Loco Coaling stage,

Coal Siding, with 2 wagons in,

General Siding with yard Crane,

Side Loading Dock,

End Loading Dock / Cattle Dock.







Hope this helps a bit mate.


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Well after a short break from my bench l am back with a new plan, well an old plan really l am going to re-build 'Grundy Street' as it was the best for playing trains, for me anyway, but this time it will be twice as big, just an over grown yard to shunt around with, hopefully l will get the wood for the base boards on Sunday...





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Hi Duncan, All l want is somewhere to play with the stock l have, just a small yard with a small fiddle yard at each end to save room and points, plus l am going to build ALL the track using copper clad..

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