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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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Excellent photos with lots of detail worth studying

Ever since l saw Bodgits 45xx with sound in O, l wanted one, so when SWMBO said she would like a week in Devon l thought of Brixham, knowing that there was a 45xx in the area and got loads of detail pictures to help when l get one...











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Hi George,


Picking up from this photo that you posted.




I thought that I would share this with you - it's a painting that my good lady finished recently




Hello Rob, That's a great painting, really professional ...

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Hi George,


Rob's other half can certainly paint........


As for the 45xx, it's actually a 42xx 2-8-0T you've got pictures of there. 

Considerable differences between the two.


Your J94 looks spot on, I'm sure Andy will bring it to life with the crud!!!!


Jinty ;)

Edited by Jintyman
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Hi George,


Rob's other half can certainly paint........


As for the 45xx, it's actually a 42xx 2-8-0T you've got pictures of there. 

Considerable differences between the two.


Your J94 looks spot on, I'm sure Andy will bring it to life with the crud!!!!


Jinty ;)


Hello Jinty l took about 600 pictures and clearly know nothing about GWR engines the numbering system baffles me, the pictures added are examples of the shots l had taken but will be sorted out when l can understand them all hahahaha...

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Well spent most of the day getting 13008 / 68050 ready for Andys weathering paint shop tomorrow 13008 gave me loads of trouble as l could not get the plunger pick-ups to align with the wheels so had to revert to wipers and pleased to say they both run lovely now and ready for running in session down at Bodgits... these are the before pictures...






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I'm looking forward to the result when Andy's finished with 13008 / 68050


Me too Duncan...will take some of the weathering process 

I'll try NOT to spoil them mate. but YOU will be the judge of that.

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Well as expected we had a great day together and achieved a lot, starting with a big breakfast at witherspoon's and then back to the workshop, this is what the locos looked before start of play




Then Bodgit started to work his magic




And before l knew it she was all dirty, great transformation, and fits the bill.




All finished, and l am very happy, well done that man..




And the same dirty treatment for the 08.




Thank you very much for the weathering demo mate it was great to see the master in action..




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And before l left l had a play with 'North Road' just had to have a play with the turn-table, and it was great..




And while l was there lets have a play on 'Pencarne'






Also Andy had to weather up stock for a friend..












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  • RMweb Gold

Looks CLEANER than I expected in the pics mate, send it back and really LET ME AT IT LIKE THIS.

attachicon.gifre done WD 002.JPG


Dare I agree George - looks like Bodgit concentrated on getting rid of the all-over black shine ... are you sure you both only had a meal at Witherspoons?


Cheers, Peter

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Dare I agree George - looks like Bodgit concentrated on getting rid of the all-over black shine ... are you sure you both only had a meal at Witherspoons?


Cheers, Peter


No Peter he also treated me to dinner at KFC, he really knows how to treat he's friends, Thanks very much Andy a most enjoyable day...my treat next time..

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No Peter he also treated me to dinner at KFC, he really knows how to treat he's friends, Thanks very much Andy a most enjoyable day...my treat next time..

I'll be up in the morning, and BTW IT'S Wetherspoons not WItherspoons.

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Well after 68050 had her weathering done by Andy l need to finish her of by cleaning all the wheels of over spray.




Then add some plasticard for the coal to rest on.





Then bring the chrome back to the buffer shanks..




And then add the coal and coal dust on the footplate. job done, just need to paint the crew..





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Hi George,

The Austerity looks very good but if I may comment

I've never seen a steam engine in steam without dribbles and puddles of water on their anatomy. Also the oil can seemed to have less than pinpoint accuracy. A little restrained use gloss varnish or metalcote in places would bring it alive.

Likewise 350hp shunters seemed to have half their fuel load on the outside!

Just my tuppence worth, I always enjoy reading your posts and admiring your work



Hello Bob and thanks for your as you say tuppence worth, all valid and welcomed points so maybe it not finished, Andy did put some oil spillage around the exhaust of the 08 but the matt over spray has dulled it all, l will as you say add some gloss varnish to give the oil patches...need to find some pictures...

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Hi George,

The Austerity looks very good but if I may comment

I've never seen a steam engine in steam without dribbles and puddles of water on their anatomy. Also the oil can seemed to have less than pinpoint accuracy. A little restrained use gloss varnish or metalcote in places would bring it alive.

Likewise 350hp shunters seemed to have half their fuel load on the outside!

Just my tuppence worth, I always enjoy reading your posts and admiring your work


TBH there no where near dirty enough, I wanted to do a lot more REAL work on both, as you say Oil and Fuel spillage on the 08's was commonplace, and Rust and Grime under the Boiler on the J94 would have enhanced it a lot more.

At the end of the day, it's George's Locos and he had the final say as to how HE wanted them to look.

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TBH there no where near dirty enough, I wanted to do a lot more REAL work on both, as you say Oil and Fuel spillage on the 08's was commonplace, and Rust and Grime under the Boiler on the J94 would have enhanced it a lot more.

At the end of the day, it's George's Locos and he had the final say as to how HE wanted them to look.


Hello Buddy, l am more than happy with the locos, as l hate locos that are too filthy, l will add some oil / water patches etc later, or bring them down to you again ? hahaha

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Well l had a day to myself today so thought l would make a start on my GWR Macaw H from big Jims Connoisseur range..


First thing was to bend up the floor not an easy job.




But after a lot of head scratching l got there..




So then it was making the boxes for the bogies to fit to..




Then added the buffers




Then the bogies and added the bearings also l have used Peco wheels this time and they are a lot cheaper than other wheels.





As l was on a roll l fitted the bits underneath, l messed up the ones in the kit and had to replace with so brass bits l had,




Still loads to add yet but not a bad days work...













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