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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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I am pleased to hear it, you built some lovely models. Whether scratch or kit built.


I am one that would rather be building something. I seem to get obsessed and want to make everything, hense why the layout is taking forever to even get to baseboards.

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Thanks Guys for the kind words and the welcome back, l intend to model a very small micro layout soon just a few wagons to shunt around, and will start with some 0 gauge wagons from Parkside Dundas, one at a time, thanks again...

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Will it be a West Country George.


Hello Ray, No l don't think so, that was really hard work, plus the wheels and the motor would cost too much now, lt will possibly be a nice jinty kit from Big Jim at connoisseur..l only want 0-6-0 tank locos for now....

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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Woo Hoo!

Good to see you back.


Missed your modelling. And look forward to you doing the Jinty! Partly because I am really thinking of buying on to start with.

Edited by farren
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Woo Hoo!

Good to see you back.


Missed your modelling. And look forward to you doing the Jinty! Partly because I am really thinking of buying on to start with.


Thanks for the encouragement Guys l had a good deal with a fellow RMwebber on 'Compton Abbas' in which goods were exchanged, so now l have a clear workshop to play with again, will be getting two of big Jim's locos namely a 'Jint'y, and the revamped Southern O2 class, this time round l will build anything from any era, even been offered a J72 so what the heck its a loco hahaha  also built my first O gauge point this afternoon...


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Point looks good mate. Looking forward to some builds. You make big brass locos look very easy!


Thanks Cav, Really do appreciate your comments and thanks for all the help you offered in my time in OO with the colour signals etc etc, but it took time for me to realize that it was the building of things that gave me the satisfaction, having said that what came out of the selling of all my O gauge was 'Ashcombe' SOLD and gone to a new home and my latest effort 'Compton Abbas' also SOLD and gone to a new home, so it was not all a waste of time, and then 'Bishop Street' now that was a waste of time as l laid all the hand-built track down just to rip it all up and go back to Peco,  but what made me really think about going back to O was the big price increase Bachmann and others have made, what l wanted was a 21t brake van, so l looked around while at the Nottingham show with Andy and could not find one under £22 ?  for another £10 you can buy a Parkside Dundas kit with wheels so it was a no brainer, really, and after seeing those guys with their scratch built locos all made of card got me really excited and fired up enough to have a go, so ALL the OO gauge has gone now, lock stock and barrel.. so what now ? O gauge and whatever comes my way from any era it don't matter any more, no layout just a little plank very much like my old 'Grundy Street' to test my locos on, so the first loco will be an Adams 02 in Southern malachite green the IOW version with the extra coal bunker as they were in the 1930s , painting that will be a challenge... hahahaaha

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I worked in the clock trade for many years and was always amused by the fact that plastic wood effect clocks had a rough wood grained finish and this was acceptable, if a wooden clock had a hint of roughness or grain it would be rejected as faulty.


So who can see the grain on sleepers at 200 feet? To me the grain on plastic sleepers is to exaggerated nodoubt if scaled up the gangers would be there replacing them as rotten.

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Looking good George. I like the point and track. Now waiting to see the loco run. I'd never have thought about building using cardboard

Hello Duncan


Cant agree with that George, Peco with proper WOOD (look alike) Sleepers and Chairs looks far better, Yes its neat but looks to flat to me mate.


l can live the sleepers mate, as the rails will be covered with all sorts of crap in the yard ?

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I worked in the clock trade for many years and was always amused by the fact that plastic wood effect clocks had a rough wood grained finish and this was acceptable, if a wooden clock had a hint of roughness or grain it would be rejected as faulty.


So who can see the grain on sleepers at 200 feet? To me the grain on plastic sleepers is to exaggerated nodoubt if scaled up the gangers would be there replacing them as rotten.


l think Peco are on the big side anyway Peter...

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Looking good George. I like the point and track. Now waiting to see the loco run. I'd never have thought about building using cardboard


Hello Duncan, Well l said l would try it out and l did, and its in the bin now hahahahaha its brass from now on mate...

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Hello Duncan, Well l said l would try it out and l did, and its in the bin now hahahahaha its brass from now on mate...

As with everything, you don't know if it will work for you until you give it a go.


I'm looking forward to seeing more of your builds.

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