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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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Hello Peter. l just could not get the BR lion on the wheel transfer to sit right on the centre rib of the tender, it looked awful, l was watching some locos on You-Tube at Birmingham in the 1950s and a johnson 2f came through the station light engine and it had the early BR totem on the rib, but just don't look right on the model, so l have searched my transfers box and found some smaller BR lettering, and now l am happy, (at last)


George     PS Are you going to keep your 2f and re-brand it to BR ?

No my 2F will be sold. It is of the right era for my modelling. But as I my models are of LSWR SR I would have to think of some strange reason for it to turn up, I would also probably want it in red.

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Hello Peter,  What l have been trying to do is model the SR (BR) but things come along like a resin bodied 3f 'Jinty' at the right price, so l buy it then comes along another and you buy that too, then all of a sudden you have locos out of your area, so l came up with an idea of a small collection of SR, LMS, and l am even thinking of buying a 45xx GWR(BR) and run 'Grundy Street' in two or three regions, whatever l feel like at the time, l think l will have to start building some wagons...



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I know that feeling. I can never resist a bargain. But I tend to build them into a model that I can sell, then use the proceeds to either buy another kit, or wreck, and also get odds and ends for me. It seems to work well for me, I have a M7, a 700 and an A12 (which needs castings, has wheels etc, but cost me nothing in a deal) these along with the Well Tank are for me. I have been playing with wagons as well, but I need to plan something to put them on.


The thing I am hoping is that the ones I make and sell will improve my model making for the ones I build for myself. 


This kit building malarky is a bit addictive, I just hope there is no rehabilition service available as there is for drinks and drugs.

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Hello Peter, l'm sorry but there is no cure, the only treatment l know of is RAILWAY - loco kit's - wagon kit's - Mag's - video's - DVDs - RMWeb - gauge O guild - You-Tube and whatever else there is in the railway world, l have had the bug for well over forty year's and it's still there...



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Just trying out a new idea on pick-ups using guitar strings, first l fix a base to the tender, then bend the guitar string into position then solder at the base then cut through, they seem to be nice and springy....



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Hello Cav / Dave, Yes they are a lot easier to fit than the other options, but the guitar string l have used is a heavy gauge D, which has proved to be a bit thick, so l will try a G or B string next, still a learning curve at the moment, we'll get there and then it will be the standard pick-up for my fleet ?.



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Hello Alan / Bodge the Bass Man,  l have used the Bass strings for brake hoses, but never the guitar strings for pick-ups, and have found that the D string is too thick, and as Alan has said maybe the B or top E would be better, l will have to wait to my day off to go to the shops.


l guess it will be 'Johnny no string' from now on hahaha



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Having great difficulty coupling up stock with three links, even thinking of changing the whole lot to other systems, but had an idea to try first, and that was to fix a bigger ring on the end, and it works, when painted you wont notice them so much...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


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Have you tried substituting the last ring only with soft iron wire?


 Then use an extending "wand" with a tiny magnet glued to the end. The wand then lifts the iron loop, and as you put in on, lower the magnet which leaves the loop on the hook.


Don't be tempted to use a rare earth magnet, you'd probably lift the wagon off the track!

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Having great difficulty coupling up stock with three links, even thinking of changing the whole lot to other systems, but had an idea to try first, and that was to fix a bigger ring on the end, and it works, when painted you wont notice them so much...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Hi George, you know the problems I had on Trebudoc, especially at shows.


Bodge :O

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When I attended my first exhibition with a layout in Stafford, early 60's, I had fitted three links to my stock. It was a small branch line modelled loosely on Hollywell Town in EM gauge. After a weekend fiddling with those damned couplings, my back and legs were not my own. It took me a long time to recover. Needless to say my three links were replaced by Alex Jackson couplings and I have never looked back. They are also cheap and easy to fit, but must be kept properly adjusted, but they are the best and I say this after 20 shows with another more extensive layout, now long gone to a good home.


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Morning Derek,  Since adding the bigger link onto the end of my 3-links it has been much easier to work with , and l find l can couple and un-couple at easel, and it seems to working for me now, as l will not be doing loads of shunting,l think l'll stick with the 3-links, thank you for the reply.


When l was out with Andrew P (Bodgit) and his layout 'Trebudoc'  we found it almost impossible to form trains with the tight 3-links, and it was taking ages to do, also it wasn't very good in the full view of the public ?



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I had the wagons off the track a few times at exhibition on Outon Road and also a few longer than desirable coupling times when I couldnt quite get the coupling loop over the hook. That was in 4mm of course. The pressure of the viewing public is something you have to just take a breath with. It doesnt really matter how long it takes to do and the piblic can live with it. If you were coupling a real train youd have brake pipes and all sorts to attach so is probably a lot slower than our models to turn around.

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