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West Kirby Town: narrow gauge is coming to town.


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Should the paving stones not be patterned or bonded like bricks?


Do like the grass, and a bit of ash on top of the ballast path will be most welcome for the crews’ feet!




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Should the paving stones not be patterned or bonded like bricks?


Do like the grass, and a bit of ash on top of the ballast path will be most welcome for the crews’ feet!





Hi Simon.


Never thought about the pattern or bonding of the paving stones.  I have a feeling you're right but I'll look for pics, just to be sure.  They come apart very easily - there's tiny joiners between the slabs so it won't be that difficult a job.  They do make the concourse look better, though - and it will be even better when they're painted!!




EDIT:  Yes, you're right, Simon.  Here's a pic of the actual concourse I took in 2012:




Thanks for pointing that out - in my enthusiasm to get them laid, I'd have done it wrong!!  

Edited by Dmudriver
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I'll also hold my hands up - I've read that to hold the "flock" in place, cheap hairspray is recommended - the stuff with no smell. So I went to the local supermarket and got 2 of the largest cheapest cans which were also on offer and there's no mention of any smell on them. You know what's coming, don't you??!! I sprayed the turf with it and when I came back in later, the shed smelt like a hairdresser's salon!! Hey ho - I've left the window open tonight!!! But at least the turf doesn't move - I'm thankful for that!!!


More soon.



I'll be honest, I hadn't noticed there wasn't any greenery on any of the other photos.  Everything else was catching my attention.


I may be teaching granny to suck eggs here, but...   (look it up if you're not familiar with that colloquialism ;) )  The way I hold down Woodland Scenics turf like the same way I attach ballast.


1) take whatever latex paint you used to paint the "scenic base" and give it a coat

2) While still wet, sprinkle on the ground cover.  Just let it sit there until everythings dry.

3) Mix up a 50:50 mix of water and "Matte Medium".

4) Take a "pump water bottle".  Fill it with "wet water".  That is, water out of the tap with just a drop of cheap dishwashing liquid.  (this helps break surface tension).  From at least a foot away, spray down onto the turf, getting it nice and wet.

5) With an eyedropper, put drops of the diluted matte medium onto the turf.  It'll appear milky white as you apply it.

6) Let dry.  It'll dry clear.


That holds it pretty well in place, and it doesn't smell up the layout room.  You may want to vaccuum up any excess, take a old pair of nylon hose, stretch it over the nozzle, and vaccuum. The hose will prevent the turf from going into the canister, so when you turn off the vac, you can save the stuff that didn't get glued down.


Over here in the US, it seems like static grass application is a rarity, so I can't tell you how they'll compare.  


Edit to add:  The other day I made a small display case for a model of mine.  I used the above technique to attach the ground foam.  I can hold it upside down and whack the underside with my hand, and the ground foam stays on.  Here's the post describing the display:



Edited by Mike Boucher
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Good evening Rod.


It is surprising how much of an improvement even a tiny bit of scenery makes. In my view it turns a good layout into a realistic model which gets better and better the more is done. Very nice work Rod. WKT is looking even better than it did before. All my scenery has been done by my friend Howard with me being the labourer and I am amazed at how he has transformed Ramchester.


Keep up the good work and remember that scenery can easily be replaced if you make a hash of it.Not like an expensive loco which could cost a fortune to put right.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Simon.


Never thought about the pattern or bonding of the paving stones.  I have a feeling you're right but I'll look for pics, just to be sure.  They come apart very easily - there's tiny joiners between the slabs so it won't be that difficult a job.  They do make the concourse look better, though - and it will be even better when they're painted!!




EDIT:  Yes, you're right, Simon.  Here's a pic of the actual concourse I took in 2012:


attachicon.gifP1010142 - Copy (2).JPG


Thanks for pointing that out - in my enthusiasm to get them laid, I'd have done it wrong!!  

In the old days, before the station was "redeveloped" there was a remarkably smelly toilet block where the arched windows now are, but in line with the rest of the building.  between the station building and the toilets was a vehicular access and three or so parking bays perpendicular to the white fence on the left.  The bays weren't very big, I remember a photo of a Reliant Regal 3/25 parked in one of the bays, but I don't recall where I saw the photo....

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In the old days, before the station was "redeveloped" there was a remarkably smelly toilet block where the arched windows now are, but in line with the rest of the building.  between the station building and the toilets was a vehicular access and three or so parking bays perpendicular to the white fence on the left.  The bays weren't very big, I remember a photo of a Reliant Regal 3/25 parked in one of the bays, but I don't recall where I saw the photo....


Hi Hroth.


I may be able to help your memories!!  I've got this pic in my collection: I kept it to show a DMU at West Kirby, but it might well show the toilet block you are thinking of:




And then, the bottom one of these two could well be the pic of the parking area you talked about:




It's from the book "The Wirral Railway and its predecessors" by T B Maund.   Is this the one you were thinking of?




Edited by Dmudriver
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Great picture Rod of the DMU waiting, it does show up a difference of how well kept your sidings are on the layout compared to the real thing.


Best regards



Edited by muddys-blues
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Hroth.


I may be able to help your memories!!  I've got this pic in my collection: I kept it to show a DMU at West Kirby, but it might well show the toilet block you are thinking of:




And then, the bottom one of these two could well be the pic of the parking area you talked about:


attachicon.gifConcourse scan.jpg


It's from the book "The Wirral Railway and its predecessors" by T B Maund.   Is this the one you were thinking of?




Yes,  just couldn't  persuade the grey cells to co-operate last night!


Like the DMU shot too!


Another thing I recall is there used to be the remains of a wagon under the heap of brambles, etc next to the end of the stabling siding on the far left.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great picture Rod of the DMU waiting, it does show up a difference of how well kept your sidings are on the layout compared to the real thing.



The "scrub" to the left is the remains of the goods yard between West Kirby (Wirral) and West Kirby (Joint) stations.  Its now the Concourse Sports Center, Library and Health Center.

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Great picture Rod of the DMU waiting, it does show up a difference of how well kept your sidings are on the layout compared to the real thing.


Best regards




You're right, Craig.  But the pics I've got from the late 70s don't seem to show it quite as bad as in that pic.  I'm going to town a bit at the end of the stabling point - pics to follow (in a day or two!!).



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Hi all.


Since my last pics, I've been a bit busy!!  I'm beginning to enjoy this scenery business!!  What I realise is, though, that I'm not a country boy - city boy, born and bred - so what I'm portraying might not satisfy the purist.  But I'm learning and in fact, so enthusiastic am I becoming that I might actually start reading some of the books I've got on scenery!!  Previously they've seemed a bit too detailed but I'll go back and look again.


I've done all along the front of the layout and today I've been out with my camera, so here's a few pics.  First, the fuel tanker has arrived from Birkenhead and is about to be coupled up to the pump to replenish the tank:




It's been brought in by the 03 and here's a view of the 37 in the rear siding, taken between the 03 and the fuel tank:




Next is a general, ground,  view of the station area from the stabling point:




Apologies for the radio being so obvious!!!  I tried to crop it out, but I lose too much of the rest of the pic!!


Now a view of the station from the grass bank behind the fuelling point:  note that ash has been laid onto the ballast in the path - all the way along, not just here!!




The camera then moves to the platform and, apart from showing the rough paving at the platform edge (!!), also shows the Class 37 and the GUV, which is the first vehicle in the parcels train.  This looks ripe for weathering, methinks!




Next, we're back on the grass bank leading to the concourse and passing the 08 and the inspection saloon, both stabled:




A look back along the same path: I still need to put paving stones in front of the portacabin and steps up to the door:




And finally, the end of the siding in the stabling point nearest to the grassy bank:




The vegetation has been held back from the tarmac but is getting a bit out of hand round the buffer stop.


Hope you like the pics - I've tried some different viewpoints.  I've also done 3 videos (fairly short ones) but I'll hold those back until tomorrow!!


More soon.




Edited by Dmudriver
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Nice pictures, Rod,


Funnily enough, it wasn’t the radio that stood out for me in that picture, it was the wooden shed walls, they just aren’t “sky colour” :)


Perhaps a very pale blue-grey wash?




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.


After a very frustrating day, I've done some more work on the station.


Frustrating??  I planned to go to Doncaster by train - I did it last year and had a thoroughly good day.  Not this year!!  Up before 6 to catch a train at 0707 from Preston to Manchester (Piccadilly) due 0801, change to a Cleethorpes train - 0819, Doncaster about 0945.  Simples - until Northern got involved!!  I checked at 0615 and the train was running: get to Preston - cancelled, replaced by a bus due Piccadilly at 0920 (if it's on time!!)  That meant missing the 0819 to Cleethorpes and the 0919.  Following train from Preston - 0806 - also shown as a bus ...... so gave up and came home to catch up on some sleep!!  Got in touch with ticket seller (TPex) and am getting a refund: some consolation but I still missed Doncaster!!  Could have driven but I didn't fancy over 4 hours there and back.   Well brassed off!!


So, after sleeping and shopping, did some more work on the station concourse.  I'd been doing bits during the week but finished fitting the paving today.  It just needs painting now.  Here's a couple of pics:


post-7571-0-09188500-1527969801_thumb.jpg post-7571-0-57819100-1527969827_thumb.jpg


It should look alright when it's painted grey.  The asphalt at the end of the platform needs building up and 2 (Plasticard) paving stones on the rear platform edge need replacing but I don't think it looks too bad.  The 2 middle posts broke (me being clumsy!!) but can be refitted fairly easily.


So, a reasonable end to a disappointing day.  


Did anyone look at the Dapol Mark 1 that was on display?  I've seen a couple of pics on Facebook and it looks OK but would have loved to have seen it in the flesh, so to speak.  I'm beginning to shy away from the Darstaed ones. Seems I'll have to wait until Telford to have a look.  Maybe Northern will have sorted themselves out by then!!


More soon - and no more moaning - promise!!!



Edited by Dmudriver
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The scenery is looking great now Rod, and I like the over vegetated buffer stop!!!

The concourse will look great when all the slabs are painted grey. 

I've just got a couple of bags of paving slabs and edging stones off Intentio and intend to start fitting them to the bit of platform I've got on Talyllyn! 


Keep up the good work, it's coming along great. ;)


Jinty ;)

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Hello Rod,


Having seen the raw mdf paving got me thinking......


If the paving was painted matt, it might look too 'flat' for paving that is sheltered under that canopy. Paving in that sort of environment takes on a semi-polished look. I've painted things with matt paints before and lightly burnished them with a soft cotton cloth to give an ever so slight sheen to represent e.g. leather seats in larger scale model cars. Don't know how well, or even if, the technique would transfer to a larger area?


It's all looking rather spiffing, Rod. :yes:

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Hello Rod,


Having seen the raw mdf paving got me thinking......


If the paving was painted matt, it might look too 'flat' for paving that is sheltered under that canopy. Paving in that sort of environment takes on a semi-polished look. I've painted things with matt paints before and lightly burnished them with a soft cotton cloth to give an ever so slight sheen to represent e.g. leather seats in larger scale model cars. Don't know how well, or even if, the technique would transfer to a larger area?


It's all looking rather spiffing, Rod. :yes:


Hi Andy.


Hmmm .. I know what you're getting at but the photo I took of the concourse in 2012 (Page 72, post 1782) shows it matt - well at least that's what my eyes see!!!!  But that's 30 - 35 years after the time I'm modelling so maybe it's been cleaned (if not relaid) since.  I don't think it will be too obvious anyway by the time I've finished everything (see next post) - there's still fencing to go on the edges and hopefully the viewer will be mostly looking at the trains!!




PS  Thanks for the compliment.

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