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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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If our move goes ahead we'll have a 2 Berth Caravan in the Drive, hahhah




:no: :no: :no: :no:


:scratchhead: :scratchhead:


Is that where Dee's going to live while you convert the living room and kitchen into TLGP?   :jester:  :jester:



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If I got a 40ft Holiday Caravan second hand for a grand it make a wonderful den / Railway Room.


Our Chairman found a second hand Porta Cabin for  sale for a Grand, 40 ft x 12 ft.

When it was delivered it had come out of a Golf Club, had a full kitchen at one end, Florescent Lighting, Multi Power Points all around and Carpeted. Its now full of Pre Grouping West Highland O Gauge, (what a waste).


But it sounds like a plan to me. :O

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Andrew, you might not like Pre-Grouping Highland, but he does !


I will add, that my wife's toy horse got her house built before I was too far along with Long Marton.  That's 288 sq ft of the 750 sq ft that I am allowed in permanent buildings on the property.  I have a pair of 8'6"x8*20 sea containers for storage/workshop, where the coal lives, and where the traction engine lives.


12005047295_2bc5b9cc81.jpgFowler on trailer


7161245348_1b219fbf20.jpgPhotos with Daniel Pre 2012 by





The paste function seems to not be working for me...so I can't post in photos.  I will go investigate if anyone else is having this issue.


(the answer is yes...Andy Y. knows about it- the trick is to use the "Change Theme" in the bottom left corner to change to the 2013 view for now)





Edited by peach james
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Interesting discussions about size of and space around houses.


Unfortunately, the situation with new builds in the UK has deteriorated over the last 50 years. 46 years ago, when my dad moved into his bungalow, the houses were all well spaced with generous plots of land around them. Now, many builders opt for the legal minimum space between plots. The result - some very nice looking houses which look impossibly crammed together.


Both my current house and the new one have a separate double garage. Integral garages are convenient and well-insulated. I chose the separate option as, in general, it enlarges the plot the house is built upon. Yes, you need to do all the insulation/conversion work on it, but that's one of the best bits of the layout build!



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If I got a 40ft Holiday Caravan second hand for a grand it make a wonderful den / Railway Room.


Our Chairman found a second hand Porta Cabin for  sale for a Grand, 40 ft x 12 ft.

When it was delivered it had come out of a Golf Club, had a full kitchen at one end, Florescent Lighting, Multi Power Points all around and Carpeted. Its now full of Pre Grouping West Highland O Gauge, (what a waste).


But it sounds like a plan to me. :O


Andy, that sounds like a bit of a bargain, providing the cabin was in decent nick.


There are many commercial "flat pack" structures available. More than a grand, but good value, given the spec. A 5m x 4m I looked at, with triple insulated walls, double glazed windows and fitted on site, was around £3.5k.


Hopefully, your garage/shed plan will work for you.



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You should see what happens when the builder has a fire in the new subdivisions...I think it was Calgary that had the last good one, which burned down a decent portion of a new subdivision that was unfinished.  Houses plonked right next to each other, made of wood, with vinyl siding.  The houses were unfinished, and so became a tinderbox from end to end of them in a matter of minutes.


My house has a development varience, as it is too close to the next door lot.  It should have been 5m (15 ft) from the side lot lines, instead it is somewhat less than 1.83m at the rear corner.  (I think 1.44m).  That's because the pinheads who built the house had it angled to the lot line- going towards it.  On the other side, it is ~130 ft to the lot line.  The builder was the owner, and they belong with Wile. E. Coyote (Super Genius) for that move.  The lots here are really quite big- the smallest ones are our size (.75 acre), but because we are on septic systems, they could not have been much smaller.  Even in Victoria, lots tend to a decent size on the older areas, with them trending smaller (& bigger homes plonked on the lot) in newer areas.  While I don't enjoy gardening, I do like having space around me !


The big thing over here is a condo- either bare land or more typical, a building, with multi units in it.  I'd detest that as an idea- some of the restrictions are beyond stupid in some units.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good news about the house sale Jeff. The house does look plenty big enough for you and your brother not to get in each others way. Ignore those who live in foreign parts they forget England is one of the most crowded parts of the world. Builders buy up places with big gardens and either build a second house in the garden or knock down say a small bungalow to build a 4 ot 5 bed house. The extra piece of land we bought 7.5mx23m would be large enough for a three bed detached house according to our builder if it had had road access and would probably cost ten times as much.


Regarding the fiddle yards few people put a turntable in there but if you are turning trains round (rather that just holding them for a roundy roundy) without a turntable you have to pick the locos up. Bracks has a fiddle yard in a small shed on his garden line. I used to work it quite often and suggested he added a turntable as I worried about picking up his superb locos to turn them buy hand. Just an MDF disc with some aluminimum angle like a casstte and simply turned by hand. But no greasy fingers after the teatime cake.


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Talking of demolishing Bungalows, there were 5 or 6 big Bungalows on good size plots at the top of the Town, a development company put in a compulsory purchase on the lot and there is now a block of about 120 Old Fogies Flats gone up there.

The people opposite now have NO VIEW, AIN'T IT JUST WRONG.

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Don. 


I managed to sell my house within 10 days, my brothers (a little bit smaller) took 4 months. No logic to that, as his home was as well set out (probably better) than mine. I'd already covered the cost of the new house, but his sale now allows for lots of add-ons and kitting out!


Andy - couldn't agree more. The road where my dad lives, houses built in 1967-8, is ALL bungalows. In new developments it's "get as much money per square metre" as possible.


You can tell that most of us are a certain age, though youngster James speaks tons of sense!



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Looking at Mike's recent work on Dent has convinced me that the revised Fell, using insulation board, is definitely the way to go. Lighter, easier to shape, less mess and - in the end - cheaper than the way I built the Fell on KL.


His photos have certainly whet the appetite! Andy - I think you're salivating, too?



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Looking at Mike's recent work on Dent has convinced me that the revised Fell, using insulation board, is definitely the way to go. Lighter, easier to shape, less mess and - in the end - cheaper than the way I built the Fell on KL.


His photos have certainly whet the appetite! Andy - I think you're salivating, too?



NO,             just my normal dribble, hahhaha.


I cant wait to get started and run some proper trains again.


As I've said before Kingsley was only meant as a stop gap and something for the Clubs open weekend but I failed to meet the deadline so it should be now scheduled in the November  Mince Pie weekend.


I was hoping to get some 3 link couplings fitted at the weekend but with such a demand for weathering, tutorials and general eating of cakes I didn't get any done. Also most of the fine files, drills and tweezers I need are in a box somewhere in the Universe, I hope.


Busy for the next few days so I wont be doing any daytime postings until at least Monday I would have thought, although I will still pop my head in for a quick look to see whats happening.


All the best to you all.

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Ongoing discussion on baseboard height, access and "bend unders" in the Lounge.


Highly relevant to future plans for KL2. 


Please have a look and add your comments.



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Ongoing discussion on baseboard height, access and "bend unders" in the Lounge.


Highly relevant to future plans for KL2. 


Please have a look and add your comments.




Ermmm...... YES, the Lounge discussion is proving very interesting.


It's looking like the main baseboard (S&C line) level is going to come in at 150cm (60") - nearly my eye level.


However, the central operating area will be on a built-up plinth, 18" (45cm) high.


So we should have reasonable reach and views, but very good under-board access for wiring and getting in-and-out.



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Ermmm...... YES, the Lounge discussion is proving very interesting.


It's looking like the main baseboard (S&C line) level is going to come in at 150cm (60") - nearly my eye level.


However, the central operating area will be on a built-up plinth, 18" (45cm) high.


So we should have reasonable reach and views, but very good under-board access for wiring and getting in-and-out.



Don't forget I get vertigo above 17 1/2 inches and I'll need scaffolding all around, a grab rail with netting, safety signs, shackle and harness and my High Vis jacket.


It will also need to be certificated by the Health and Safety Executive, (I think Mike can sign that off for you) :blum:  :blum:  and the wiring checked underneath as well for Gremlins etc :rtfm: .


Hope you find this information useful :stinker:

Edited by Andrew P
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Don't forget I get vertigo above 17 1/2 inches and I'll need scaffolding all around, a grab rail with netting, safety signs, shackle and harness and my High Vis jacket.


It will also need to be certificated by the Health and Safety Executive, (I think Mike can sign that off for you) :blum:  :blum:  and the wiring checked underneath as well for Gremlins etc :rtfm: .


Hope you find this information useful :stinker:


Heee heee.... We can laugh at it, but it's just the sort of crap you have to endure these days.


I think I'll have to put a disclaimer notice on the door to the bunker: "No liability accepted once you enter the Bunker! You enter at your own risk! And - PLEASE don't sue me if you get a splinter!!!!!"



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You forgot the hard hat, safety goggles and work gloves :jester:  :rtfm:  :jester:




Oh bug*er, Duncan! Don't mention those! Next thing we'll all be wearing full hazard gear with self-contained oxygen supply to cope with all those f***s Andy produces after eating his Belgian buns!!    :jester:


:stinker:  :stinker:  :O  :O  :stinker:  :stinker:



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Changing the subject slightly, to fresher air and the bunker (no, Andy - NOT the outside loo!!).....


What a difference a week makes to the weather - beautiful blue sky last weekend, grey and dull today. And the current state of the bunker? Erm.... footings flooded:





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Many years ago my dad got to work one morning to flooded trenches like that, his job that day was to knock the level pegs in for concreting, he had a quick measure and the water level was spot on so the pegs were knocked in in no time at all!

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Buy some radio controlled boats :no: :no: :no:


I tried to do a Friendly / Supportive to Jeff's flooded trench and my little arrowy thing kept flashing over the Heart and wouldn't let me click on it to begin with, has anybody else had the same or similar issues? :scratchhead: :scratchhead:


Bodge :stinker:

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  • RMweb Premium




Buy some radio controlled boats :no: :no: :no:


I tried to do a Friendly / Supportive to Jeff's flooded trench and my little arrowy thing kept flashing over the Heart and wouldn't let me click on it to begin with, has anybody else had the same or similar issues? :scratchhead: :scratchhead:


Bodge :stinker:


Locos duly sold - see the Classifieds section (I'm a bad liar).


I'm taking up snorkeling and scuba diving.


At least living in the north of England guarantees I'll always have plenty of water - for free!



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