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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

You know me too well!


Yes, there WILL be some timber BEHIND the Fell - as a "rear support" (sounds dodgy) and as a frame to hold the backscene. But it'll only be 2 x 2 (well, metric stuff tends to come in at 44mm x 44mm).


Needless to say, the L-girders will be "substantial".


But, come on - I AM MAKING AN EFFORT to conserve the Earth's resources.


Btw - have you looked at Paul (Worsdell Forever)'s "Greyscroft"? Fantastic work.



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You know me too well!


Yes, there WILL be some timber BEHIND the Fell - as a "rear support" (sounds dodgy) and as a frame to hold the backscene. But it'll only be 2 x 2 (well, metric stuff tends to come in at 44mm x 44mm).


Needless to say, the L-girders will be "substantial".


But, come on - I AM MAKING AN EFFORT to conserve the Earth's resources.


Btw - have you looked at Paul (Worsdell Forever)'s "Greyscroft"? Fantastic work.



I have just posted in there and seen you LURKING AGAIN, hahha


And :scratchhead:

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Hi all, it is quiet on here, I have been in the Layouts section and catching up on some bits in there but there isn't much going on in there either.


I will pop back later.

Andy :stinker:


Well, it was quiet on here when I came on but you all keep posting and I keep reading but here's my bit for the evening. :D

My excuse - and another two posts.............

I've been mixing paint...and...er....mixing more paint...and re-mixing.......and thinking about it....I'm getting there.

Don't worry. I'm only doing the stonework on the goods shed for Camel Quay.

It'll be sorted tomorrow.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:



Andy, I thought you'd have been shocked by my post # 11383 (above).


Yes, you remember 11383 very well, don't you?....


I'm going to construct the majority of the new Fell using insulation block with a thin plaster coat for surface detail. So the Fell won't be 200kg + anymore, more like 20kg!!! 


BUT I'll never change from 4 x 2! (I was offered some cheap 8 x 2 yesterday - I'm considering it).




That models really well and the shavings/dust from the carved insulation block hoovers up eaasily - unlike polystyrene.


I'd better post this now before you think I'm just lurking, too.


Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Polly. You are never lurking - unlike that Bodge character who chases me all round the Forum! I have to say, things liven up when Andy starts posting. He even got me into a rendition of Bowie's "Space Oddity" on Mike's Dent thread tonight!


I'm looking forward to doing a lot of things differently on KL2. Not because they worked badly on KL, but because they provide definite improvements. The immense irony of the Kingspan (or equivalent) material is that I used over 30 8' x 4' blocks to insulate the bunker during the garage conversion. But I never had a single spare piece when it came to the hillside building! Quite incredible.



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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Polly. You are never lurking - unlike that Bodge character who chases me all round the Forum! I have to say, things liven up when Andy starts posting. He even got me into a rendition of Bowie's "Space Oddity" on Mike's Dent thread tonight!


I'm looking forward to doing a lot of things differently on KL2. Not because they worked badly on KL, but because they provide definite improvements. The immense irony of the Kingspan (or equivalent) material is that I used over 30 8' x 4' blocks to insulate the bunker during the garage conversion. But I never had a single spare piece when it came to the hillside building! Quite incredible.




That's always the way, Jeff.  If you've no other use whatsoever for something, you can guarantee there'll be loads left over.

The same when you want something.  Like there's been loads of a certain loco or piece of rolling stock around for ages or you didn't bother to pick one up when you saw it because you thought it wasn't relevant but as soon as you find out it has some link to your layout it seems to disappear off the planet.


Not sure that Bodge has....  :jester:

Quick egsit  :bye:



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  • RMweb Premium

Quick request for photos:


Does anyone have a colour shot of Kirkby Stephen West station building from the 60's or thereabouts? Basically, any time before it was cleaned up / sandblasted, e.g. still covered in soot every day by passing steam locos.

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  • RMweb Premium

Now I wonder what you are scheming up, Jason....doing a bit of experimental stonework painting?


Anyway, I've quite a collection of pics, but they're nearly all B&W. Here are 3, the first IS colour, but doesn't show much:


KSW 1960s:




KSW 1981:




KSW 1950s:




I'll have another look later as I'm about to go and wheelbarrow a large number of bricks!





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  • RMweb Premium

Nail on the head mate. From the looks of it, the mortar is slightly lighter than the stone, with the stone much darker than it is nowadays but definitely not sooty black.


Those bargeboards look pretty intricate; does the York Modelmaking fret include those too?


Edit: Paul's right; that last photo looks to be corporate BR days

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, you're right about the last photo. I mis-read the list.


I haven't got any more close-ups, though the following might be of general interest....


Station shelter 1965




Station view 1966











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Nail on the head mate. From the looks of it, the mortar is slightly lighter than the stone, with the stone much darker than it is nowadays but definitely not sooty black.


Those bargeboards look pretty intricate; does the York Modelmaking fret include those too?


Edit: Paul's right; that last photo looks to be corporate BR days


       It is very easy to reproduce those intricate bargeboards.  If you are interested I will tell you how I do it in 10 thou plastic sheet.  Give me a few minutes and I will post a couple of piccies of mine.


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I'm quite happy to "invent" my own way of doing things when it comes to scratchbuilding. However, good practice is something to learn from - if you don't need to re-invent the wheel, don't!


Once Jason has shown me the way in which he assembles things I should be able to come up with something - whether it's good or not remains to be seen!


As for the bargeboards - Derek, your photos have given me a method to approach this - especially as 10 thou plastikard is very cuttable.



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Yes, you're right about the last photo. I mis-read the list.


I haven't got any more close-ups, though the following might be of general interest....


Station shelter 1965


attachicon.gifStation shelter 1965.JPG


Station view 1966


attachicon.gifStation view 1966.JPG






attachicon.gifGoods sheds 2.JPG




I love that 2nd picture Jeff, it's a scene I would have to replicate if I was modelling KL.


I'll patiently wait a few years to see if it turns up. :O  :mosking:


Oh! and I'd love to see you doing those bargeboards like Derek, what a challenge.

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  • RMweb Premium

I love that 2nd picture Jeff, it's a scene I would have to replicate if I was modelling KL.


I'll patiently wait a few years to see if it turns up. :O  :mosking:


Oh! and I'd love to see you doing those bargeboards like Derek, what a challenge.


I agree with you about the second photo. I like the third one as well....


You won't see the whole aspect modelled in that way on KL for one simple reason: the view of the station and underbridge would have been taken in the same place where KL/KL2 has the viaduct. So although I can fit the bridge and bank detail in I can't have the cottages etc. Never mind, you win some....


As for the bargeboards. Well, I'm up for a challenge. Some 10 or 20thou and a sharp scalpel blade and we'll see what happens. Maybe something will have been done in a month or so's time (or maybe not - no promises!!)



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Hi Guys, some great pics above, I do like the road / cottages under and the Embankment, I would love to incorporate that in my project.

I will put some pics in the Lounge of our Clubs super elevated track.


Andy :sungum:

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Hi all,


Came on for a quick catch-up on KL2 and as usual 'quick' is not really the correct terminology...


Some cracking pictures there Jeff, you must have a massive collection but its all required viewing.


The corporate BR signs were introduced about 1965 following the XP64 trials when BR was in a state of 'flux'. Lamposts however I think look 1970's


York Modelmaking do supply absolutely perfect bargeboards and 'Herringbone' tongue and groove' boarded doors to order, you can see the items I got for Dent on my thread, (I could not tell you where as I'm not as organised as you Jeff) I know they are a different profile but that would not be an issue, just sent them a scanned photo or preferably a plan.


Jeff, If you get that load of 8" x 2" :nono: get it delivered via my yard and I'll rip it down to manageable 2" x 1" :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:

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Yep, it HAS been quiet, but then I'm not surprised on KL - it's nearly 3 months since I ripped it apart. What DOES surprise me is that KL continues to amble on at 2500 - 3000 views per week, with little happening! Roll on KL2!

 It's life Jeff, but not as we know it :jester:  :jester: :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi all,


Came on for a quick catch-up on KL2 and as usual 'quick' is not really the correct terminology...


Some cracking pictures there Jeff, you must have a massive collection but its all required viewing.


The corporate BR signs were introduced about 1965 following the XP64 trials when BR was in a state of 'flux'. Lamposts however I think look 1970's


York Modelmaking do supply absolutely perfect bargeboards and 'Herringbone' tongue and groove' boarded doors to order, you can see the items I got for Dent on my thread, (I could not tell you where as I'm not as organised as you Jeff) I know they are a different profile but that would not be an issue, just sent them a scanned photo or preferably a plan.


Jeff, If you get that load of 8" x 2" :nono: get it delivered via my yard and I'll rip it down to manageable 2" x 1" :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:


I'll photocopy the window, door etc plans from the Anderson and Fox book and send them to York Modelmaking after I've been down to Jason's.


As for photos - several people (via contacts made on RMweb) have supplied me with a considerable amount of S&C related material. There are some idiots on some of the threads, but the vast majority of people on here are wonderful and couldn't be more helpful.


2 x 1? I don't use toothpicks, I'll have you know!  :jester:  :jester:



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And I'll have the shavings for wagon loads, hhaha


And :no:


And then you can invite people to "come up and see my shavings..... (£2.54 at the last count, after interest paid)" (sorry, even worse humour than usual)



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