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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers lads! Just got back from my socialising - catching up with someone I hadn't seen for a number of years. And not a word of discussion concerning railways!


I'm expecting viaducts and stone-walling to feature high on the list. The word "bleak" hasn't been used yet - that's a term I won't use as to me the landscape is wild, rugged and beautiful. Always remember Neil Armstrong's description of the lunar surface - "magnificent desolation" - and thinking what a great description. Suits a lot of the S&C, too!


I know you're a bit biased Jonathan, but I'd agree with the black 5. I may need to buy a couple more and re-number them appropriately, if necessary.


Keep the ideas coming!


Heater is on in the bunker. Time to do some work...



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Right, and I know you like these kind of stupid questions. Your answer is your opinion only, it's a bit of fun and it won't be held against you. But... which loco and which landscape (man-made or natural) feature do you think most typifies the S&C? Answers on a postcard....Lol.





Tempting to go for one of the larger viaducts, but I think Dent Head would be my answer.

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Typical S&C - a class 70 failed on a coal working.



Semaphore signals, decrepid structures beaten by the weather along with the bleakness and walls already mentioned.


Bit beyond my time-frame, Dave, so I won't worry about that!


Semaphore signals (and their associated boxes) - very nice. Shame I won't have too many on KL.


Jonathan - a lot biased? I'd never have guessed! A very good choice of loco to appreciate though...



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Hi Jeff it is good to see that the wiring is coming along well. It just shows how planning in advance and the use of templates helps with the positiong of every point and section. Credit where it is due. I have booked you up for the track laying on my big project, :sungum: I will just put my feet up and watch, I will keep you filled up with caffeine though, hahahah


Cheers for now Andy.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff it is good to see that the wiring is coming along well. It just shows how planning in advance and the use of templates helps with the positiong of every point and section. Credit where it is due. I have booked you up for the track laying on my big project, :sungum: I will just put my feet up and watch, I will keep you filled up with caffeine though, hahahah


Cheers for now Andy.


Cheers Andy. Don't laugh - I may take you up on the offer!!


Update: Trackwork into the fiddle yard at RHS (opposite end to viaduct) is laid. When PVA is dry I can start fitting the fan of turnouts at that end.


I've also fitted terminal blocks next to the Cobalts. Will shortly start wiring the Cobalts to the turnouts through the block. Then all it needs is a track bus, connection from bus up to block and we're in business. That's when I find all the electrical faults!!!!!



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeff it is good to see that the wiring is coming along well. It just shows how planning in advance and the use of templates helps with the positiong of every point and section. Credit where it is due. I have booked you up for the track laying on my big project, :sungum: I will just put my feet up and watch, I will keep you filled up with caffeine though, hahahah


Cheers for now Andy.


Can I come too Andy? My folks still live in the Peak District!

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  • RMweb Premium

Can I come too Andy? My folks still live in the Peak District!


Tell you what, Jonathan. I'll hire a minibus, we'll fill it with the Stockton/North Yorkshire contingent, and we'll descend on Derbyshire to perform a kind of "1 week makeover" for Andy's big project. We can play with his O gauge layout and learn the fine art of using 6 inch nails in layouts - the Derbyshire Way!!



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I've now wired a few of the Cobalts to the stock/blade rails and the frogs. The first photo shows Cobalt number 1 (fixed to turnout 1, nearest to the viaduct).




The yellow and blue wires in connections 1 and 8 are the connections to the DC supply for blade switching via the contol panel.


The internal polarity switching is linked to the turnouts via:


Connection 4: Green wire - Common in Cobalt to turnout Frog

Connections 2 and 3: Poles of SPDT switch in Cobalt to Stock rail/blade rail (Black) and Stock rail/blade rail (Red)


The only thing needed now is a Red and Black bus connection to the terminal block (Red/Black) and it should work...


The next photo shows a row of similarly wired Cobalts...




This may look messy - it actually looks neat without the mega-reflection of the flash on the masking-tape labels - but compare it to "dropper heaven" for the Cobalts I haven't got to yet!...




I hope these photos are in some way useful - I suppose it's not the kind of thing you normally see posted. It's not pretty and what everyone normally sees is just the "tip of the iceberg".



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Mike, I thought you might be interested in the photo below. This is the corner with by far the tightest radii - around 24" and 28". And, of course, where the 2 coaches collided with a maintained track separation of 32mm.


The pic shows the track after the outer line has been increased to about 30" radius and track separation at 40mm. It's not obvious that the track separates and by the time it reaches the corner it's through a tunnel and out of sight! Closest approach - I re-measured it today - between the 2 coaches was about 6mm.



Edited by Physicsman
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Hi Jeff Well done for checking the coaches before you went to far, the gap difference wont show once the scenics are all around it, (BTW still cant see any grass seeds), The flow of that finescale track does look nice and will reward you with a good looking layout that will run as good as it looks.


On a serious note, I am a little concerned about the wood screws sticking out through the wood under the frame in pic 1 of the previous batch :nono: , I left some like that a few years ago and 6 months later went to crawl under the layout to sort out a problem and forgot about them, :O made a right mess of my hand and I was out of action for several days :nono: It was a good job I didn't catch my head on them or my brain would have leaked out, hahahah.


Now about this convoy heading south :no: :O :o :O :o I will need to get some tea bags in :sungum:


I also see you have knocked KL off the Number 1 spot with another entry by yourself on another S & C topic, you silly man, get back to the top or write 100 lines I must stay at No 1.


Cheers Andy.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff Well done for checking the coaches before you went to far, the gap difference wont show once the scenics are all around it, (BTW still cant see any grass seeds), The flow of that finescale track does look nice and will reward you with a good looking layout that will run as good as it looks.


On a serious note, I am a little concerned about the wood screws sticking out through the wood under the frame in pic 1 of the previous batch :nono: , I left some like that a few years ago and 6 months later went to crawl under the layout to sort out a problem and forgot about them, :O made a right mess of my hand and I was out of action for several days :nono: It was a good job I didn't catch my head on them or my brain would have leaked out, hahahah.


Now about this convoy heading south :no: :O :o :O :o I will need to get some tea bags in :sungum:


I also see you have knocked KL off the Number 1 spot with another entry by yourself on another S & C topic, you silly man, get back to the top or write 100 lines I must stay at No 1.


Cheers Andy.


Andy, you're right about the wood screws! Most of the screws I used in the subframe were 3". However, I had a part-used box of 4" screws, bought for wall construction. I've banged my head into the damn things a few times already. It hurts! I need to make some "covers" for them - even plasticine blobs on each end would do.


The Hellifield entry wasn't my doing, but it's a good resource. And you can't stay "number 1" forever!


Today's schedule involves starting to fit the points at one entrance to the fiddle yard and wiring-up some more of those Cobalts. I can see I'll be getting the itch to fit the track bus soon - even if I only wire a little bit up it'll let me run a loco or two.





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Just popped in on this before I dissapear for the day laying track. I admire the effort you are putting into getting each and every point 'motorised', which is at the opposite end of the bar from what I do (wiring is anathema to me). Regarding the S&C, for me it's the bleak loneliness and the typical station configuration in steam days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just popped in on this before I dissapear for the day laying track. I admire the effort you are putting into getting each and every point 'motorised', which is at the opposite end of the bar from what I do (wiring is anathema to me). Regarding the S&C, for me it's the bleak loneliness and the typical station configuration in steam days.


Morning Larry,


I enjoy the wiring-up, probably because I've done so much of it during my career. What I don't like is working in the relatively confined space under the boards. I can manage an hour or so at a time, but it's not easy.


I've always left the point motor bit 'til too late on previous layouts. This time, as the polarity switching is important to the operation of the turnouts, and because I've used the slow-motion motors, I've felt inspired to get it done early. It looks ok. Probably won't work when I switch on, despite meticulous testing!


Enjoy your tracklaying!



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Have a good day wiring mate, I am just off to have a coffee, take the dogs for a walk and then work on Trebudoc Station, I will take some pics of its progress and post on T later today, catch up again soon, Andy.

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Hi Jeff,

Superb work on all your wiring mate!

I have only a little wiring to do on my little 'Continental layout' but it's very, very confined spaces so I dread it.

Thanks for forging ahead with this project btw, it keeps my S&C interest going! One day I will get back to 'Dent'.

All the talk of 8F's and green diesels really keeps me interested.


John E.

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Hello John. Glad you're enjoying the thread. I'm having a brief break from the wiring at the moment - time for coffee.


All the chat keeps me inspired too. Without the RMwebbers I'd have got fed up by now.


Bit more wiring shortly, then time to fit a couple of turnouts.





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Jeff, Just a thought re the screws sticking through, how about a pack of raw plugs from the pound shop, pop one over each one and the job is done.




I've just posted on Trebudoc while you were writing this... weird!


Good idea Andy. My brother suggested I use a cutting discs on the Dremel to chop the ends off - duly done for some of the screws, after a lot of sparks, glowing disc and burning smells! A few more to do - when I find 'em (probably with my head!).


Like the platform work on Trebudoc. Will be constructing a similar kind of thing here - eventually.


Hunger and stiffness (due to being stuck under the boards) has called an early end to proceedings today. A lot more wiring done though.



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Hi Chipster. I've noticed you've taken a lot of interest in KL. Have you a layout on a similar theme, are you building one or do you like me "boring you to death"? Lol!


You are very welcome to share your opinions on here.


Best wishes,



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Jeff rumour has it that it was only your pupils that got bored and fell asleep in class :O :o :O :o :scratchhead: , your input on the Web is both insperational and educational :sungum: now do you feel smug? :no:

BTW I did notice you were on T as I was writing on here is that wot you educated people call telly pathetic? hahahahheee

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  • RMweb Premium

Jeff rumour has it that it was only your pupils that got bored and fell asleep in class :O :o :O :o :scratchhead: , your input on the Web is both insperational and educational :sungum: now do you feel smug? :no:

BTW I did notice you were on T as I was writing on here is that wot you educated people call telly pathetic? hahahahheee


I always wanted to be a comedian, but people like you kept me out of a job. Now I know why!! :O Maybe I wasn't attractive enough. Or maybe my NAILS weren't long enough... So they put me out to GRASS!!! Lol.


Cheers Andy. If I have the inspirational effect, you certainly do. It's a great hobby and marvellous to share knowledge and gee (wind) each other up!


Bit addictive too. I've locked up for the night, am about to have my tea at my brothers yet I'm getting the "itch" to do some more wiring... Must see a doctor about this!


Anyway, I like your plans for Trebudoc and the platform you're building. Must toddle for my food...catch you later!


cheers, Jeff.

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Hi Jeff sorry it took so long but here are the A3's allocated to holbeck sorry if you already know but here goes


The first two are allocated to the shed on the 27 of february 1960 are


60038 Firidausi Non-Corridor Tender

60077 The White Knight Non-Corridor Tender


Followed by


60080 Dick Turpin GN Tender

60082 Neil Gow GN Tender

60088 Book Law GN Tender

60092 Fairway Non Corridor Tender


On the 14 of may 1960


And finally


60069 Sceptre GN Tender

60070 Gladiateur Non-Corridor Tender

60072 Sunstar Non-Corridor Tender


on the 26 of November 1960


I believe that all the engines had klychap double chimmneys but no deflectors on them at the time.

Holbeck also borrowed some of Neville Hills A3's because they were in better condition.



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Rob, thanks for taking the trouble to dig this information out. I'm pleased to see so many A3s on the list, as it makes it easier to justify running a couple if (a) I broaden my timespan for the layout (easy to do) and ( B) I actually buy an A3 - good model, so wouldn't mind.


I wonder how Peter (Western Sunset) is getting on with his shed allocations?






Edit: sorry about the stupid symbol that appears for a letter "b" in brackets!!

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