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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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Morning 'CHARD.


Many thanks for the generous comments re. the subframe. I'm very pleased with the result, and surprised I managed to build it in 5 days (ironically, I want to take my time to lengthen the enjoyment factor - but I get carried away!!). The problem now is that the next step has to do justice to what went before... I've always just plonked the baseboard straight on top of the frame - easy, but with inevitable consequences when it comes to fit point motors etc - the beams always seem to be in the wrong place. So, risers it will be... when I get round to it.


The trackplan has been worked out in detail using Anyrail for Peco code 75, but I really need to "mock" up the plan onto the board before any cutting takes place. I have Peco point "stencils", but my proposed Marcway turnouts could be a bit different, and I know the curved turnouts certainly are. So progress will be slow until I get a stock of track and/or turnout outlines. Marcway do a Layout Planner, so I'll give them a ring.


So, after a week of fun (I've spent my hols in the garage) we now have a period of rapid deceleration until the next "surge". Anticipation and planning is one of the best bits of the hobby - isn't it?


And btw, a skilled joiner might give my structure a casual glance. Yes, it's level and all joints are square. But some of the cutting is a bit out - it just doesn't show on the photos!!


All the best,



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What a great thread! Just read it for the first time.


In some respects our philosophies are diametrically opposed but nothing wrong with that (I once built a recording studio in a double garage and it was a literal pain when I had to move - not many people need them). Now my studio is in my Imac and I just stop when a jet goes over, much cheaper...).


Similarly I'm going lighter and lighter with regard to construction of baseboards - maybe it is because I see layouts as ephemeral, when I've finished them they get stripped down almost immediately (I'm not one for operations and get bored quickly when I become proficient at something - my most annoying trait). I'm now heading to Foamboard baseboards.


Anyway thanks, again.


Best, Pete.


Morning Pete,


Glad you found the thread. I've always gone for "permanence" where possible. I'm starting to dismantle the structure I built in a spare bedroom from 2003 - 2011, and it's proving to be quite an effort! The great thing about this hobby is the almost limitless variation in techniques employed. And when it comes down to it, as long as the end product works, that's fine!


I can see the attraction of Foamboard and it seems to be getting more popular over here. An equivalent product I used for wall insulation, in 8' x 4' blocks, has surprising rigidity, is light and withstands a lot of bashing around.


Thanks for your comments. We will just have to see how this project progresses over the next year or two,





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The trackplan has been worked out in detail using Anyrail for Peco code 75, but I really need to "mock" up the plan onto the board before any cutting takes place. I have Peco point "stencils", but my proposed Marcway turnouts could be a bit different, and I know the curved turnouts certainly are. So progress will be slow until I get a stock of track and/or turnout outlines. Marcway do a Layout Planner, so I'll give them a ring.


Jeff I'm not sure if this is going to be a red herring but if you planned very precisely using Peco geometry you might find a need to adjust the 6 foot spacing when using Marcway points (it depends on their geometry and rail length in the turnout part of course). It would be interesting to hear how others on the SMP trail are going to tackle this one if they're moving away from Peco pointwork at the same time.

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In some respects our philosophies are diametrically opposed but nothing wrong with that (I once built a recording studio in a double garage and it was a literal pain when I had to move - not many people need them). Now my studio is in my Imac and I just stop when a jet goes over, much cheaper...).


Similarly I'm going lighter and lighter with regard to construction of baseboards - maybe it is because I see layouts as ephemeral, when I've finished them they get stripped down almost immediately (I'm not one for operations and get bored quickly when I become proficient at something - my most annoying trait). I'm now heading to Foamboard baseboards.


The studio philosophy is certainly encouraging, Pete! Now, foamboard for structures - the Stoating Bank team on here are rapidly raising that game, I know that like yours truly, work has been getting in the way a little lately for those boys, but I'll keep my ears open for their latest developments with the technique.


Sorry Jeff for the wee diversion, now back to the show...

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The studio philosophy is certainly encouraging, Pete! Now, foamboard for structures - the Stoating Bank team on here are rapidly raising that game, I know that like yours truly, work has been getting in the way a little lately for those boys, but I'll keep my ears open for their latest developments with the technique.


Sorry Jeff for the wee diversion, now back to the show...


No problem! I don't suppose you know anything about Marcway point geometry? Medium radius points will be 36", as for Peco Streamline. I wonder if anyone has any turnout templates on here? (if not I'll ring them and buy some).



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No more than that to which you've alluded. I wish I'd bought the Marcway templates when I called in for my flexi track back in February; right now I'm trying to find a reason to eliminate turnouts from the scenic section entirely until the FS equivalents are a known quantity. See that boat - we're in the same one!

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Sorry "Foamboard" has a variety of meanings - I mean the 2" thick Pink stuff by Dow/Corning (very rigid) popular over here for house insulation.


Yes, my Imac has more audio processing power than Abbey Road of just ten years ago...everything is software, nowadays.


Best, Pete.

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No problem! I don't suppose you know anything about Marcway point geometry? Medium radius points will be 36", as for Peco Streamline. I wonder if anyone has any turnout templates on here? (if not I'll ring them and buy some).




Hi Jeff, I know a chap not too far away from you who is using Templot to plan his new EM layout and would be more than willing to create a range of templates for you in return for a cuppa and a natter (milk, no sugar thanks!)


Did I read correctly that you are ripping out the current layout? What are your plans for that room?


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Hi Jeff, I know a chap not too far away from you who is using Templot to plan his new EM layout and would be more than willing to create a range of templates for you in return for a cuppa and a natter (milk, no sugar thanks!)


Did I read correctly that you are ripping out the current layout? What are your plans for that room?


Al, you are a star! You are on - I think I can afford the milk!


Current layout is being removed - skip will be ordered at the end of July. I'll save what I can - Veissmann lamps etc., but the majority of the scenics are doomed. I'm turning the room back into a bedroom - not that I'm short of space. I may have a little plan in mind for a shelf layout in there sometime in the future!



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A study or bedroom with a shelf shunting plank, I like it already, when are we starting? ha ha

Ha ha indeed! Hell, you would think one layout would be enough - but judging by your experience, it clearly isn't!



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Ha ha indeed! Hell, you would think one layout would be enough - but judging by your experience, it clearly isn't!



Yes one good layout would be good, rather than 5 small ones so maybee one day!
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Yes one good layout would be good, rather than 5 small ones so maybee one day!


Yes Andy, but at least the "small" ones you build are all good!


I had a look at your weathering thread. Very interesting, and nice to see Kingsmill.



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Yes Andy, but at least the "small" ones you build are all good!


I had a look at your weathering thread. Very interesting, and nice to see Kingsmill.



Cheers Jeff, yes Kingsmill was the one layout I wish I could have saved, it was in Model Rail and Railway Modeller also Railway Modeller used pics of it in the 2011 Annual and for a page in RM advertising Peco Code 100 track so well chuffed.
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Cheers Jeff, yes Kingsmill was the one layout I wish I could have saved, it was in Model Rail and Railway Modeller also Railway Modeller used pics of it in the 2011 Annual and for a page in RM advertising Peco Code 100 track so well chuffed.


Hi Andy. I hadn't seen Kingsmill before and didn't realise you'd got rid of it. It just made an instant impression! Is Kingsmill on the forum? Would like to see more.


I think my current layout is going to keep me occupied for a few years, though a shelf layout in the (soon to be emptied) bedroom does appeal. I don't know why I'm worrying - there's only me (and the cat) in the house, so no SWMBO to consider (at the moment, at least!).


Best wishes,



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Just ordered a set of Marcway templates. £4.20. Guy in the shop was very helpful and hopefully the templates will aid with mods from Peco code 75 plan to SMP. Whatever, it's always fun to play around and plan!



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12mm ply makes a good baseboard, but manoeuvring an 8' x 4' sheet through the doorwell and onto the subframe is bl***y difficult! Feel like I've dislocated my shoulder! Nevermind, at least I can start some detailed track positioning when the turnout templates arrive!



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Hi Jeff,

The woodwork is looking good, looking forwards to seeing some track going down. Hope the Shoulder is ok.


Cheers Peter.

Thanks Peter,

Yes, I do enjoy a bit of woodwork. To be honest, once I get going I don't want to stop!

As for tracklaying, I think we might see some of that by the end of August. I need to check what I need and order the stuff first.

And I think I need some of your Australian sunshine to cure my shoulder (we haven't got much here despite the fact it's "flaming June"!!). :sungum:

Best wishes,


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Hi Andy. I hadn't seen Kingsmill before and didn't realise you'd got rid of it. It just made an instant impression! Is Kingsmill on the forum? Would like to see more.


I think my current layout is going to keep me occupied for a few years, though a shelf layout in the (soon to be emptied) bedroom does appeal. I don't know why I'm worrying - there's only me (and the cat) in the house, so no SWMBO to consider (at the moment, at least!).


Best wishes,



Hi Jeff, Kingsmill was only in the galleries and I have over 2500 photos taken from the first days of resting track on the board to see what works to the finished article. as for SWMBO's well a club member in a similar situation and has his O Gauge upstairs in his terreced house going through 3 bedrooms via the hall ! manic or what, diving from room to room to operate it. I cant believe you have NOT LAID ANY TRACK YET! ha ha. P.S. wish I was a bit nearer I would pop round and get pinning he he, but up at our club tonight building our new 41 ft x 12 ft MONSTER. All the best Andy
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Hi Andy,


That club layout sounds superb. I'm not sure I could manage 41' x 12' by myself. On the other hand, chance might be a fine thing!


I'd definitely be interested in seeing a few of your completed pics of Kingsmill. If you get chance, PM me a few. Always like to look over some of the better layouts - I'm always trying to learn and pick up new ideas.


It looks like I'll be ordering my track in mid-July for the start of my hols. I wish I had it now, but finances dictate. Even without a SWMBO I can only indulge myself to a point. Having said that, once I get tracklaying the coffers will open!!


Enjoy your fun at the club - I'm assuming it's 00?


Cheers Andy,



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Just received my Marcway turnout templates. Jason, you were right. A comparison of the 36" and 60" radius Marcway and Peco templates shows them to be nigh-on identical, though the Marcway has a slightly longer "tail". So it looks like 60" radius turnouts for the scenic part of Kirkby Luneside (I'll need 8 ).


Haven't got round to the slips yet...



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Movement of plywood into the bunker has been temporarily suspended by fork lightning, torrential rain then hailstones. Oh, the joys of a traditional British June day!


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Well at least it gave you a chance to get out on the garden while the soil's nice and soft :jester:

Mike, it also gave me the chance to sample the Physics of quicksand. Even my frogs are running for cover. Quite extraordinary. But nevermind, us northerners are tough enough to cope with it, Lol!


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