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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

I'm looking forward to starting KL2 and to having a go at the kits.


I also appreciate the encouragement that everyone has contributed to keep the thread going.


But I want everyone to understand something as I sometimes get the feeling - humour or not - that people think I'm trying to evade starting KL2. Nothing could be further from the truth.


It just hasn't been possible to do this and the garden has HAD to be done. And the work will continue in the garden in January.


I don't think the scale of the work on the new house is appreciated. And it is physically impossible to proceed until I'm able to have a clear out....


I'm not trying to whinge but all I can add is that KL2 will start at the earliest POSSIBLE time.


It's been fairly depressing not having a layout for over a year.


Thanks to everyone for all your continued support.



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Knowing you only from the threads you post on, I would never believe that you are the sort of person to avoid something. The results of KL and the gardens proves that.


I remember how much work was required last time I moved. I had no free time for months.


Unfortunately, as I have recently experienced, our hobby is only a hobby which we could all do with some more time for, but, real life gets in the way far to often.

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I've not posted for a while but just read what you said and think ,you shouldn't feel you have to explain your self to anyone it's a hobby like emt_911 says and I've no doubt want to get going with KL 2 ,I really enjoyed KL 1 and look forward to the new layout

I like you say I'm going to do this and start that but life's a funny way of getting in the way at the best /worse time

and I'll say again it's a hobby and upto a lot of other variables so getting time to enjoy this great hobby is sometimes frustrating


Moving house and all the problems that throws up and keeping the missus plus other family members and commitments happy is higher up the todo list especially in my life so I wouldn't worry about what others think ,I'd bet most were just joking anyways


Look forward to the new layout



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Brian and Duncan.


What you both say is correct and I certainly see KL2 as a hobby and a pleasure.


I also appreciate the humour and encouragement that everybody has offered. I'm just frustrated as I want to get going as soon as I possibly can.

The garden design and build is also a hobby and a pleasure.


I hope I can say the same after I've built a few kits!!



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Hi Jeff


Following on from Duncans post - Given your effort and enthusiasm to build the original KL2, I'd never doubt your desire to get started again.  

However, as you and others have said, there are often other priorities in life and it's then that railway modelling must take it's place in the queue. It is, after all, a hobby which can't compare in importance to the work involved with a move to a new house. 


I should also take this opportunity to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas...  not my favourite time of year... however as it's now the 27th I've decided it's time to come out from under the bed clothes :)  Hope you all had a great time and Santa brought something new and exciting for your layouts...




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Early good morning Jeff,

If you've seen my post in the lounge you'll realise that I've been 'busy' and missed a couple of days! Well said (post #13277), I completely agree with you and at times it must have felt that we were all badgering you to get going! This is quite far from the truth, I feel that it is more likely that we are just like voyeurs who are simply anxiously awaiting a thread which, if the last one is anything to go by, is going to be thoroughly entertaining as well as very informative. I personally hope to glean lots of tips from it which will get me started eventually! Having been engaged in re-decorating and preparing our current home for sale next year in order that Joanna can achieve her dream of downsizing, I fully sympathise with the way the time gets literally swallowed.

Jason is simply magic in the way that he shares his skill and ideas with everyone, and his plan to get you going with models of stock has inspired me to make a start in January. More basic stuff obviously, but I already have a few really old unbuilt Airfix 16T Mineral kits and with bashing, detailing (yes brakes as well Jason, but I'm not sure about brass!) and weathering, they will form a static part of my coaling stage module which I have already planned on paper. Look forward to your efforts as and when you get the time and meanwhile, how about some more of your lovely photos to whet our appetites?

Kind regards,


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Hi Jeff,


Have not looked in on KL for a few days but would like to add to the general consent that modelling is a pastime and not a chore, I don't know how I can say that when I've just spent the last 9 hours in the den but then I'm dedicated.........And erm....It gets me away from the women, yes I said women as in the plural !


I know you will have a plan formulated so just stick to that mate. We'll all still badger you but that's the nature of the beast!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Have not looked in on KL for a few days but would like to add to the general consent that modelling is a pastime and not a chore, I don't know how I can say that when I've just spent the last 9 hours in the den but then I'm dedicated.........And erm....It gets me away from the women, yes I said women as in the plural !


I know you will have a plan formulated so just stick to that mate. We'll all still badger you but that's the nature of the beast!


Evening Mike.


I've just got home from Cumbria and I've a series of visitors over the next few days. However, I'll get into the garage and take some photos to show the current "state". These can serve as a starting point for the new thread.


I'll do my best, but things may go slower (or more quickly??) than I'd like. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Early good morning Jeff,

If you've seen my post in the lounge you'll realise that I've been 'busy' and missed a couple of days! Well said (post #13277), I completely agree with you and at times it must have felt that we were all badgering you to get going! This is quite far from the truth, I feel that it is more likely that we are just like voyeurs who are simply anxiously awaiting a thread which, if the last one is anything to go by, is going to be thoroughly entertaining as well as very informative. I personally hope to glean lots of tips from it which will get me started eventually! Having been engaged in re-decorating and preparing our current home for sale next year in order that Joanna can achieve her dream of downsizing, I fully sympathise with the way the time gets literally swallowed.

Jason is simply magic in the way that he shares his skill and ideas with everyone, and his plan to get you going with models of stock has inspired me to make a start in January. More basic stuff obviously, but I already have a few really old unbuilt Airfix 16T Mineral kits and with bashing, detailing (yes brakes as well Jason, but I'm not sure about brass!) and weathering, they will form a static part of my coaling stage module which I have already planned on paper. Look forward to your efforts as and when you get the time and meanwhile, how about some more of your lovely photos to whet our appetites?

Kind regards,



Cheers Jock. Much appreciate your comments, as always.


What kind of photos would you like, sir? There'll be a few showing the "tip" that is the garage when the KL2 thread starts on January 1. Or would you like a couple more of the garden - not that anything's been done for a week (but the build will continue in a couple of weeks, that's for sure!!)


Btw, I had to laugh at your post in the Lounge. How could anybody "mistakenly" end up heating an ELECTRIC kettle on a gas stove!!! I'm still laughing to myself hours after reading it (hang on, there's people in white coats and a large van outside my door. Got to go.....)  :jester:  :jester:  :O  :O  :jester:  :jester:



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Jeff, I am given to the understanding that my great grandmum was capable of a similar sin to Jock's.  Certainly, she had a copper bottomed kettle after burning the bottom out of several cast iron (?  I'm guessing...) ones on the stove.  The electric ones make a spectacular spark show when they go wrong.  (not as spectacular as a 440V pump does...)


With regards to "pushing" you & KL2, I hope that it more comes over as this being a fun place to hang out, and pester the in crowd.  Mike has put most of us to shame with the amount of work he has done on "Dent", I feel like a slug in comparison with Long Marton. 


We will get, what we get, and we will continue to add irreverent info here (& in the Lounge), with all kinds of sausages being talked about, good drinks being discussed, curry's, and the occasional bit of actual modeling.  (perhaps Jason will lead that group...it won't be me, as I'd have to do some modeling...even if I have actually built a few Parkside kits).



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi James.


It was because people pushed me (very often, Jason) that my skill level improved on KL. I expect the same kind of input will happen with the next "creation" (though whether I'll improve, rusty as I am is another matter!!)


No sausages or gas-destroyed electric kettles, though. Save them for Bitton! :O :o



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  • RMweb Premium

Btw, is anyone else having any problems with the Forum.


Half the time I can't log on and I'm currently unable to edit a previous post. Very odd. Almost like the "good old days" of 2011!



Edited by Physicsman
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Btw, is anyone else having any problems with the Forum.


Half the time I can't log on and I'm currently unable to edit a previous post. Very odd. Almost like the "good old days" of 2011!



Haven't had any problems myself but I do know that others have had similar

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Hi Jeff,


Have not had any specific problems but things appear to be slower to me.


I have also been laughing over Jock's ex' He obviously went for 'looks' as opposed to brains............I know! I did the opposite with my ex!

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Btw, is anyone else having any problems with the Forum.


Half the time I can't log on and I'm currently unable to edit a previous post. Very odd. Almost like the "good old days" of 2011!



I've left a message on your mobile that may sort it.

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Hi Jeff,


Have not had any specific problems but things appear to be slower to me.


I have also been laughing over Jock's ex' He obviously went for 'looks' as opposed to brains............I know! I did the opposite with my ex!

My ex eventually failed on both counts

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Morning folks,

Dead right, a well endowed nurse and, looking back, I can't think of any other attraction - not the best grounds for a marriage! Should have known when my chat-up line worked at our first meeting - 'How can I take you out on Monday evening if I don't have your address?'- which was immediately written down for me!

We did produce a lovely son though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time and money! I could write a book on some of her exploits but perhaps I'll save them as stories for the lounge when things get quiet!

Look forward to the start of KL2, Jeff, and hope you'll give us plenty of notice of the start!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

I've left a message on your mobile that may sort it.


Thanks Andy.


System seems to be ok this morning. I've not had problems previously, but last night I was unable to correct the odd typo or two - and, as Mike said, the system was slow.


All seems well, but thanks for your info - it may prove useful at a later date!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Have not had any specific problems but things appear to be slower to me.


I have also been laughing over Jock's ex' He obviously went for 'looks' as opposed to brains............I know! I did the opposite with my ex!


My "almost" wife - we'd been engaged for 4 years - had the looks, brains and the qualities of Jock's first (ahermmmm....)


It still didn't work.


Never mind, I'm pretty certain there'd be no bunker if she was around!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning folks,

Dead right, a well endowed nurse and, looking back, I can't think of any other attraction - not the best grounds for a marriage! Should have known when my chat-up line worked at our first meeting - 'How can I take you out on Monday evening if I don't have your address?'- which was immediately written down for me!

We did produce a lovely son though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time and money! I could write a book on some of her exploits but perhaps I'll save them as stories for the lounge when things get quiet!

Look forward to the start of KL2, Jeff, and hope you'll give us plenty of notice of the start!

Kind regards,



That's a good chat-up line, Jock.


Part of my research involved the chemical processing of plastic nuclear radiation detectors. More than once I was heard to utter the classic "would you like to come up and see my etchings"!!


There'll be some kind of rubbish to start the KL2 thread on January 1. Probably some garage photos and a load of philosophical twaddle from me. We'll probably get to page 10 before anything actually happens. However, maybe it's time to stick our discussions into a new thread! Can't do any harm.



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Look forward to the thread starting and in the spirit of your new thread, re-calling a while back that you want to keep largely to KL2 railway modelling topics, I'm going over to the lounge to start a discussion on 'chat-up lines'!

Kind regards,


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That's a good chat-up line, Jock.


Part of my research involved the chemical processing of plastic nuclear radiation detectors. More than once I was heard to utter the classic "would you like to come up and see my etchings"!!


There'll be some kind of rubbish to start the KL2 thread on January 1. Probably some garage photos and a load of philosophical twaddle from me. We'll probably get to page 10 before anything actually happens. However, maybe it's time to stick our discussions into a new thread! Can't do any harm.



PAGE 10?




PAGE ??????   10 ?????


I'm on page 148 of Bitton and its still all a load of twaddle, I want to get Bitton back on track again this week, hhahahha.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm looking forward to starting KL2 and to having a go at the kits.


I also appreciate the encouragement that everyone has contributed to keep the thread going.


But I want everyone to understand something as I sometimes get the feeling - humour or not - that people think I'm trying to evade starting KL2. Nothing could be further from the truth.


It just hasn't been possible to do this and the garden has HAD to be done. And the work will continue in the garden in January.


I don't think the scale of the work on the new house is appreciated. And it is physically impossible to proceed until I'm able to have a clear out....


I'm not trying to whinge but all I can add is that KL2 will start at the earliest POSSIBLE time.


It's been fairly depressing not having a layout for over a year.


Thanks to everyone for all your continued support.




Generally when I get round to building baseboards and track after doing all the other things that need doing it is just before we need to move again.  I would suggest that now you have done the basics set aside at least one day a week to do something on the layout.


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