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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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You two are amazing and I'm very grateful for the gesture. I really am looking forward to visiting the new Den (NO - I DON'T mean Millwall FC's ground!!!!)


As for KL2. I'd originally planned to keep the KL thread going. But that would be messy and more difficult to access.


So it'll be a new thread starting, literally, from scratch.




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  • RMweb Premium

Behave yourselves!!! The next thing, you'll have been wanting grass on the KL2 Fell, YESTERDAY!!!!!


I'm not quite as chatty as you, Andy, so I won't start the KL2 thread until something is happening. Even if that "something" is merely cleaning out the crap in the garage (that's the problem: virtually none of it is crap - the crap went into several skips BEFORE the house move in June).


Have fun with the Templot cut-outs!!



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  • RMweb Gold

There is somewhat of an analogy for entropy in water when water is all at the same level there is little incentive to flow. The water high up flows down until all the water reaches the same level. Not 100% the same but you get the idea


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  • RMweb Gold

According to quantum mechanics there is a finite probability that all of the water molecules could end up higher than their starting point... but it is a very, very small possibility. Just like the finite probability that if you run towards a wall all of your molecules could quantum tunnel their way through it and you appear on the other side unbruised. I think I'll let someone else try that one as it's likely to take a large number of attempts to get it to work!


Kind regards, Neil


Edited to say - sorry Jeff, this bit if the thread really should have been in the lounge.

Edited by Anotheran
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  • RMweb Premium

No problems, Neil.


I've been using the quantum mechanical argument to argue that the chance, however small, of KL2 commencing in the next few weeks is small, but finite.


OK, back to head-bashing on the wall. Frustration I hasten to add, not a quantum-mechanical experiment!



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  • RMweb Gold

My wife understands and loves thermodynamics, but then again she did Chemical Engineering at Uni so what would you expect.


Our lecturer really found standing in front of 200 students very difficult and his lecturing showed it.  On one occasion a student called out while he was in the middle of three boards worth of equations, 'On that line that plus should be a minus'.

'Oh, yes,' and he changed it.

Two minutes later, someone else called out, 'No, it should be a plus.'

'Oh yes,' and he changed it.

Someone then called out, 'No, it is a minus.'

He stood and looked at it, went through a few lines, and said, 'You're right,' and changed it.

'No, it is a plus.'

He stood and looked at it again, and said, 'I will check my notes and tell you tomorrow.'


At the end of the lecture there was a little group of students discussing it with him.

Next day he told us which was correct, but do not ask me to remember what it was.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been using the quantum mechanical argument to argue that the chance, however small, of KL2 commencing in the next few weeks is small, but finite.


And probably slightly larger than the relevant atoms arranging themselves correctly so that you can just go in to the bunker and start running the trains :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Great story, Chris. Made me laugh as I've seen a few instances of that kind of thing. My worst lecturer was a well-meaning, but very shy new PhD giving the maths module on Lagrangian Dynamics. After several lectures of unintelligible woffle and boards worth of Lagrangians, one of the 2nd year students stood up, called the poor lecturer a "wan*er" and walked out, followed by around half the students in the lecture theatre.


Going back to your story, making it relevant to KL2, an image came to mind of Mike (Dent) and Bodge, stood outside my bunker discussing my woodwork. The conversation goes...


Bodge: "Hell-fire, he used a lot of 3 x 1 in there"

Mike: "No, you mean 4 x 2..."

Bodge: "No, definitely 3 x 1"

Mike: "Bodge, I assure you, as an experienced woodworker, it was 4 x 2...." etc etc


Mike, of course, was correct. I'd never use anything as flimsy as 3 x 1 in construction. Except, of course, along with the 4 x 2 when I make the 5 x 3 L-girders (serious comment).



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  • RMweb Gold

But can it flow up Don?

Kind regards,



I did say not 100%. Water flows due to an external force (gravity) whereas heat can be passed in many ways. I was taught that heat could not flow from a cool body to a hot one but we have invented frdges and heat pumps that achieve that result but you have to steal energy from elsewhere to make them work.


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Morning all,

Don, I was simply making a glib reference to the state of mind that it is prudent to adopt before approaching the 'concept of entropy'!


Jeff, I hope you are avoiding the political pitfalls that abound during infrequent family visits! I often struggle to keep my odd sense of humour in rein, and regularity receive sharp glances from Joanna. There is a lot of truth in the old saying :'you can choose your friends but not the members of your family'!

Bet you can't wait to get back to mixing concrete or mortar, HaHaHa!!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Don, I was simply making a glib reference to the state of mind that it is prudent to adopt before approaching the 'concept of entropy'!


Jeff, I hope you are avoiding the political pitfalls that abound during infrequent family visits! I often struggle to keep my odd sense of humour in rein, and regularity receive sharp glances from Joanna. There is a lot of truth in the old saying :'you can choose your friends but not the members of your family'!

Bet you can't wait to get back to mixing concrete or mortar, HaHaHa!!

Kind regards,



Hi Jock.


Finally managed to get to the computer. However, I did manage to get my phone changed today and have a quick look round the garden - giving the "tour". No more digging/concreting until Monday, unfortunately.


As for political correctness, well I just say what comes out. If visitors are offended, that's their problem!! HaHaHa, as you said!



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  • RMweb Gold

No problems, Neil.


I've been using the quantum mechanical argument to argue that the chance, however small, of KL2 commencing in the next few weeks is small, but finite.


OK, back to head-bashing on the wall. Frustration I hasten to add, not a quantum-mechanical experiment!




Ah the wonders and paradoxies of the quantum mechanics world.


Q1 There would be a finite possibility that you have started a thread or is that only true if some has read it?

Q2 Since there would be a corresponding possibility that any one of us had read it does that mean you have started it?

Q3 WHy then is it not already in the listings?

Q4 Am I spouting total garbage?



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  • RMweb Premium

No aqueducts on KL2, so no problems with water movement.


As for the entropy.... Hopefully, the entropy of the garage will decrease once cleaning out starts - to be compensated by an increase in disorder in numerous other places!


Don, quantum mechanics is a very counter intuitive theory. The possibility of linear combinations of solutions to the wave equation leads to interesting scenarios such as Schrodinger's Cat. I'm just hoping that the bunker isn't prey to such - having working/non-working railways simultaneously could cause problems! Having said that, the garage would have to be scaled down by around a factor of 1010 for effects to be noticeable! It'd make Z gauge look huge!!



Edited by Physicsman
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No aqueducts on KL2, so no problems with water movement.


As for the entropy.... Hopefully, the entropy of the garage will decrease once cleaning out starts - to be compensated by an increase in disorder in numerous other places!


Don, quantum mecanics is a very counter intuitive theory. The possibility of linear combinations of solutions to the wave equation leads to interesting scenarios such as Schrodinger's Cat. I'm just hoping that the bunker isn't prey to such - having working/non-working railways simultaneously could cause problems! Having said that, the garage would have to be scaled down by arounfd a factor of 1010 for effects to be noticeable! It'd make Z gauge look huge!!



I thought that Schrodingers Cat was real, but I haven't seen it, so is it?

Edited by emt_911
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