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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Agree with your philosophies, lads. Big mistake with KL was to assume I'd build it to last, as I'd never thought of moving (it was "dismantled" at the end of November 2013. Until mid-October 2013 I'd not even considered the possibility).


KL2 will be built on 6 or 7 boards, each atop its own L-girder table. So - provided the garage doors can be opened (that's another story....) - it'll be possible to remove it section by section.



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Agree with your philosophies, lads. Big mistake with KL was to assume I'd build it to last, as I'd never thought of moving (it was "dismantled" at the end of November 2013. Until mid-October 2013 I'd not even considered the possibility).


KL2 will be built on 6 or 7 boards, each atop its own L-girder table. So - provided the garage doors can be opened (that's another story....) - it'll be possible to remove it section by section.



Sensible lad!

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  • RMweb Gold

A word of warning Andy if you planed to use dowels on the ends of the boards do leave a small gap between the boards and the end walls otherwise you cannot get the boards apart because of the dowels. Even with coach bolts that can be removed make it too tight and you still fight to remove one board.


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Agree with your philosophies, lads. Big mistake with KL was to assume I'd build it to last, as I'd never thought of moving (it was "dismantled" at the end of November 2013. Until mid-October 2013 I'd not even considered the possibility).


KL2 will be built on 6 or 7 boards, each atop its own L-girder table. So - provided the garage doors can be opened (that's another story....) - it'll be possible to remove it section by section.



Jeff, Are you Garage doors up and over or roller?



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  • RMweb Premium

Jeff, Are you Garage doors up and over or roller?




Morning Andy.


The potential problem isn't to do with the actual doors themselves. They are up-an-over, by the way, and will be locked and inaccessible due to the framing/insulation in front of them.


It's what is to be built in front of the garage, which will block access via the doors when constructed.


Still, at least the boards can be turned sideways and come out through the side door, if necessary!!



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Morning Andy.


The potential problem isn't to do with the actual doors themselves. They are up-an-over, by the way, and will be locked and inaccessible due to the framing/insulation in front of them.


It's what is to be built in front of the garage, which will block access via the doors when constructed.


Still, at least the boards can be turned sideways and come out through the side door, if necessary!!




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  • RMweb Premium



Sorry, I wasn't trying to be mysterious.....


In front of the garage we're having a "summer house" type shed installed. It's positioning means no direct access through the main garage doors, irrespective of bunker mods.


This structure will appear sometime next year, along with a greenhouse in close proximity.


There will no doubt be a picture or two in the Lounge!



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Hi Jeff, You asked for comments in here re KL2, well I think its time for any discussion  on KL2 to be in a KL2 THREAD, otherwise it confuse the whatsits out of me.


KL2 for KL2, NOT KL1 or KL 1 and a 1/2



Edited by Andrew P
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  • RMweb Premium

I mentioned - somewhere on here in the last few days - that (in response to Mike's fiddle yard comments) I'm considering enlarging KL2's FY space, at the expense of the proposed NER line.


The provisional KL2 plan - OUTLINE only (though prototypical through the station) - from March 14 is shown below. 




I've never been happy with the "loss" of S&C FY space and the curve of the NER line under the main viaduct. So I'm proposing to scrap the NER line and enlarge the main FY, possibly to 16 roads.


If you wish to make any comments, as always, I'll take them into consideration.


And btw, as soon as I've started the bunker conversion a new KL2 thread will commence - and we can re-hash all this discussion again! Until then, I'll keep the KL2 thread as unpolluted as possible!



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O.K. Point taken, I consider myself well and truly reprimanded. hhahaha



WELL it was YOU that wanted me to start Bitton early and now look, over 10,000 views and almost 19 pages already my boy, (said in a very Jewish accent as per my great Grandfather would have done).



Edited by Andrew P
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  • RMweb Premium

Yep, lose it and you also gain a larger operating well.


I say start the new thread now but stipulate that it is specifically for discussing your new project and any off topic stuff should be put in the Lounge (it's main purpose after all).


That way, you will have a record of any thoughts and discussions in an easier to manage and search thread.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yep, lose it and you also gain a larger operating well.


I say start the new thread now but stipulate that it is specifically for discussing your new project and any off topic stuff should be put in the Lounge (it's main purpose after all).


That way, you will have a record of any thoughts and discussions in an easier to manage and search thread.


As always, you are too sensible for words....


I'm a little busy in the garden at the moment, but I'll consider my opening gambit (not really necessary with you lot!) and maybe start KL2.....


Just think, by the time I've converted the garage we might already have reached 20 pages. It was 2 pages for KL!!



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  • RMweb Premium

O.K. Point taken, I consider myself well and truly reprimanded. hhahaha



WELL it was YOU that wanted me to start Bitton early and now look, over 10,000 views and almost 19 pages already my boy, (said in a very Jewish accent as per my great Grandfather would have done).




Andy, there is NO force in the universe - neither Black Hole or colliding neutron-star gamma ray burster - that would shut you up and stop your continuous flow of interesting conjecture, info and humour!!


And you're nearing 50 posts in the last day. You've obviously recovered!!


Hope Jock is getting on ok.



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  • RMweb Gold

It will be sad not to see the NER line. But the curve under the viaduct is to me the main issue. With the restriction on the operating well being another. S&C FY space I think could just be sufficient (and maybe supplemented if you made one of the roads a space for cassettes... but that doesn't solve the curve problem.


So I'd have to agree with Jason (not that my agreement rates anywhere near his valued opinion!) that you should lose it.

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Well   its         COBOLTS TO YOU LOT


I was reading Peter Midwinter's, (Trains12) Glen Gillie thread earlier and I had advised him to make contact with Jeff or Jason as he has had problems with his Cobolts.

Not only has he had 4 faulty ones out of 12 but he has one that fires when a Loco is traversing a point at the opposite end of the Layout.


Now I see Jintyman has posted on there saying that there is a NEW Cobolt being / has been released, this is from his posting;

DCC Concepts have just updated the Cobalts with the new Cobalt IP, here: http://www.dccconcep...balt-iP-Digital
So hopefully they will be somewhat more reliable.


He has also gone on to state that he had a similar problem with random firing and it has been sorted by inserting a second Bus Bar, so one for the track and one for the points / signals etc.


I hope you guys find this of some use.



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Hi Jeff,


I'm in agreement of you dispensing with the NER line, if you think about it for a moment I presume most of the time you will be operating the layout by yourself, if so you have two tracks on the main S&C section to control and then another going who knows where on the NER line, just think of the mayhem if a wagon derails! Its quite an art controlling multiple trains unless you are just going to set them running and sit back to watch, I am not of that persuasion but others are and so be it, its your layout and your rules and luckily your 'decision!'

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Well   its         COBOLTS TO YOU LOT


I was reading Peter Midwinter's, (Trains12) Glen Gillie thread earlier and I had advised him to make contact with Jeff or Jason as he has had problems with his Cobolts.

Not only has he had 4 faulty ones out of 12 but he has one that fires when a Loco is traversing a point at the opposite end of the Layout.


Now I see Jintyman has posted on there saying that there is a NEW Cobolt being / has been released, this is from his posting;

DCC Concepts have just updated the Cobalts with the new Cobalt IP, here: http://www.dccconcep...balt-iP-Digital

So hopefully they will be somewhat more reliable.


He has also gone on to state that he had a similar problem with random firing and it has been sorted by inserting a second Bus Bar, so one for the track and one for the points / signals etc.


I hope you guys find this of some use.



Hi Andy,


I also have garbage Cobalts on Dent. Two have already been changed and I now have a different two clicking - QUALITY eh!!!??? I have yet to experience the random firing but as I am Analogue it may not apply, who knows.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well   its         COBOLTS TO YOU LOT


I was reading Peter Midwinter's, (Trains12) Glen Gillie thread earlier and I had advised him to make contact with Jeff or Jason as he has had problems with his Cobolts.

Not only has he had 4 faulty ones out of 12 but he has one that fires when a Loco is traversing a point at the opposite end of the Layout.


Now I see Jintyman has posted on there saying that there is a NEW Cobolt being / has been released, this is from his posting;

DCC Concepts have just updated the Cobalts with the new Cobalt IP, here: http://www.dccconcep...balt-iP-Digital

So hopefully they will be somewhat more reliable.


He has also gone on to state that he had a similar problem with random firing and it has been sorted by inserting a second Bus Bar, so one for the track and one for the points / signals etc.


I hope you guys find this of some use.




Hi Andy,


I also have garbage Cobalts on Dent. Two have already been changed and I now have a different two clicking - QUALITY eh!!!??? I have yet to experience the random firing but as I am Analogue it may not apply, who knows.


If anyone wishes to hear about my experiences with Cobalts, please see Mike's Dent layout, page 37, post 925.


As I've said many times, I'm a fan - but they "aint perfect!!"



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


I'm in agreement of you dispensing with the NER line, if you think about it for a moment I presume most of the time you will be operating the layout by yourself, if so you have two tracks on the main S&C section to control and then another going who knows where on the NER line, just think of the mayhem if a wagon derails! Its quite an art controlling multiple trains unless you are just going to set them running and sit back to watch, I am not of that persuasion but others are and so be it, its your layout and your rules and luckily your 'decision!'


Cheers to Mike, Jason, Neil and Andy for agreeing with my decision to scrap the NER element of KL2. Phew! I first thought about it a couple of months ago but thought it'd meet opposition. Doing this has several advantages:


S&C FY can be larger

No need for a fiddly NER line at a separate level

No need for sharp (50 - 60cm) radii to force the NER line under the main viaduct

No need for un-prototypical earthworks as the NER line exits at lower left

More space on the Fell

Operating well can be a little wider


Not bad for starters....


I'll do a revamped outline plan - for illustration only - sometime in the next week, if building work allows!



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Cheers to Mike, Jason, Neil and Andy for agreeing with my decision to scrap the NER element of KL2. Phew! I first thought about it a couple of months ago but thought it'd meet opposition. Doing this has several advantages:


S&C FY can be larger

No need for a fiddly NER line at a separate level

No need for sharp (50 - 60cm) radii to force the NER line under the main viaduct

No need for un-prototypical earthworks as the NER line exits at lower left

More space on the Fell

Operating well can be a little wider


Not bad for starters....


I'll do a revamped outline plan - for illustration only - sometime in the next week, if building work allows!



At least 'Your indecision IS final' me thinks. Sounds like a no brainer now Jeff.

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Hi Andy,


I also have garbage Cobalts on Dent. Two have already been changed and I now have a different two clicking - QUALITY eh!!!??? I have yet to experience the random firing but as I am Analogue it may not apply, who knows.

Mike I also gave him your details to contact for info as well, I just forgot to mention you above.




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The forest out back would please ask you to take Andy's advice !  (otherwise, I'll be looking at stumps...)


(I'll add a photo after I get home...)






14872636418_d18f13689b_m.jpgDSC_0006 by Peach James, on Flickr


(see, not exaggerating- even if Jeff goes wild, it probably wood only take one tree :)



Edited by peach james
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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers, James.


The wood from that tree would just about supply the whole of KL!


Nice back garden you have there. Do you got many sizeable wild animals roaming about nearby?



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That's next door- the stump is in the "vacant" lot, and the seat is in the cottage lot.  I keep an eye on the property for my mate, who owns them. 


In terms of animals, we have had a problem black bear over the last week, there's also a mama and cub who are well behaved, and lots of deer (4 legged rodent type...), as well as smaller critters.  We are in the wrong place to get elk, they live further to the north (and generally, higher up) on the island.  I've never seen a cougar, but they are around too.  The smaller animals are all around, lots of rabbits  ("you are game?"), cats, birds (I'd have to ask my wife, but I think more than 60 species that she has tagged from our house), riding horses (they graze next door), and our mini. Same thing for racoons and squirrels- there are lots around.


It's the cougars which generally worry me- the bears are mostly just opportunervore, and will eat anything that is easy...and even a child isn't "easy" compared with a garbage can, or berries & apples.



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