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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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I'm not sure about stuntman... I think he needs the boxes there to catch him after stumbling from exhaustion after lugging all those boxes around.

Actually Neil, I recon they were all empty all the time and he just wanted us to feel sorry for him.


Pickfords are picking up our last lot tomorrow, I can now see the (broken) floor in the garage,



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Well done on the 500 Jeff and trust 'Bodge' to get first post eh?

Seriously, Andy is right, try not to knock yourself up as you will then be totally frustrated when unable to start on the magnum opus - KL2!

Birthday (now yesterday the 9th) so struggling a bit with the iPad buttons tonight - nothing to do with the copious amounts of Heidsieck Monopole Blue Top the family helped me to consume during what is now last evening! Just glad to have reached 67 and now set a target for the next one.

Oncology appointment tomorrow (today now!) but I'll try to look in later in the day in the hope that there are more pics to enjoy.

Really coming on well mate,

Kind regards,


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Don, I don't know about keeping you lot entertained, you lot have me royally entertained this evening.


Just "knocked off" after the latest stunt. And I see KL has reached the dreaded 500 pages. And no layout for the last 80 - pretty good going folks.


Thanks for all your comments.


Btw, there IS a system to the books - I just haven't found it yet (yellow next to blue? / Patrick Moore next to C.J.Freezer? / ISBN....???!!!)



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Here you go, Jock. Fresh from the digital camera.... No doubt Neil will be zooming in to see if "Quantum Physics" is next to "Jamie Oliver Strikes Back"....


And Jason - what are you thinking up next?!









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Superb looking bookcases Jeff - I built my own but my study is nowhere near as large and so over half of my collection remain in boxes. All my railway books (bar a few on modelling) have gone, as I need to dispose of as many as possible in order to not leave a massive burden for Joanna in the future! Now all I need to do is find some buyers as helpful as Linda Tinker was with the railway subjects. She and Bill Hudson have both been very helpful and I'd recommend them if your looking for anything in particular.

Keep the superb pics coming Jeff,

Kind regards,


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First of all its TWO HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!


Firstly to Jock for not only keeping us amused but also on the strait and narrow and ever mindful of our well being. Thank you Jock, your an assett to both the Lunesters and RM Web in general.


Secondly to John. (Alleheny 1600) who I missed the other day, its a wonder I wasn't reprimanded before now, cake on its way John, hahhahha.


Cheers both,




Any books on crumbling garages by D Molish and Sons? :no: :no: :no: :no:

Edited by Andrew P
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Afternoon folks. I've been a happy bunny so far today as I've disposed of another 30 boxes of books - onto shelves etc, I hasten to add.


Happy birthday to Jock and John. 


As for further pics - maybe later if I can get a few more boxes out of the room.


What's this to do with KL? Well, every box that's sorted in the house means one less box for the bunker.... I hope!



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30 boxes, going well then.  We still have boxes that need unpacking, mostly because we still need shelves for the books.  Emptying out book boxes is usually a long task for me as if I find a book I like.............







........I tend to stop and read a few pages.


Keep going, with lots of stops to watch the Tour.

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We still have a few books in boxes from when we moved - 7 years ago!  Partly a result of combining stuff from 2 houses into one and they are gradually being tackled.  And before you ask we have shelves in the study, the dining room, the area under the stairs (used for dvds etc), the kitchen, the library (which is on part of the the landing) and in all the bedrooms except the spare room (which hasn't got any room for shelves) and round most of the perimeter of the attic.


Yes - we have a lot of books (and magazines).

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I suppose that you have more impetus to empty the boxes as otherwise, they take up space in the bunker.


I took a vast amount of books, DVD's and CD's to the charity shops when we moved (both times) as we simply don't have the room available (as Jeff & Andy know). It was hard to do (quite a few of the books were ones I had enjoyed reading) but I needed to be practical. With my railway books, I basically trimmed them down to the ones I loved and the ones pertinent to the area I model (and intend to model), e.g. Cumbria, Lancashire and West Riding, and all the ones I had for the GW and Southern region (quite a few surprisingly) were donated to the book shop at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway - I was popular that day :)


Since then, I have to admit that my collection of railway books is once again growing but other than BR Steam in Scotland (a fantastic book), I tend to only buy those which are in the areas of interest nowadays.

p.s. If you want to see an insane amount of railway books, etc., Johnny Gringo's house is like a railway specific library :D

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Jeff, well done on 500 pages [GWRd  green  :D  ].  So this is what you all get up to when I'm frantically modelling (don't wish to rub it in) , but needless to say this is on the exhibition layout, not GWRd - takes priority, I'm afraid.  :cry:  Just taking a coffee break before refilling the glue pot.  I ashed up and weathered the corner at the end of the quay (about 5in x 5in).  The boss liked it and wants the platform tracks done in the same way.  That's about 4 foot of the stuff.  :swoon:  Not to despair, I got a boost yesterday when the working lamps from Frizinghall arrived and had my DVD of Old Oak Common & the Great Western of 16 August 1991 Open Day playing in the background featuring:

Steam: City of Truro, Nunney Castle, King Edward I, Burton Agnes Hall, and Duke of Gloucester

Diesels: 08, 31, Hymek, 37, 47, 50, Warship, Western, Deltic and 56.


Jock and John - HAPPY BIRTHDAY for yesterday.  Hope you had a good one.


Books?  I got rid of loads that had accumulated over the years, then we started building a layout.  You can guess the rest. Yep...falling over them...but they do get read / used a lot.  :laugh:



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Well done on 500 pages, it certainly has been an interesting ride.


Happy Birthday to both Jock and John.  Birthdays eh?  I remember the time when you used to look forward to them.

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500 pages, the mind boggles. I get scared when I look at my layout thread and it is past 100 (I think that's too many). In all honesty, I would say that you should start a new thread for KL2 because otherwise, anyone who hasn't got addicted to reading this bullsh1t that we all post will just give up and you could lose out on advice, assistance, etc., from Lunesters that we don't yet know.

It's not like this thread will be deleted or anything but in all honesty, KL is dead. Long live KL (2).

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Hi all,

Many thanks indeed for all the birthday wishes, too kind, too kind!

Belated many happy returns to Jock too, they have a saying in Greece - may you have a hundred birthdays!

I do agree with Jason in that it has got to be worth starting a new thread for KL2, how about it, Jeff? When the time is right of course, bunker clear, plants bedded in, . . .

Cheers y'all,

John E.

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I think Jason is right that once you start work on the bunker, or even the planning bits taking into account the supports it should be a new thread or people will not wade through the previous 500 pages to get to it.


A link at the bottom of the index, a link on the last planning post before all the moving and one on the very last post should catch everyone.

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Evening folks.


Thanks for the comments and I agree with what you all say. I will start a new thread for KL2, starting at the beginning of the garage conversion.


A link across to the KL thread is all that's needed.


I'm filing bits of (important) paper away at the moment.....



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I agree with the thread switch, as mentioned above, it could possibly bring some new blood and interesting ideas to the build!

I've mentioned the sale of my railway book collection before and now I only have around 3500+ tomes on many subjects to dispose of and I am still unsure of the best way to accomplish this (any ideas from members would help!). That said, I did keep a few that relate to the specific model I hope to start. One of my birthday presents, from a very dear and highly intelligent lady friend of many years, was a new facsimile of 'Bradshaw's Handbook 1863' as carried by Michael Portillo in the 'Great British Railway Journeys' TV series. I would recommend this to any railway book fan as it consists of copies of the four books that made up 'Bradshaw's Descriptive Railway Hand-Book of Great Britain and Ireland', gathered into a single volume. It can be obtained from www.oldhousebooks.co.uk with a cover price of only £10. My only wish is that I was fit enough and wealthy enough to take some of the journeys seen on TV. Even Joanna, who normally wonders what I see in railway locomotives and engineering in general, finds the programme 'gentle and interesting' (I posted this on ERs last night).

Hope the continued task of moving in goes smoothly, and that you listen to the words of 'Bodge' about not over-doing it even though you must be itching to get started on that garden! Keep the photos coming,

Kind regards,


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I suppose that you have more impetus to empty the boxes as otherwise, they take up space in the bunker.


I took a vast amount of books, DVD's and CD's to the charity shops when we moved (both times) as we simply don't have the room available (as Jeff & Andy know). It was hard to do (quite a few of the books were ones I had enjoyed reading) but I needed to be practical. With my railway books, I basically trimmed them down to the ones I loved and the ones pertinent to the area I model (and intend to model), e.g. Cumbria, Lancashire and West Riding, and all the ones I had for the GW and Southern region (quite a few surprisingly) were donated to the book shop at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway - I was popular that day :)


Since then, I have to admit that my collection of railway books is once again growing but other than BR Steam in Scotland (a fantastic book), I tend to only buy those which are in the areas of interest nowadays.

p.s. If you want to see an insane amount of railway books, etc., Johnny Gringo's house is like a railway specific library :D

A thought here or disposing of books to charity shops etc; whenever possible put the books into the boxes spine upward. This makes it easier for the recipient to read the titles without having to empty the box; most shops are pressed for space. When we last had one of our periodic purges (a couple of hundred , mainly paperback, volumes), I got a number of those open-top boxes that fruit gets delivered to supermarkets in. The depth was ideal for paperbacks on end, they were relatively easy to carry, and they locked into one another, making them easier to stack safely.

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Jock, another couple of exterior pics (I won't call it a "garden") for you. The tubs have been cleaned up a bit and rearranged for easy watering.


Construction in the garden should start in 2-3 weeks.







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You certainly have some lovely healthy looking plants to start things off. As gardening is my job (according to Joanna in any case!), I look forward very much to observing developments. I hope the weather stays kind in order that you can get started on the rails as soon as possible!

Kind regards,


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Jock, another couple of exterior pics (I won't call it a "garden") for you. The tubs have been cleaned up a bit and rearranged for easy watering.


Construction in the garden should start in 2-3 weeks.







I recommend O Gauge around that garden mate, its just screaming out for it.


A Black 5 with a rake of Blood and Custards or and an 8F with about 50 Vans behind would be the dogs!


Go on, you know you want to.



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You certainly have some lovely healthy looking plants to start things off. As gardening is my job (according to Joanna in any case!), I look forward very much to observing developments. I hope the weather stays kind in order that you can get started on the rails as soon as possible!

Kind regards,


Jock, I was about to hit a DISAGREE, we want rain so that KL2 gets started NOW, the gardening can wait, or Steve can do that at weekends, hahhaha.



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