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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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I've about 2000 books - mostly hardback - and 2500 magazines to move. Must admit, I sat down last night and decided to cut back on the future magazine purchasing. I may scrap all regular railway mags and just buy when something takes my fancy as the accumulation (and cost) of buying them, plus a number of others, each month is getting ridiculous.


I'm also a CD addict, so there are countless boxes of those - they cover the floor of a fairly large bedroom.


Well, sorting out for a move IS supposed to be fun. Isn't it?




We have around 15 - 1600 books currently and try and keep it at that sort of number to stop them taking over too much of the house. When we moved we had to get rid of several hundred as the new library room was only half the size of the last one. I also had to get rid of several years worth of magazines accumulated over time, luckily a friend of mine is a book dealer and he often has a pile of old magazines for me to look through and take which he has left over from auction buys and can't be bothered to sell, some of the older ones are great for drawings and building methods.

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I've just consigned 35 years worth (420 issues) of the "Sky and Telescope" astronomy magazine into 3 18" x 12" x 12" boxes, for permanent out-of-the-way storage. Great magazine and I'm not worried about putting the hard copy into the loft. Why? Because those nice chaps in the USA have released all the issues, 1940 - 2010 on a series of easy to access DVDs.


Great idea - if only railway mags had the finance to do it.


I love my books and could never part with them. Brother has around 500, so the new study could be interesting - photos in due course (July?)



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Yes I guess with almost 50 Cobolts you would NEVER need that number on the scenic section anyway.


Can Cobolts be mounted above baseboard?


Bodge :sungum:


I've got a couple of tortoises that are mounted above the baseboard, and I'm fairly sure that if you look through the "Peterborough North" thread, you'll find several examples there too.




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Sounds like I'm sadly lacking in the Book collecting department, good job its the ONLY THING I'm lacking in, hahhaha


Mike the original post for messer's Bodgit Flogit and Hackit I had a list of post for you guys, and funnily enough YOU WERE FLOGIT, Jim was Hackit and Jeff was the Junior partner with Rob our Overseas Ambassador.


KL2 has some way to go, but with the footings in I recon that the roof will be going on next time Jeff visits so he can make a start and get his timber ordered.

I am surprised he hasn't done a deal with the foreman, I remember back in 1963 when my parents were having a new Bungalow built the foreman would even let a few of the guys, including my Dad use the dumper truck at night to BORROW things like Bricks, Cement, Sand, Timber, my dad did all our 3ft high boundary walls and it was a large corner plot. he also built a half brick shed and even BORROWED a couple of window frames as well for the shed.

Agh the good old day aye lads.


Bodge :sungum:

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Excellent! I wanted to be Hackit when I first saw the post.


Ah, the old days of 'borrowing' things, I remember them well as that was how I got my first soldering iron and a few other useful tools too. It was when another department was incorporated into the one I was in and I acquired a tool cupboard packed full of new equipment where the previous owner had accumulated more items - at the companys expense - than he needed to swell his own collection at home, as he was shown the door before he could empty it I was allowed a few bits for myself on taking it over, happy days.

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You lot will make a dishonest man of me yet!!


As if I'd help myself to a few bricks and odds and ends..... I'm sure I won't be tempted when the site shuts for the night and there are thousands of bricks piled up just around the corner!


I'm an honest man, ME!  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:




Yeh, pull the other one!  :O  :O

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I have a shiny new laptop :sungum: which actually talks to the printer/scanner so I will be scanning the magazine articles I want and throwing the hard copy away.  I thinned out what I had before I moved and threw away adverts and articles I did not want.  I am also restricting buying magazines to ones with articles that I actually want to read.  I read RM Mag which gives reviews. It may not be much of a saving but I can spend it on paints and plastic and......

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I've decided to stop buying the monthly railways mags unless, as you said Chris, there's something specific in there. It's become a habit that, having bought all the MR and HMs since day one, I feel "obliged".... That ends now.


Blimey, I'll then end up with only 3 mags a month (2 astronomy, one music). I might have to do something to fill my time - any suggestions? Oops, forgot about the new garden and bunker...



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Ha Ha Jeff, you wont need to worry now, this is my last Article apart from GE and T in Hornby Mag at some time.


Save your penny's for the Fell, (Hillside NOT the Loco)


Bodge :sungum:

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Ha Ha Jeff, you wont need to worry now, this is my last Article apart from GE and T in Hornby Mag at some time.


Save your penny's for the Fell, (Hillside NOT the Loco)


Bodge :sungum:


I'm sure some of the articles in the mags are Bodge in disguise ("Chris Nevard", "Tony Wright", "Andy Y" etc)!!


As for the Fell, mark 2. Well, it'll be a lot cheaper than the original - as the plaster costs will be a quarter at most.



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I'll let you know if I get any fame and as for the money side, well I'm so out of pocket with all my modelling that I would be richer if I retired and did nothing.




...but you'd be bored out of your mind.  I think you're richer as you are.



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You lot will make a dishonest man of me yet!!


As if I'd help myself to a few bricks and odds and ends..... I'm sure I won't be tempted when the site shuts for the night and there are thousands of bricks piled up just around the corner!


I'm an honest man, ME!  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:




Yeh, pull the other one!  :O  :O



'Av ya been listening ta too much Rollin' Stones, Jeff, when the train pull out?

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I'll let you know if I get any fame and as for the money side, well I'm so out of pocket with all my modelling that I would be richer if I retired and did nothing.




The thing is, Andy, you WOULDN'T be able to do nothing. It's not in your nature. I'm the same. Even though I'll be leaving my current gardens behind in a couple of months, I've just spent the last 4 hours tidying up, re-planting etc, because I just HAVE to be doing something.


I don't think any of us could imagine you sat in your living room reading your Mills & Boon, watching East Enders or The One Show.... A few days without a railway and you'd go nuts.


Money is a means to an end and if spending it, in the proper way, makes you happy - good!



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On KL2-related matters, having been in the bunker to get the gardening tools out, I spent a while looking over the piles of ex-KL stuff stacked up in there.


A bit of re-organisation will take place in the next week or so, with most of the locos and rolling stock put into "proper" packaging, ready for the move. Looking forward to doing this as at the moment I've no real idea where half my tools are - except SOMEWHERE in the bunker!!



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Leave one or two locos out for your next Bacup trip Jeff ;)


Will do: a different Black 5 and Patriot may be heading your way.


I'll also keep about 10 wagons free, for 3-link fitting.



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Jeff, do you fancy nipping down to Yorkshire? I've a massive garden to sort and no time to look at it! :)


I love gardening, especially the development and landscaping work. Great fun - IF you have the time to do it.


And I guess by the time you've cycled home you're too knackered to do anything!?



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I was an out of breath, panting wreck last night. Fighting against a headwind all the way home is not fun. Still, I did it in 1hr 44, so only 10 minutes slower than a non-gale day...


I really need to get out there and cut some grass. Tonight's task is to shave a bit off the door of the rabbit hutch so the door closes properly. I might also see if I can sneak outside into the garage to have a look at track trouble-shooting whilst the Duchess of Sutherland rolls around and around...

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Hi Jeff


Good to see the new bunker begin. Sorry for the question, but looks like they have dug out for a centre wall ?


Lots of double garages nowadays seem to have a wall at least partially down the middle.

If this is the case, how is it likely to affect the design of KL2 ?




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Will do: a different Black 5 and Patriot may be heading your way.


I'll also keep about 10 wagons free, for 3-link fitting.



Careful Jeff, nip to the Loo after one of those Curries and J will have so many holes under the boiler of the B 5 that you wont be able to say no.


I will be doing some 3 Link wagon fitting over Easter I hope.



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Hi Jeff


Good to see the new bunker begin. Sorry for the question, but looks like they have dug out for a centre wall ?


Lots of double garages nowadays seem to have a wall at least partially down the middle.

If this is the case, how is it likely to affect the design of KL2 ?





Hi Scott.


It's a good question and I've enquired as to the shape of the footings. All the other double garages on the site are fully open - and I'll try to ensure mine is too! Otherwise it'll be out with the block cutter/sledgehammer to remove any partition.


I'll let you know what the result of my enquiry is.



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Careful Jeff, nip to the Loo after one of those Curries and J will have so many holes under the boiler of the B 5 that you wont be able to say no.


I will be doing some 3 Link wagon fitting over Easter I hope.




Very true, Andy. I'll have to keep an eye on what he gets up to. Give him a second and the cutting blade is out and he's away!!



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I was so tempted to take a scapel to it last time :)


Go on Jeff, let me.

Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.




Edit: give up watching this after about 10 seconds or it will make you want to smash the PC

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