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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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To be honest, after fitting some of the fiddle yard ones on Long Marton above the board, and some below...next time, they ALL go below.  Because that way the FY's would be flat on the top, and not have Torti sticking up into the air, unprotected.


Having a rough count, I think there are 64 Torti on Long Marton.  I know I have another 12 on the Thomas the Tank Engine layout as well.


I've used Torti, because when I started that is what there was, TT300 and Cobalts didn't exist.  I can recommend Tortoise's, but don't recommend DCC wiring them unless one of two conditions: lots of board splits in comparison to panel, or full automation is expected.


Since the plan remains with Long Marton to run under full computer control, they are all fed via DCC.  It does mean that there is an extra 2 layers of stuff involved with making the whole gubbins work.  And, just like Scotty said "The more they overdo the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain..."



Edited by peach james
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Hi Guy's,


All this talk about Cobalt's ...... are we on KL2?  As you say Jeff, a railway related chat, best we have had for a while (that is not a criticism) but is good informative info. This is my first foray into Cobalts and I have a couple of 'clickers' also. I use a 12v power supply from a computer so its guaranteed stable but have had variable 'noises' out of the 24 motors already fitted, this is not bothering me at the moment as I know some all of the handbuilt track needs fettling. If following a period of use and I am satisfied the blades are moving freely the motors still 'click' they too will be returned at some time.


When my Bermuda Road layout is resurrected I may change the Peco motors (26 of them!) for Cobalt's as I am not entirely happy with the quality and reliability, as with many Peco products I think its time they were upgraded and or updated!

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I know I am a but of a stuck record on this subject but if I had the clearances under all turnouts, I would have used nothing but Tortoise motors. Mine are DCC operated through a Switch 8 board (I think that is what it is called) which was simplicity itself to wire up and set the addresses.


On the subject of FY control, may I suggest splifying both the panel and operation by wiring the entrance and exit turnouts in parallel and to one switch per loop as I can't think of a time when you would not want a loop to be the through road when in use. It would cut down on operator error, less wires, uncluttered panel.

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I know I am a but of a stuck record on this subject but if I had the clearances under all turnouts, I would have used nothing but Tortoise motors. Mine are DCC operated through a Switch 8 board (I think that is what it is called) which was simplicity itself to wire up and set the addresses.


On the subject of FY control, may I suggest splifying both the panel and operation by wiring the entrance and exit turnouts in parallel and to one switch per loop as I can't think of a time when you would not want a loop to be the through road when in use. It would cut down on operator error, less wires, uncluttered panel.


It will probably be this time next year, at the earliest, when I build the control panel(s). So there's plenty of time to discuss this - and come up with a suitable plan.


No DCC switching, but other than that I'm happy to build whatever control panels make for the best operation.



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It does mean that the FY control panel could be incredibly simple, with just two rotary switches as it's simplest with each road assigned a number, one rotary switch each for up and down, with possibly two for the same functions by the yard itself.


For the goods yard, the best placement for the panel would be where you plan to operate it from, all you would need in the main operating well would be the switches for the turnouts which give access to it (e.g. Those that would be operated from the signal box, as opposed to those by ground levers in the yard).

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Hi Jeff,


Well you're ahead of me, you've got a stream already!


Coming on sir, coming on.


The whole site was a mud bath today - and it hasn't really rained that much up here.


Hard to believe that in a year's time there may be a semblance of a layout in there - hopefully somewhere near to what I recently demolished.....



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It's all daunting at the beginning mate, just look back at my Dent thread to see what you have to look forward to :angel:  :angel:

August 2012 when I had the flood, demolished the old den soon after then began rebuilding in early December which took until the following June to complete. By August last year the first lot of spirals were up followed by the baseboards etc. So realistically its taken since about July last year to get to a point where I can say at long last I can run a train! TEN MONTHS!


Got carried away there Jeff, I'm going to copy and paste this into Dent so I can remember it!

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The whole site was a mud bath today - and it hasn't really rained that much up here.


Hard to believe that in a year's time there may be a semblance of a layout in there - hopefully somewhere near to what I recently demolished.....




It seems to be progressing though Jeff, that's the main thing.


It does look as if you have a bit of clay up there though (could be wrong of course) slowing the drainage down, we have chalk in this valley which is usually free draining but the ground is still pretty damp despite the drier weather.

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I am not sure how you could buy a new house, I don't trust 'em.  Paper and sellotape mostly.  I would never buy a house built after 1890. 


 Hang on, now let me see the date my house was built :blush_mini: Well, it has the right numbers, just in the wrong order. :swoon:


Hope all goes well with the build and your brothers place.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's all daunting at the beginning mate, just look back at my Dent thread to see what you have to look forward to :angel:  :angel:

August 2012 when I had the flood, demolished the old den soon after then began rebuilding in early December which took until the following June to complete. By August last year the first lot of spirals were up followed by the baseboards etc. So realistically its taken since about July last year to get to a point where I can say at long last I can run a train! TEN MONTHS!


Got carried away there Jeff, I'm going to copy and paste this into Dent so I can remember it!


Thanks Mike.


I learned a lot with the KL build, including the process of the garage conversion. I'll manage that job in less than half the time, and cheaper too. As for the layout - well, the key thing is to improve on the previous effort, using new techniques and strategies. It'll get done in its own good time - but I'm hoping to cut the build time by half, compared to KL. Target to "climb back" - June next year.


That takes us to the point where locos will be running, the Fell re-built and work on the station proper commences. We will see.



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It seems to be progressing though Jeff, that's the main thing.


It does look as if you have a bit of clay up there though (could be wrong of course) slowing the drainage down, we have chalk in this valley which is usually free draining but the ground is still pretty damp despite the drier weather.


Very true. good for the gardens, in general, as long as drainage is carefully planned. But very mucky on the building site at the moment!!




I am not sure how you could buy a new house, I don't trust 'em.  Paper and sellotape mostly.  I would never buy a house built after 1890. 


 Hang on, now let me see the date my house was built :blush_mini: Well, it has the right numbers, just in the wrong order. :swoon:


Hope all goes well with the build and your brothers place.


This will be my fifth house and my third new-build. Have to say, the previous two have been marvellous.


Hoping to get in to the new house by late June/early July. Brother's story would make a good mini-soap-opera..... 



Edited by Physicsman
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Lets start a new Soap; The Estate Agents, :nono:



Bodgit, Flogit, Hackit, and Sons :O


I don't think anyone would know how to rate it, Andy.


Would it be a comedy or a horror story? Even a murder - if my brother let his current emotions run loose!


The plot would, of course, have to be woven into a background story of intrigue in the world of railway modelling!



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The investigation could be lead by, Inpecta Clos-set, (now say that bit in French) :no:


Bodge :sungum:


Just come out of the clos-set, have you Andy?!


I'm currently boxing-up books. 40 large boxes so far and I'm only half way through!



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I'm NOT a great Book collector and so I only ended up with 3 boxes, mind you I have about 3 boxes worth of Mags and a couple of boxes worth of A4 folders with Mag articles such as Layout plans, weathering articles by other people and various things like rivers, and general scenics etc.

Plus I have one box of Mags with my articles so I guess I'll probably end up with about 12 to 15 in total. :no:


Bodge :sungum:

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I'm NOT a great Book collector and so I only ended up with 3 boxes, mind you I have about 3 boxes worth of Mags and a couple of boxes worth of A4 folders with Mag articles such as Layout plans, weathering articles by other people and various things like rivers, and general scenics etc.

Plus I have one box of Mags with my articles so I guess I'll probably end up with about 12 to 15 in total. :no:


Bodge :sungum:


I've about 2000 books - mostly hardback - and 2500 magazines to move. Must admit, I sat down last night and decided to cut back on the future magazine purchasing. I may scrap all regular railway mags and just buy when something takes my fancy as the accumulation (and cost) of buying them, plus a number of others, each month is getting ridiculous.


I'm also a CD addict, so there are countless boxes of those - they cover the floor of a fairly large bedroom.


Well, sorting out for a move IS supposed to be fun. Isn't it?



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When we moved (both times), I went through all my magazines and books (both railway and non-railway) and decided which I would read again or would be useful for future reference, and which I would, if I was honest, never look at again. As such, the bin was fed a lot of magazines and the charity shop / Keighley & Worth Valley Railway got donated a ton of books. Same with CD's, where I have uploaded them onto iTunes.


It was heartbreaking to do but was the only practical thing, especially with the last move to the flat, which has a lot less storage space than both Oxford and the other house in Bingley had.


I still have far too many railway books as I am a book addict, although most of them have some relevance to the area and period I am modelling.

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With my Mags I cut out the relevant bits and put into clear A4 selves to go into the ring binders, that does away with with all the adds and other GARBAGE. :O


I must admit I didn't see any on my visit to Bingley Jason. You must have had a tidy up, hahha. :no:


Bodge :sungum:

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With my Mags I cut out the relevant bits and put into clear A4 selves to go into the ring binders, that does away with with all the adds and other GARBAGE. :O


I must admit I didn't see any on my visit to Bingley Jason. You must have had a tidy up, hahha. :no:


Bodge :sungum:


There were some in the living room, Andy - 2 bookshelves worth. But I think Jason had most of his railway books hidden under the layout for rapid access.



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There were some in the living room, Andy - 2 bookshelves worth. But I think Jason had most of his railway books hidden under the layout for rapid access.



You'll be telling us next that that's the reason you were laying on your back then, hahhahaaa.


Bodge :sungum:

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Lets start a new Soap; The Estate Agents, :nono:



Bodgit, Flogit, Hackit, and Sons :O

Hi Andy,


What a great idea, I'm sure between us we cold do a better job than that bunch of toe-rags. Can I please be the 'Flogit' partner, I do like a bit of whipping now and then, Oh Laura has just told me its more the selling kind of 'Flogit' you need for the position, I'll have to withdraw my offer, I can't part with anything except my 'Ex' that is!

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Books? Did someone mention books?

A few years ago, after a renovation project on part of our house, most of our books went, though nowhere near as many as yours, Jeff.

Then we got into railway modelling.... :help: :help: :help:


We even bought a book on the S&C which is way off course for us, but it did make for fascinating reading when we were in Kirkby Stephen and it's pretty good to dip into after being on here, too.


Good to see the bunker taking shape even if it is only the footprint. Onwards and upwards. Looks like you may have a ready made diorama for a new build for KL2 backdated to the 50-60s. 



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