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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

SORRY Jeff, was that Humor, :O  I'd heard a Rumor :no: hhahheeeeee :nono:  


Bodge :sungum:


Oh for the days when the glorious green Fell, the never-ending stone walls and the valley-crossing viaduct return to these pages....


Then I shall be truly happy - and no need for terrible humour!



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  • RMweb Gold

Oh for the days when the glorious green Fell, the never-ending stone walls and the valley-crossing viaduct return to these pages....


Then I shall be truly happy - and no need for terrible humour!




The soon those builders of yours get the new bunker and ancillary living accommodation built, the better for all of us!

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Don't worry Jeff, to kill some time between now and KL2 you can give me some speeeeling lesons :O  (humor?) :stinker: :stinker: .


We will be doing battle for the ratings in 2016 when track starts to appear on KL2 and I decide where I will be living, possibly a caravan on your drive :nono: :nono: , ahhah


I could always put a sleeping bag under Bacup, but I don't know where Dee and Sally (the Greyhound) will sleep. hhahee :scratchhead:


Bodge :sungum:

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Hi Jeff,


Well I thought you were slightly mad when you were making the stone walling, now, the post about enjoying the 'digging' really needs proper professional investigation.


I know its been quiet on KL, Kingsley and Dent, we have all had things to do eh! Life's a bi**h.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Well I thought you were slightly mad when you were making the stone walling, now, the post about enjoying the 'digging' really needs proper professional investigation.


I know its been quiet on KL, Kingsley and Dent, we have all had things to do eh! Life's a bi**h.


It probably does seem a bit crazy, but I really like digging out the trenches, mixing the concrete and then getting on and building the walls. Here's a couple of pics from 2002 as I started the raised beds in my current garden....







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  • RMweb Premium

Don't worry Jeff, to kill some time between now and KL2 you can give me some speeeeling lesons :O  (humor?) :stinker: :stinker: .


We will be doing battle for the ratings in 2016 when track starts to appear on KL2 and I decide where I will be living, possibly a caravan on your drive :nono: :nono: , ahhah


I could always put a sleeping bag under Bacup, but I don't know where Dee and Sally (the Greyhound) will sleep. hhahee :scratchhead:


Bodge :sungum:


I'm hoping I'll have all the track down by the middle of 2015.


Then all the scenic stuff will come along - and take years. Great fun!


Don't tell Dee of your plans or you'll be exiled to the dog's kennel!!



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Hi Jeff


I know its quiet so just thought I would let you (all) know that a few of my 'private members railway club' are coming around to my den tonight. I have great plans to get my electrical genius to work on a stubborn single slip problem, another on cleaning wheels, the last on cleaning track in readiness for the big day, all whilst I supervise hehehe. :jester:  :jester: Chances are though that nothing will get done and we will talk trains all evening by the glow of that wonderful woodburner! :senile:


Nice walling by the way! Where were you when I was rebuilding my den? :beee:

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff


I know its quiet so just thought I would let you (all) know that a few of my 'private members railway club' are coming around to my den tonight. I have great plans to get my electrical genius to work on a stubborn single slip problem, another on cleaning wheels, the last on cleaning track in readiness for the big day, all whilst I supervise hehehe. :jester:  :jester: Chances are though that nothing will get done and we will talk trains all evening by the glow of that wonderful woodburner! :senile:


Nice walling by the way! Where were you when I was rebuilding my den? :beee:


Evening Mike. I love bricklaying. The raised beds in the new garden will be built using the same brick as the house and pics will be duly forthcoming when I start.


As for a railway club.... I suspect that if Jason ever expected any serious assistance on Bacup when Bodge and I visited, it wouldn't happen. Playing and talking are far more fun!!



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Evening Mike. I love bricklaying. The raised beds in the new garden will be built using the same brick as the house and pics will be duly forthcoming when I start.


As for a railway club.... I suspect that if Jason ever expected any serious assistance on Bacup when Bodge and I visited, it wouldn't happen. Playing and talking are far more fun!!



And don't forget the Bacon Baps, Oh I forgot, YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY due to some sort of Health kick, or was it the Curries?


Bodge :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

And don't forget the Bacon Baps, Oh I forgot, YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY due to some sort of Health kick, or was it the Curries?


Bodge :sungum:


I was asked, but I settled for Fruit and Fibre!


I didn't want to deprive you of your protein, though I was salivating behind my walnuts!! (I was just going to write nuts, but I thought I'd better clarify!)



Edited by Physicsman
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I was asked, but I settled for Fruit and Fibre!


I didn't want to deprive you of your protein, though I was salivating behind my walnuts!! (I was just going to write nuts, but I thought I'd better clarify!)



And then proceeded to have a Lay Down,


Exhibit 1. :O



Bodge :sungum:

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Well if that's how you carry on in other people houses I really do think we need to call better qualified persons than I for a serious study, Oh sorry you were studying the underside of Jason's boards! A fine story one thinks  :jester:  :jester: :jester:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Well if that's how you carry on in other people houses I really do think we need to call better qualified persons than I for a serious study, Oh sorry you were studying the underside of Jason's boards! A fine story one thinks  :jester:  :jester: :jester:  


It's true!


I was examining the connection of the accessory decoders to his point motors and the DigiNet wire between his two handset points.


Honest!!  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:  :angel:



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  • RMweb Premium

Or just resting the eye lids more like.



The snoring was so loud that we had to turn the volume up on the Super D.




Bodge :sungum:


I thought that was just your false teeth rattling!



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It was my nervous disposition trying to undo the 3 links, hahhaha


I have taken the Kadees off the Steam Stock that had a run today and these will go onto the rest of the Modern image / Blue Period Stock at a later date.


Bodge :sungum:

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It was my nervous disposition trying to undo the 3 links, hahhaha


I have taken the Kadees off the Steam Stock that had a run today and these will go onto the rest of the Modern image / Blue Period Stock at a later date.


Bodge :sungum:


Your mention of 3 links has got me inspired again! I had fun last night trying to explain the joys of shunting (locos, that is!!  :no: ) to a friend of mine.


She kept shaking her head and didn't see the attraction. I'll see if I can convert her (to shunting, re, erm...) once I have a working Goods yard.



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Your mention of 3 links has got me inspired again! I had fun last night trying to explain the joys of shunting (locos, that is!!  :no: ) to a friend of mine.


She kept shaking her head and didn't see the attraction. I'll see if I can convert her (to shunting, re, erm...) once I have a working Goods yard.



Hi Jeff,


Best of luck with that one, I gave up 3 link coupling so many years ago I can't remember, or, erm.....I don't want to remember is more to the point.

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Getting one of the opposite sex interested in Railways has to be a Bonus, look at Ray and Polly and also Kal and Jaz :O .


You could just sit back and run trains, hahhaha


Bodge :sungum:

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Getting one of the opposite sex interested in Railways has to be a Bonus, look at Ray and Polly and also Kal and Jaz :O .


You could just sit back and run trains, hahhaha


Bodge :sungum:


When KL2 is reborn I'll be running trains in the background while demonstrating my shunting skills....



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  • RMweb Premium

I spot Michael lurking on the thread!


Nice to see you on here, though KL in its original form disappeared 4 months ago and the last 50 pages have been a real mix.


Hope all is well!



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Getting one of the opposite sex interested in Railways has to be a Bonus, look at Ray and Polly and also Kal and Jaz :O .


You could just sit back and run trains, hahhaha


Bodge :sungum:

I can quite easily get my other half interested and indeed involved which is great, she's made trees for me, she's made an allotment, she's weathered some stonework and did several other tasks on my old Chestergate & Milne layout............BUT............then the orders came....do this do that do the other..........so it ended up with DO ONE! :nono:


Only joking, my wife is actually quite good with the scenery and detail, I just like trains and would be nowhere with any scenery if Laura did not push me at times.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mike, I'm glad to hear that your other half takes a positive interest in your work. It's always good to have a second pair of eyes giving an objective view on our work. There are times when we get so focused on specifics that the overall "sweep" of a project can be forgotten.


That's one reason why I decided to build KL/KL2 in the public eye. The comments made by dozens have people have only helped to improve what I've produced.



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