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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Well, it's 10 o'clock and I haven't heard any screams from distant Derbyshire - yet.....


I've just been sorting through some of the KL remnants and managed to chuck a bit more stuff away. Some hillside frames I'd kept. "New broom" and that kind of mentality for the KL2 build....



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471 pages,


Will it be 500 before I move?


I bloo#y hope NOT :no:


Andy, :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:  now feel like a good SCREAM.

well I'll wait till the Morning now :nono: . :triniti:

More like 600,


See Kingsley :triniti:

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Hi all,


KL will definitely reach 500 before you (dare I say it) move Andy. What surprises me is Kingsley is a month or so in the making and has overtaken Dent in page terms which just goes to show who does the most waffling eh! :no:  :no: :angel:  :angel:  :locomotive:  :locomotive:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi all,


KL will definitely reach 500 before you (dare I say it) move Andy. What surprises me is Kingsley is a month or so in the making and has overtaken Dent in page terms which just goes to show who does the most waffling eh! :no:  :no: :angel:  :angel:  :locomotive:  :locomotive:  


And there's plenty of woffle on here, Mike!!


We've managed around 70 pages since KL was dismantled, 4 months ago. So KL2 might get started by, say, page 510 (things have slowed down since February).... if I start to do something by August.


I promise to give you lot little time for woffle once I get started. And there'll be tons of photos to break-up the verbosity!



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Hi all,


KL will definitely reach 500 before you (dare I say it) move Andy. What surprises me is Kingsley is a month or so in the making and has overtaken Dent in page terms which just goes to show who does the most waffling eh! :no:  :no: :angel:  :angel:  :locomotive:  :locomotive:  

I can WAFFEL for England.


But I still can't wire or chop up wood like you, hahha


Bodge :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Careful what you say about Waffling Jeff, Rob's LURKING at the bottom, (can I say BOTTOM on here?), hhahaha


And :sungum:


Andy, Rob's ALWAYS lurking. But that's because he's always trying to think of new ways to stun us/ wind us up with one of his pictures or antipodean wit.


Besides, he's from deepest NZ - "bat country" as you call it, so he's bound to be at the BOTTOM of the world!!  :jester:  :jester:


No offence, Rob. I know I'm a Northern Neanderthal!



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Andy,


Glad to see that things are looking a bit more positive. It appears that, apart from your nerd in your chain, that everyone has a bit of common sense.


Only problem is - if "Bodgit's back" - can we cope with the return of the terrible humour??!!


Glad to see you're smiling, mate!



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So its back to KL time, Jeff I have just been reading a very interesting article in Railway Modeller on Glenfinick SORRY, on Modratec Lever Frames, they are in Brass and have an accessory circuit board with all the electronics on for point, frog and signals etc.


I may have a closer look at these if  SORRY AGAIN, when I start Wye Dale.

The lever frame seems to be £36.60 for a WIT 6 lever frame Kit in Brass, whilst the corresponding switch modual is £28.15 so not cheap but very nice.

The only thing I cant see, and its not in the article which stared in last Months RM (which I will now dig out and read) is the size of the frame. I mention this as the Cobolt ones are enormous at about 5 inches high.






Long Marton Signal Box by Peach James, on Flickr


Andrew, there are more of the frame around that last one.  Be advised, the Modratec frames are a kit of parts, and take drilling/filing/sawing to make.  I figure I have about 80 hrs time spent making mine.  BUT, for that you get mechanical interlocking...which makes it cheap in relative terms.  When I had the one for Long Marton designed, there was one type of locking not available, and that does affect how the interlocking on LM is done.  (there's an "illegal" move possible, and there is a possible 2nd error that stems on from that).  I know that there has been a little more work done on the locking since then by Modratec. 


Mine also has a pair of electric locks added external to the main frame, which is fine.


Please feel free to PM me about it.  You're unlikely to get any response before mid next week though (~24th March), as I have a concert I am organzing on Friday night, and British Railway Modelers of Victoria visiting (& using the signalbox) on Sunday.



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Long Marton Signal Box by Peach James, on Flickr


Andrew, there are more of the frame around that last one.  Be advised, the Modratec frames are a kit of parts, and take drilling/filing/sawing to make.  I figure I have about 80 hrs time spent making mine.  BUT, for that you get mechanical interlocking...which makes it cheap in relative terms.  When I had the one for Long Marton designed, there was one type of locking not available, and that does affect how the interlocking on LM is done.  (there's an "illegal" move possible, and there is a possible 2nd error that stems on from that).  I know that there has been a little more work done on the locking since then by Modratec. 


Mine also has a pair of electric locks added external to the main frame, which is fine.


Please feel free to PM me about it.  You're unlikely to get any response before mid next week though (~24th March), as I have a concert I am organzing on Friday night, and British Railway Modelers of Victoria visiting (& using the signalbox) on Sunday.



WOW James,


I thought that was your mains connections to the house!


The last time I saw anything model related looking like that was on "Lime Street" I told the owner he should show the underside in preference to the top as it was more interesting! I got a wry smile, but in my defence there was only the track laid at that time.

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Long Marton Signal Box by Peach James, on Flickr


Andrew, there are more of the frame around that last one.  Be advised, the Modratec frames are a kit of parts, and take drilling/filing/sawing to make.  I figure I have about 80 hrs time spent making mine.  BUT, for that you get mechanical interlocking...which makes it cheap in relative terms.  When I had the one for Long Marton designed, there was one type of locking not available, and that does affect how the interlocking on LM is done.  (there's an "illegal" move possible, and there is a possible 2nd error that stems on from that).  I know that there has been a little more work done on the locking since then by Modratec. 


Mine also has a pair of electric locks added external to the main frame, which is fine.


Please feel free to PM me about it.  You're unlikely to get any response before mid next week though (~24th March), as I have a concert I am organzing on Friday night, and British Railway Modelers of Victoria visiting (& using the signalbox) on Sunday.



Hi James, the ones I was looking at were NOT interlocked, just the lever and the electronic gismo to move the point.

I'm not into interlocking or route setting etc, I just want to move point A from one side to the other.


But looking at your pics, You've scared the S H 1 T out of me now. :O


I think Wye Dale will definitely be Clockwork mate. :no:



Bodgit :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

It's not my cup of tea either, Andy, but nowhere near as complicated as it looks. And James loves playing with his gizmos - I think he pretends to be Captain Kirk as he controls the locos on his network!


You'll be interested in the system Jason uses if you get to play with Bacup.


KL2 will be using the same system as KL - no turnout decoders, just manual DC switching. I've far too many turnouts (over 50) to buy decoders and I like the simplicity of my existing system. DCC loco control, of course, though I might change my control system as I enjoyed using Jason's digitrax controllers (to date I use a Lenz system, which has proven to be faultless over the last 6 years).



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The biggest problem that I have is that eventually, Long Marton might be run from either side.  So, I had to be able to move the signalbox from the front to the rear.  Wire in Tube wouldn't have worked. 


So, the signalbox has inputs to convert the on/off signal from the lever frame into an electronic on/off signal.  That signal then moves the turnouts and signals using torti (mostly mounted sideways, and driving through a linkage arrangement) for the turnouts, and servos for the signals.  (including bounce, added electronically). 


The signalbox could have been used to directly control torti- at least one way is demonstrated how in the modratec manual.  That would have been easier (and removed a layer that is NOT needed). 


It also could have been used to drive the signals and turnouts through Wire in Tube.  There are ways to connect it across baseboards...not ones I'd choose if I had any choice.  (which I did...so I did it the way I did).


The lever frame is interlocked.  I would recommend some form of interlocking, it does make the whole thing "feel" more realistic.  The limit is that once you make a interlocking plan, that locks down the track plan as well.  There is NO easy way to alter Long Marton's track plan, with the only exception of my spare lever (14), that I could use for the mine siding.  It`s not interlocked with anything, so is available.


If you were thinking that the frame would get used again, then the attraction of NOT having any interlocking is real.  If it is going to be fairly permanent, then it has huge attractions.  The other possibility would be to get the frame with several bars (something like 8), and get it with the interlocking only working as 1:1:2 or similar, where the interlocking is for a starter, locked against a point, and with a distant...all things likely to happen repeatedly.  Then, when you have gotten TLGP track plan finished, you could construct a locking plan for it and file & add pins.



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Thanks James, I off for a lay down and a Bandy after reading that mate,hahha


I have never seen interlocking so I'm lost, (I couldn't even spell it until yesterday), hahah so I'll stick with fingers working levers working electricity working points for now.


Thanks again

Andy :sungum:

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The interlocking is really quite simple of an idea.

 You cannot set the signals to be at "go", until the turnouts are set to "go", and you can't move the turnouts when the signals are at "go". 


There should be more interlocking on Long Marton than there actually is- I have no Facing Point Locks, and as mentioned, there are a couple of moves which should be prevented but are not.  However, the worst safety case for me is loud !@@#$ language, not copying http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintinshill_rail_disaster .  The S&C had a couple of issues, but mostly they were train rather than signaling related, part because it was signaled from the start, and designed with a near total lack of facing points.



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  • RMweb Premium

I think you've scared Andy back to the clockwork era, James.


But then he always was fond of a major wind-up.


Thanks for posting. It certainly takes prototypical operation to a high level!



Edited by Physicsman
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I think you've scared Andy back to the clockwork era, James.


But then he always was fond of a major wind-up.


Thanks for posting. It certainly takes prototypical operation to a high level!



Jeff, with enough training and information we could,(and I stress ONLY could) look at doing this on our next projects, working together and with James and others help it could be another interesting avenue to explore.








Then again as you say;







I do like a wind up,






The Bodge is Back. :no:

Edited by Andrew P
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That seems to be the end of the great "Bodgit interlocking debate".


I'll nip over to Kingsley and see if you've gone all hi-tech with your latest ballasting.


Only one day to go to Bacup.... and more ideas (probably) to try on KL2.



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