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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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When I say 'lost' I actually mean destroyed, there are just some things in life you are so embarrassed about they just have to be erased from history, the worst thing is I thought it was brilliant and ground breaking, 


Thank God there was no internet then, just doesn't bear thinking about.


Don't worry. We are all forgiven the mistakes on our "learning curve".


I'm amazed how much my ideas have changed in the last 3 years, so 20 years ago I never stood a chance!



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KEEMA LEEMA guys have you nothing to say?


I thought that having been OUT OF CIRCULATION for a couple of days I would have an evenings work to catch up.


As for going from train sets through Model Railways to Models of Railways is a massive step, and one jump to far for many people.

My modeling attitude has changed dramatically since coming onto the RM Web, my personal skills have improved, and my appreciation of the work of ORDINARY MODELLERS has been something to aspire to.


Andy :sungum:

Angry of Swad :triniti: :triniti: :triniti: :triniti:

People will need to duck on Monday, :O

I will be spitting feathers :nono: :nono: :nono:

Edited by Andrew P
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I have to agree with you there Andy, RMweb made me look at modelling differently. One of the first things I looked at was Mikkels 'The Farthing Layouts' as that was my area of interest and set a standard for me that I had to try and match, then it was a case of looking at others and making that step of posting to get feedback on my own work. 


I now feel quite well settled and no longer feel apprehensive about posting mainly due to being part of the Lunester family who are always willing to comment and give advice.


Long may we continue.

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Hi Andy,


Nice to see somebody posting. How things will change once I can get started with the new project. And maybe next weekend will be a bit busier, when I'm down at Jason's.


I agree with what you say. Amazing how much you learn on the Forum!


Will send you a PM.



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I have to agree with you there Andy, RMweb made me look at modelling differently. One of the first things I looked at was Mikkels 'The Farthing Layouts' as that was my area of interest and set a standard for me that I had to try and match, then it was a case of looking at others and making that step of posting to get feedback on my own work. 


I now feel quite well settled and no longer feel apprehensive about posting mainly due to being part of the Lunester family who are always willing to comment and give advice.


Long may we continue.




As they say, "no buses for an hour and then 2 come along together!!"


Well said Jim.



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Since there's bug*er all railway work going on here, here's a pic from today showing the new house progress. Still no sign of the bunker being started at the rear of the house. But some progress - January pic for comparison.







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I'm jealous, you've got a house and a half, can you spare some bricks and windows for me, hahahah


Looking good, and at least you can see the light even though there's no tunnel yet.


All the best with the Build and Move.

And :sungum:

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Been assisting on my mates layout 'MELWOOD' at the Wallasey show today (and tomorrow). Still tying to get to grips with this new fangle DCC thingamygig! Far too much to expect an old sod like me to take in, that's my excuse anyway. Going to take some pic's tomorrow and put them on Dent to add a bit of colour so to speak! House is coming on mate.

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Bit draughty Jeff! Especially in them there fells.


Yes Mike, but we couldn't afford an upstairs or roof, so asked them to leave the scaffolding poles in place....


We'll drape blankets (which we've sewn-together) round the poles and that'll keep the rain out. And we're saving-up and hoping to get the windows fitted next year!


Besides, us northerners can cope!



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Just had another look at your house and I can't understand what's happened...........there is NO sign of ANY timber ANYWHERE! The rain forest is safe after all.


Any timber will mysteriously appear in the bunker in the guise of L-girder supports, and the like.


The ceiling and main roof joisting 8" x 4"s will just be strong enough for my requirements!!



Edited by Physicsman
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That's a good sized house you have there Jeff and it looks to be progressing quite quickly, luckily all this spring like weather helps things along. The garages are usually one of the last things to go up, I remember when I helped a neighbour - a builder - when on holiday from College and we had five bungalows up before we started on the garages. But it looks as if everything is on schedule though.


Since getting this computer I have found an old photo of the old barn I renovated to turn into my layout room, all 28x12ft of it. Sad to have left it but that's life sometimes but it's just a shame I never really got to use it once finished.


I had a workshop downstairs and the layout room upstairs.


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I hope Andy isn't reading all this stuff. I've had an exchange of PMs with him and warned him about the current subject matter. The word "house" is a bit of a dirty word in Derbyshire at the moment.


Lovely looking barn, and a mere 28' x 12'.... It'd be so tempting to try to use it all and ten years down the line find you just can't ever get close to finished. I think my 16' x 16' is the limit for me - as a "one-man band". Bit like gardening - which I thoroughly enjoy - there, I think I could keep on top of (intensive planting etc) about a quarter of an acre. Not that I'm ever going to have that (no, it wasn't me that won the Euromillions - if it was there'd be a few wealthy Lunesters!!)....


Time for coffee and interior design discussion with my brother. Back later to see what the cat drags in on here!



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Been assisting on my mates layout 'MELWOOD' at the Wallasey show today (and tomorrow). Still tying to get to grips with this new fangle DCC thingamygig! Far too much to expect an old sod like me to take in, that's my excuse anyway. Going to take some pic's tomorrow and put them on Dent to add a bit of colour so to speak! House is coming on mate.


And here's the video.  Great little layout.  :sungum: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum:


Good to meet up with you, Mike.  Hope it all goes well, tomorrow.


PollyFibre - Mike will get the joke.  HAHA.   :laugh: :D

& Ray

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Nice video, Polly. You certainly do visit a lot of exhibitions. 


At least you've met a lot of the Lunesters. I'm like a hermit crab who hides out of the way, my identity known only to Bodge and Jason!



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I did the dreaded thing today over at Wallasey - I turned to the BLUE side - Ray was dumb struck as the last things I spoke about, before disappearing off to the trade stands, was a carmine and cream ex-GWR railcar and BR MK1 BFK in chocolate and cream.


'It's a donor for (Jeremy) Hosking's 08 FRED,' I said showing off my new prize possession.






Post Script


Hi Jeff, I guess we do about ten a year - sometimes for those little specialist bits and pieces, sometimes for the layouts, sometimes for the real thing but, mostly, for a good day out.


We're impressed with the Grand Design house build. You'll be in for the proverbial Christmas, then!  Kevin (McCloud) will be pleased.  :mosking: :mosking: :mosking:


Post Script 2


You can read 08's name on the original image.  I'll use that to design the one for mine but it may have to be over scale to read it.   :O   :blind:



Post Script 3

Good weathering detail, too.

Edited by southern42
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Nice video, Polly. You certainly do visit a lot of exhibitions. 


At least you've met a lot of the Lunesters. I'm like a hermit crab who hides out of the way, my identity known only to Bodge and Jason!




Morning Jeff.  That is one excellent thing about going to the exhibitions, although it's surprising how many that you want to go to that clash with each other - a sign of a healthy show climate we have today - but you can always alternate in subsequent years.

The only (real) trouble with going to exhibitions (excluding expenses, travel, meal times, congestion, rucksacks or anything else you hear people rant about) is that it gets addictive when there are so many great layouts to see, superb modelling stuff to spend your money on, and such friendly people around to meet or catch up with.  And don't get me started on exhibiting.  :D :D :D :D :D


Well the popty ping has just pinged so better dig out my porridge.



Edited by southern42
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You will be going to an exhibition of sorts next weekend Jeff, the Lancashire & Yorkshire Society modelling event in Todmorden. The Lanky Society are a real nice bunch and the modelling on display there will be great.


I went to Nottingham show yesterday and had a great day, I was hoping to catch up with Bodgit but he wasn't there, but met and chatted with Graham (of Grantham fame) and Ken from the L&Y Society, and ended up going to his house to see his layout which although he played it down, was up there with the best at the exhibition.

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You will be going to an exhibition of sorts next weekend Jeff, the Lancashire & Yorkshire Society modelling event in Todmorden. The Lanky Society are a real nice bunch and the modelling on display there will be great.


I went to Nottingham show yesterday and had a great day, I was hoping to catch up with Bodgit but he wasn't there, but met and chatted with Graham (of Grantham fame) and Ken from the L&Y Society, and ended up going to his house to see his layout which although he played it down, was up there with the best at the exhibition.


Looking forward to it. It's always good to pick up new ideas and it's a few years since I've been to Todmorden.



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Morning Polly.


I don't get to many exhibitions, probably because I'm to lazy to get off my backside to go to them! Actually, there's always so much to do that I never seem to find the time. Visiting Jason allows him to drag me to places "where no Jeff has gone before"!!


The house build is going well. Hope to be moved in by the end of June. I remember saying that before Christmas last year - June seemed a long way away then. I'm already sorting out dozens of boxes of books, cds, magazines..... it'll be hundreds by the time I move. Anyway, it'll happen when it happens.


My "popty ping" has just told me the water in the kettle's boiled, so coffee time and then some gardening.



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And here's the video.  Great little layout.  :sungum: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum:


Good to meet up with you, Mike.  Hope it all goes well, tomorrow.


PollyFibre - Mike will get the joke.  HAHA.   :laugh: :D

& Ray

Hi Jeff,


Thanks must go to Polly & Ray for capturing a moving sequence on Melwood, hope you don't mind your thread being hijacked Jeff but I think we all know each other well enough to take the odd advantage. Put it this way Jeff it would be nice to see something run on either of our two layouts so this is a pleasant interlude!




All went sort of splendiferous today..............The day started out with one controller not talking to anything but we muddled through.

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Hi Jeff,


Thanks must go to Polly & Ray for capturing a moving sequence on Melwood, hope you don't mind your thread being hijacked Jeff but I think we all know each other well enough to take the odd advantage. Put it this way Jeff it would be nice to see something run on either of our two layouts so this is a pleasant interlude!




All went sort of splendiferous today..............The day started out with one controller not talking to anything but we muddled through.


Mike, as I've said MANY times before, there is no such thing as a "hijack" on here - when it's posted by one of the Lunesters.


Besides, Bodge and I always get our own back on Dent.....!!!


Glad it all worked out well.


And you are right - it IS good to see vids of something MOVING.



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So its back to KL time, Jeff I have just been reading a very interesting article in Railway Modeller on Glenfinick SORRY, on Modratec Lever Frames, they are in Brass and have an accessory circuit board with all the electronics on for point, frog and signals etc.


I may have a closer look at these if  SORRY AGAIN, when I start Wye Dale.

The lever frame seems to be £36.60 for a WIT 6 lever frame Kit in Brass, whilst the corresponding switch modual is £28.15 so not cheap but very nice.

The only thing I cant see, and its not in the article which stared in last Months RM (which I will now dig out and read) is the size of the frame. I mention this as the Cobolt ones are enormous at about 5 inches high.


Hope your all HAPPY. :sungum: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker:

I'm not! :O

And :sungum:  visiting the Estate Agents Office at 9am in the Morning :triniti:

Edited by Andrew P
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So its back to KL time, Jeff I have just been reading a very interesting article in Railway Modeller on Glenfinick SORRY, on Modratec Lever Frames, they are in Brass and have an accessory circuit board with all the electronics on for point, frog and signals etc.


I may have a closer look at these if  SORRY AGAIN, when I start Wye Dale.

The lever frame seems to be £36.60 for a WIT 6 lever frame Kit in Brass, whilst the corresponding switch modual is £28.15 so not cheap but very nice.

The only thing I cant see, and its not in the article which stared in last Months RM (which I will now dig out and read) is the size of the frame. I mention this as the Cobolt ones are enormous at about 5 inches high.


Hope your all HAPPY. :sungum: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker: :stinker:

I'm not! :O

And :sungum:  visiting the Estate Agents Office at 9am in the Morning :triniti:


Andy, we will all be a lot happier when someone in your chain - be it solicitor or house purchaser - gets their ar*e in gear and stops mucking everyone, including you, around.


Please PM/text/ring me if you end up with any news - hopefully positive.


And as Mike said a while ago.... keep your up (the system will no doubt blank out the word "peck er"....)



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