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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff and Andy,


In reply to you both I have a solution. Jeff to come over to do the fell, Andy to come over to do the grass, I'll fix Andy's boards and I'll cut down Jeff's 8" x 8" timbers into USABLE dimensions..........that's got to be a bargain!


Sounds quite good, Mike, so long as you don't go below 4" x 4". I can't abide straw-like supports!



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NZ are exporting whole logs now by the million, (a lot comes back from China as 'finished' wood much to the detriment of local industry) I think Jeff you could make bargain if you come to use economies of scale...    and I'll certainly be able to do you a good deal on baseboard supports if you just pay a small insignificant admin fee up front... 

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Its official, Rob's lost the plot, :O  first he's telling me tales of some Crank he knows from down under in BAT country, and now he thinks Jeff can do baseboards from JUST ONE FOREST, come on Rob, he used the National Forest (BTW that's where I live) on KL1 and then took that lot to the tip without replanting it. :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:


And :stinker:

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only 2x4's ?  I prefer 4x10's for making baseboards out of...or 4x4's.  (the 4x4's for real railway...)


Some nice photos of big timber:






Don't give me ideas, James. I've seen a number of US layouts with these marvellous trestle viaducts, but the prototypes are awe-inspiring.


I wonder what the lifetime of such (wooden) structures happens to be.


Anyway, for the moment I'll stick to using 4" x 2" cioupled with 3" x 1" to make the operating (5" x 3") girders of my planned new frames. I may even conduct some long-term measurements to see if I can detect any sag at the midpoint.....



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Don't give me ideas, James. I've seen a number of US layouts with these marvellous trestle viaducts, but the prototypes are awe-inspiring.


I wonder what the lifetime of such (wooden) structures happens to be.


Anyway, for the moment I'll stick to using 4" x 2" cioupled with 3" x 1" to make the operating (5" x 3") girders of my planned new frames. I may even conduct some long-term measurements to see if I can detect any sag at the midpoint.....



Hi Jeff,

Just nipping to B&Q for some rechargeable PP3 batteries, I can't afford the cost of these replacements any more :nono:  :senile:  :scared:

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Sorry Mike - I really don't mean to shock you! I recently bought a Duracell recharging unit - highly recommended!!  :stinker:  :stinker:


At the moment the dream of wood-cutting is a few months away. But the anticipation is building by the day. I'm going to visit the building site on Saturday, and hoping to see the foundation/beginnings of the new bunker taking shape. 


In the meantime it's back to reading plenty of books until it's time to pay another visit to Jason's.



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Just had a PM conversation with Bodge, especially regarding him driving things at his Club and people asking for his advice.....


Reminded me of this short poem by Roger McGough:


The Leader



I wanna be the leader
I wanna be the leader
Can I be the leader?
Can I? I can?
Promise? Promise?
Yippee I'm the leader
I'm the leader

OK what shall we do?



Roger McGough
Nothing to do with KL, but so apt to many situations!
Edited by Physicsman
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I would write that in reverse Jeff...........


I'm fed up being the leader.

I'm fed up being the leader

Can I stop being the leader

Please, please can I

Promise, yes, no, maybe

Yahoo, yippee I'm free


Right you and I are getting this job finished OK!



Mike McManus C 2014 :no:



Hope the visit goes to plan.


Have you got the 'Railway World Special' booklet format called 'Settle to Carlisle Route' ? I've had it for years but been re-reading it this week, its an excellent little publication and available on Amazon for a few pounds.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the booklet info, Mike.


I'll have a look on Amazon and see what I can find.


Btw, Jason loaned me the Furness Railway book I mentioned previously. It was published in 2011, so I thought it'd still be available. Nothing on Amazon, Waterstones etc. Then I went onto Abe Books, apparently an Amazon subsidiary. Yes, they could get me a copy and it's duly on its way. So Abe Books gets a recommendation from me.



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Thanks for the booklet info, Mike.


I'll have a look on Amazon and see what I can find.


Btw, Jason loaned me the Furness Railway book I mentioned previously. It was published in 2011, so I thought it'd still be available. Nothing on Amazone, Waterstones etc. Then I went onto Abe Books, apparently an Amazon subsidiary. Yes, they could get me a copy and it's duly on its way. So Abe Books gets a recommendation from me.



Hi Jeff,


Yes Abe books is another valuable source, I've had a few from them over the years.

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  • RMweb Premium


Just dropped in to look at Abe books and typed in 'settle-carlisle' and the booklet came up first at £1.94 BARGAIN !!!


Yes, one of the Amazon sellers had a copy for 1p PLUS £2-80 p&p.....


I've ordered a copy of the booklet - intrigued to see what's in it! (No, I don't expect to see Delia Smith recipes.....  :jester: )



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The Leader is back from Club, Next Tuesday is the AGM and I will probably be re elected onto the Committee but I'm standing down as Editor of the Newsletter.


I don't want to be the Leader.


And :sungum:


My dad is nearly 79 and has been the Chairman, and driving force, behind his local Fishing Club for the last 38 years.


Nobody else seems to have any "drive" and nobody wants to do anything - unless dad leads the way. He's too old to be leading work parties and construction projects. Heaven help the club when he retires.... it'll fall apart. So I know where you're coming from, Andy.


Let someone else do the job and concentrate on what you enjoy most.



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Did you know the first Hattons Garratts have arrived in the shop... LMS fixed bunker pristine ones, but Bodgit can suggest ways to deal with that? You'll have to re-think KL2 now Jeff... Midlands mineral trains only...


4' radius minimum, for 80+ mineral-wagon trains, a serious re-think of KL2 is now mandatory.


Edit; I just bought one, couldn't resist... it's called 'lightly weathered' but I'll buy some powders perhaps and Bodgit can start correspondence lessons...



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An interesting looking loco, Rob. I know the "Garratt" loco configuration was used all over the world and the Heljan-Hattons model will be welcomed by many.


Not my cup of tea, though. I'll stick to my 8F, 9f and G2As for hauling heavy freight.



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I reckon 200 quid is good for what you get and it does look lovely but I won't be getting one, especially as I've bought another Black Five and am chasing down another (to take the total to four) :)

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I reckon 200 quid is good for what you get and it does look lovely but I won't be getting one, especially as I've bought another Black Five and am chasing down another (to take the total to four) :)


Yes, it's a question of priorities and relevance.


With unlimited funds available I'd probably buy one just to "collect" - and it'd be permanently stuck in a cabinet. Much better to use the funds for another Black 5 and an Ivatt in my case.

(Or more wagons!)



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Can not afford it also as there is a J50 build going on and am still after a Hornby N2 chassis before I buy that 3D printed N1 which isn't cheap either. Then there's the Bachmann J11 which is a must have too. Where's it gonna end?

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  • RMweb Premium

Can not afford it also as there is a J50 build going on and am still after a Hornby N2 chassis before I buy that 3D printed N1 which isn't cheap either. Then there's the Bachmann J11 which is a must have too. Where's it gonna end?


Shaun - it never does end!!


And I'm grateful for that, as there's ALWAYS something to look forward to, be it locos, wagons, general materials.....


The phrase "we've never had it so good" is certainly true in railway modelling!



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