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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Can you not curve the S&C into the fiddle yard earlier and start the fan for the FY sidings just after the cutting? You can then curve the NER line in earlier too and give yourself more access at the back of the layout; I know you have lost some weight recently but 150cm for access is a tad thin, even for an anorexic!


Edit: I am not saying you are anorexic :)

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Morning all, on waking up this morning at 07.15 my thoughts tuned back to a fortnight ago, at this time in the morning I had been on the road an Hour on my way to Ingleby Barwick, Stockton on Tees to meet Jeff for the first time. We had been exchanging conversations on the R.M.Web along with the whole Lunester Family from around the world but had never even spoken on the phone let alone met face to face.

On arrival at about 08.50 I was greeted with the sight of the double garage doors and knowing what lurked behind I was anxious to see KL in the flesh so to speak for the first time. A warm smile and the offer of a nice cup of coffee greeted me as I eventually met Jeff face to face for the first time, it was like meeting an old friend that I had known for years, we seemed to get on well strait away.

Once the coffee was in the mugs we headed out to the Bunker, I really couldn't wait but I was astonished to be greeted by a wall of timber and plaster, I was entering the Aladins cave via the tradesman's entrance, behind the Fell, and looking at the back of the fiddle yard.

After getting onto my hands and knees to crawl like a Commando in the Jungle under a labyrinth of timbers I eventually arrived into the operating well of KL. On climbing to my feet I was in awe of the Fell, the size alone was awe inspiring and the hand built, individually laid stone walls looked so diminutive against this huge back drop.

We chatted for a few moments and then it was time for another coffee whilst I started unpacking the stock that luckily I had remembered to put into the car.

We ran a few trains, (I had a hard act to follow as Jason had been there for a day and a half) we chatted some more and had another mug of coffee and the day seemed to be passing to quickly. Jeff then asked for my ideas on KL2, we had a short planning meeting over a mug of coffee and then retired back to the Bunker.


It was then decided it was time to tackle some weathering so we headed into the Kitchen, now I don't normally make a mess when I'm weathering at home, BUT I'm in someone else House, a House that is being valued the next day for sale, so the last thing I wanted was an accident. Jeff's attitude was great, we covered the table and floor and then armed with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon cake each I demonstrated dry brushing on an open wagon, we then moved on to Vans, a Coach and eventually a couple of locos, Jeff took to it like a Duck to water.

Then Jeff produced the most amazing Lasagne which was very welcome but after a call to my wife the evening session was cut short as she wasn't too well so it was time to wrap things up earlier than planned.

Back to the Bunker for the Last train on KL, fittingly it was Jeff's sound fitted Black 5 with 37 Vans and a brake Van in tow. This was dully videoed by yours truly to the sound of the Last Post  being played by an almost tearful Jeff in a pop up hole in the corner. It was then time to pack it all away and head for home after a most enjoyable day.


So what has happened since then?


Well KL has gradually been resigned to the big Model Railway in the sky, on a clear night I'm told you can see it just to the left of the Plow, close to Uranus :no: .

KL has passed 400 pages and over 10,000 posts and almost 215,000 viewings and is still going strong. KL2 is causing a lot of head scratching from around the globe and the plans are coming on screen thick and fast.


Jeff's move may have caused us all to worry that we had seen the last and in fact the total demise of KL but now I think we can rest easy in the knowledge that KL2 will rise bigger, better and more user friendly that KL1. More height please to get in would be a good start and more room in the middle would also be good, after all you can't hold a Lunester Party in a shoe box now can you?


So Lunsters a fortnight is a long time in the life of Kirkby Luneside. :O


KL is dead Long Live KL2


Bodgit :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, that is absolutely brilliant! And I can only give you one "like" for it, which seems mean.


Many thanks for the comments. It was certainly clear over the weekend that Andy, Jason and myself hit-it-off immediately and it was the best fun I've ever had from model railways. I've a feeling that this kind of thing is going to happen again, and the sooner KL2 is under development the sooner I can have people round to share it.


Now what's this about Uranus being close to the Plough? You see, that's not possible as the path of the planets across the Celestial sphere is a band called the Ecliptic and this passes through the Zodiacal constellations. The Plough, part of Ursa Major isn't one of these.... Oh, shut up, Jeff! Suffice to say, Andy's keen on heavenly bodies - Black 5s, Brits, Patriots and the like!!


And btw, we drank GALLONS of coffee that day!!



Edited by Physicsman
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  • RMweb Premium

Can you not curve the S&C into the fiddle yard earlier and start the fan for the FY sidings just after the cutting? You can then curve the NER line in earlier too and give yourself more access at the back of the layout; I know you have lost some weight recently but 150cm for access is a tad thin, even for an anorexic!


Edit: I am not saying you are anorexic :)


No offence taken! And btw, I think you were referring to the gap size being 15cm. 


I need to create more space there, otherwise the plan is unusable in a practical sense. Maybe I should just remove the garage wall!



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  • RMweb Premium

Jason, I've had a really good look through the Stainmore and the Leeds, S&C books. KS East was quite an impressive station and the Stainmore/Eden Valley routes were certainly very attractive.


I see what you mean about the Moguls being everywhere!



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  • RMweb Gold

No offence taken! And btw, I think you were referring to the gap size being 15cm. 


I need to create more space there, otherwise the plan is unusable in a practical sense. Maybe I should just remove the garage wall!




Actually Jeff that isn't such a daft idea as it might at first sound!  Depending on the method of construction and if you will be buying 'off plan' you might well be able to do exactly that or concoct a more suitable means of entry.  I've not had the pleasure of visiting KL (and I'm hardly angling for an invite now of course  :O ) but having visited a GW layout quite well know in these pages the process of getting underneath it to gain access was not easy with an arthritic knee (or the lack of flexibility which comes with more advanced years).

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  • RMweb Gold

Another possibility for the bottom end of the layout would be to take the NE into tunnel well before it crosses under the other circuit. This avoids the skew bridge and problematic tight curve. The scenics for the main line could be simplified, with the cutting/tunnel bought nearer to the straight at the bottom of the plan.





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  • RMweb Premium


I like the way the NER goes the other way now. However the southern end of the layout looks rather cramped - could you move everything "up" a bit to make a few more inches wriggle room at the bottom end?


This tidies things up a bit, Peter - as requested.


Dave - thanks for the suggestion. I've not discounted a tunnel, even though, so I'm told, they were uncommon on the NER....





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Hi Jeff & All,

Wow! Just caught up from about a week off again and that's taken me a good two days, by which time the thread moves on even more!!!

Jeff certainly seems to be overflowing with ideas but if I may contribute a couple of mine own?

As Mike (Stationmaster) mentioned, as the ageing process continues (you never know just how you're going to be affected!), the joints stiffen, backs won't flex, eyes won't bend and knees water (Oops, sorry - went all Pythonesque there!).

Anyway from my American outline days, something they do over the pond is to build a walk-under which is basically like a small car inspection pit and you can walk right under the layout and yet remain more or less vertical. I only mention this as (I presume) the bunker Mk2 is not built yet!!!

Whether or not you make the bunker any larger physically, I would also try & maximise your operating area as best as possible - it's so nice to move around, maybe even to follow a train you're running.

To this end, I would run the NER line along the front of the fell that hides the S&C fiddle yard and lose the baseboard that keeps the NER scenic separate from the main KL boards. I hope this comes across clearly enough, I'm very slow on Anyrail to draw it myself, sorry!


And finally, you Lunesters are bu66ers!!! After reading so much of this thread and seeing some wonderful pictures - it makes me want to take up modelling the S&C again!!!


John E.

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers John!


I'll do ANOTHER Anyrail, showing your suggestion, later....


Lunesters are always keen to suggest things - keeps me on my toes.


On the subject of which, I've got to toddle off to the solicitors, so more later...



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  • RMweb Premium

Ok, at the risk of boring everyone to death, here's the situation if the NER is allowed to run across the lower reaches of the Fell, with no in-between gap. Thanks John.


Quite like it, myself. Andy's requested downhill second "stream", running off the Fell, comes into play.


Comments, please?







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Nothing boring at all Jeff. Have you seen my Inglebourne thread? Nearly every other post has a track plan in it somewhere!


I like this plan a lot. I was never quite sure about the NER line running down the middle with access gaps on either side. Having it run along the bottom of the fell will bring it all together neatly.

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  • RMweb Premium

An interesting suggestion, Peter - though Jason won't thank you for removing the road underbridge he's been campaigning for over the last year!!


I also forgot to include your loading docks on the last plan.


Not sure I want to shift the viaduct further to the right, and a bridge preceding the viaduct - did this ever occur?


However, who am I to know - which is why I need suggestions!





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Hi Jeff,


I think that is the best solution to date, the NER line looks as though it will pass under the viaduct much easier now. It will also give a little more interest to the Fell face which looked a bit lonely on KL.

I dread to think how many rain forests would have been destroyed had these revised plans been done on paper!     Erm. you haven't been printing them out - have you?


I'm off out to the den for a bit more tracklaying, I have a mission to run something before Xmas! Even if its only a test train to properly evaluate the spirals.


Re: the framework, why not consider aluminium angle. Really easy to work with and stronger than timber. I have used it on Dent as you may have seen.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


I think that is the best solution to date, the NER line looks as though it will pass under the viaduct much easier now. It will also give a little more interest to the Fell face which looked a bit lonely on KL.

I dread to think how many rain forests would have been destroyed had these revised plans been done on paper!     Erm. you haven't been printing them out - have you?


I'm off out to the den for a bit more tracklaying, I have a mission to run something before Xmas! Even if its only a test train to properly evaluate the spirals.


Re: the framework, why not consider aluminium angle. Really easy to work with and stronger than timber. I have used it on Dent as you may have seen.


Cheers Mike.


If I get a concensus from yourself, Jason, Bodge, Peter and the other "layout design" Lunesters then I know I'm in business.


No - not been printing them out - I'd have burned the printer out over the last week and used more forest than supported KL!! Lol.


I love wood, so I'll be sticking to that. 


As for running something. Yes - it's a must - and we need to see videos! (And pics for Chip).



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Much prefer the "single" operating well Jeff. Couldn't really see the point of the second "skinny" offering to be honest.

This also gives you far more space between the fell and the NER line to do your scenic thing on the fell, something you have clearly shown to excel in on KL1.


Also liking the section of double track where trains can be held to pass.



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  • RMweb Premium

I never really got the point of the second operating well either; it added a lot of complications to the build without any real benefit.


The road underbridge is a must have item; the way I visualise KL2 is the railway running on an embankment between that and the viaduct.

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I might be thick but I don't see easy access to the fiddle yard behind the fell, apart from a 1 foot wide slot.


Also, and being purposefully negative because you cannot undo it once done, the lower curve leading into the NER section in front of the fell looks rather sharp,  although I cannot see a way around this ( room for puns there but they are forbidden!)


I say increased the size of everything x2 and the curves will be over 4'-radius. See? Simple.


Best wishes,



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  • RMweb Premium

I might be thick but I don't see easy access to the fiddle yard behind the fell, apart from a 1 foot wide slot.


Also, and being purposefully negative because you cannot undo it once done, the lower curve leading into the NER section in front of the fell looks rather sharp,  although I cannot see a way around this ( room for puns there but they are forbidden!)


I say increased the size of everything x2 and the curves will be over 4'-radius. See? Simple.


Best wishes,




Funnily enough, that section IS the tightest of all the trackwork on the plan. It comes in at 30" (75cm) radius. The whole S&C section has a minimum of around 36" (90cm) which is better than the original KL.


Of course, the plans are simplifications. The reality - and the fun bit - is when the Tracksettas come out and all the curves are transitioned to one extent or another.



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  • RMweb Premium

I never really got the point of the second operating well either; it added a lot of complications to the build without any real benefit.


The road underbridge is a must have item; the way I visualise KL2 is the railway running on an embankment between that and the viaduct.


No pressure then, eh Jason..... I love it when you can't make your mind up!


Heavens - KL2 in a nutshell, represented by a 3' section of track and scenery between viaduct and underbridge!!


Don't worry - the underbridge is one of the first on the team sheet. I'd never live it down if you turned up to run KL2 and it wasn't there!!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D



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