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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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A good buy, Andy. I love Jubilees and they are well-suited to that livery - though LMS would pre-date my time period.


If and when the A4s / 40s I have on pre-order ever arrive, I'll take some pics on the viaduct.


Btw, the "viaduct" on the NER line will be a smallish bridge across the stream. I'll use the branch viaduct for the lower end of the S&C loop. Seemed a shame to savage a lovingly-made, curved viaduct!




Hi Jeff


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is the branch viaduct not single track and the lower end of the S&C loop double track??


Unless of course your going to do a ribblehead on it??


Confused of Cumbria

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Hi Jeff


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is the branch viaduct not single track and the lower end of the S&C loop double track??


Unless of course your going to do a ribblehead on it??


Confused of Cumbria


Oh bug*er #2!!!!!


I MUST start paying more attention! 


Hell, Chip - you know KL better than me. Thanks for reminding me about the branch viaduct..... You are, of course, correct.


Looks like I'll be building another large viaduct!



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Or do what I did at the Club and take off the back Bodge on a bit of timber, a few big nails :O  and the back was back on, re line the arches and Hey Presto, :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:









It looks like a Bodgit job. :O


Nail one Pearl one. :stinker: :stinker:

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Thanks for details of your "technique", Andy.


I think my own method might be a bit easier to do. I don't have a BNT degree in nailing (Bachelor in Nailing Techniques)...!!



You don't poses a Hot Glue Gun either. hahhaha


Just off to Club now to give the Patriot a run, catch up again later.


Bodgei :sungum:

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Hot glue guns?  Nails?  What heresy is this?



I just got a a Youtube video by my brother of one of our local steam trains, and was going to post a link in the Lounge, but copy-paste isn't working here in this forum for me, no idea why. I suspect it's a web site 'improvement', the perfidious influence of incompatible smartphone and tablet technology. I have left a question with the faults section.


I hear that there has been some brisk weather in Scotland, not a good day to go fishing on the Firth of Forth?

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Indeed, Rob. 142mph wind gust recorded on top of the Scottish mountains, 95mph at low level.


Even over 70mph in Stockton.


The biggest storm surge in the North Sea for 60 years.


And the centre of Middlesbrough was completely without power a few hours ago due to flooding from the Tees.


I'm on top of a hill, so I can ponder KL2 without threat of flooding.



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I love the way the improved and more accurate wind measuring hardware allows all kinds of news claims to be made, albeit the trend is for more volatility on average.   We get storms now where a reading is taken from the top of a transmitting mast, maybe 260km/hr and then it is 'worst storm in living memory'.


The funereal tone of news reporters using phrases like 'the very real possibility of widespread death and destruction'    REALLY annoys me.


Good to have an awareness of tidal surges though, we don't want too much more of Mill on the Floss.


Sorry, I like science to be based on SCIENCE.  Like for like comparisons, errors, statistics, all done RIGHT.


Oops was I shouting....? It must be the wind...


typo edit

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Morning Jeff, I like the idea of the start of the buildings, plenty of time for the research without the distraction of the Bunker and the desire to run trains. I at least have the Club's layout if I want a quiet play of an afternoon or evening.


FY is staying at the Club as I need to re sort and re pack my room.


I am doing some weathering this Friday as I have the OTHER Jeff coming over on Friday with a few of his Locos, plus I will do the B17, Cl 20 and 25 that I brought up to your Gaff, also two Green 08's to Dirty Down a bit.


I like the less timber approach and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a PROPER walk/duck under for us Old Far*s, hhahaaaaa HO HO HO HO. :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester:


Santa Bodgit, (Clause 9, paragraph 3, Less is More) :sungum:

Hi Jeff,


Especially for Bodgit !

Access solution - made for a twin level layout as shown. Anyone can copy I haven't patented it ...... yet.





Given you ideas Andy?

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Hi Jeff,


Especially for Bodgit !

Access solution - made for a twin level layout as shown. Anyone can copy I haven't patented it ...... yet.


attachicon.gif10032010282 Access.1.jpg

attachicon.gif10032010283 Access.2.jpg


Given you ideas Andy?

Thanks for the Pics Mike, that is almost exactly what I have drawn on my plan, I had a gated entrance on a Garage Layout when I lived down South and as I will be all on one level it will work a treat.


Yours is really neat, have you any pics with the track on or is that as far as you've got?


Bodgit :sungum:

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Indeed, Rob. 142mph wind gust recorded on top of the Scottish mountains, 95mph at low level.


Even over 70mph in Stockton.


The biggest storm surge in the North Sea for 60 years.


And the centre of Middlesbrough was completely without power a few hours ago due to flooding from the Tees.


I'm on top of a hill, so I can ponder KL2 without threat of flooding.




Here is a video taken near my place last Sunday, just to make you  feel warmer...  the photographer my younger brother who is a Meteorologist.


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Here is a video taken near my place last Sunday, just to make you  feel warmer...  the photographer my younger brother who is a Meteorologist.


Good Video that Rob, thanks for sharing it with us. :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:


Bodgit :sungum:

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Nice bit of work, Mike.


Must admit, when I first glanced at the pics, I wondered why there was an oven in the second photo!


A good idea - and I suppose the 2 levels are linked via your helix?


As Andy said, it'd be nice to see this with some track in place.


One level is enough for me - more than enough to keep me busy for years!



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Seriously off thread, but hey, I was just proving the link would work after Internet Explorer 11 update (un-asked-for, automatic download and install, now reset to fully manual updates) prevented it for an hour or so while I uninstalled the update and reset things to IE10...   I might buy Apple next time around. I think Microsoft are very poor. (or at least need to be watched like a recalcitrant child)


Back to work benches and woodwork...


Did I tell you I bought a weathered Britannia and Black 5 yesterday?

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Seriously off thread, but hey, I was just proving the link would work after Internet Explorer 11 update (un-asked-for, automatic download and install, now reset to fully manual updates) prevented it for an hour or so while I uninstalled the update and reset things to IE10...   I might buy Apple next time around. I think Microsoft are very poor. (or at least need to be watched like a recalcitrant child)


Back to work benches and woodwork...


Did I tell you I bought a weathered Britannia and Black 5 yesterday?


Why am I not the least bit surprised?


Pictures my boy, pictures!


Those 2 engines are "core S&C" and certainly Kl/KL2 or whatever couldn't do without them. I'll even allow your rant about IE11 if you "show us yer pics"!!



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Pictures will be forthcoming inside the hour. 


ah, seller's pictures unobtainable sorry, will have to wait until delivery in about 12 days, curses. They were both pre-owned Hattons sales.


This is the price of living in the colonies. It's the heat, you know... 


here as a poor substitute are pics of the models before detailing and weathering. To me the valve gear and general quality of the models is very good; no warps or bends on the photos of the similar models I bought *(and should have saved photos of the models before buying them!)  steps and brake-rods all on, nice weathering, but not nearly as good as some people can do!




just a kid in a toyshop, me.

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Evening Jeff


Can't use the word "enjoyed" but interesting photos of the demise of KL - ending with the shot of the skip and an empty bunker.

When I broke up a home layout over 20 years ago I ran final day specials, as well as demolition trains and also photographed the destruction of over 1 years work.


Green diesels arriving tomorrow for a 1969-73 running session - postponed from last week. My friend was called up for baby sitting duties. Oh the joys of family life which seem to have passed me by!




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Evening Jeff


Can't use the word "enjoyed" but interesting photos of the demise of KL - ending with the shot of the skip and an empty bunker.

When I broke up a home layout over 20 years ago I ran final day specials, as well as demolition trains and also photographed the destruction of over 1 years work.


Green diesels arriving tomorrow for a 1969-73 running session - postponed from last week. My friend was called up for baby sitting duties. Oh the joys of family life which seem to have passed me by!




Yes, a bit sad. Sounds like a section of a script from East Enders!


I keep telling myself that it'll be more than worth it - and KL2 should be much better than KL. I'm even looking forward to all those days of track laying, Cobalt fitting and track bus wiring. Oh, joy of joys - a good few weeks work there!


I'll look out for the green diesels. Nice to see you're finally coming to your senses!!



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That's a good-looking viaduct, Don. You can't beat a bit of large-scale structure work on any layout, whatever the gauge! Viaducts, bridges, streams, walls etc - it's why I love the real thing and the model. How many young kids will have taken away strong impressions of a layout based on a train passing over a viaduct?


Anyway, I'll be building another. Shame I can't justify a real "biggy" .... oh, well....



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Careful or you'll have Jeff indulging all his passions weaknesses in one pastime.... stonework, railways, outdoors, exercise.... The current weather is merely a passing zephyr .


Rob, I think you should apply for the post of Poet Laureate for Model Railways!


Your posts are full of evocative statements going well beyond the normal confines us mere mortals use to describe our obsession. A Zephyr to me has always been an old Vauxhall car (I know where the word comes from)! So yes, as you said in post # 10144, it must be the heat out there in the colonies!


It'll be nice to see Owen Glendower weathered.



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Rob, I think you should apply for the post of Poet Laureate for Model Railways!


Your posts are full of evocative statements going well beyond the normal confines us mere mortals use to describe our obsession. A Zephyr to me has always been an old Vauxhall car (I know where the word comes from)! So yes, as you said in post # 10144, it must be the heat out there in the colonies!


It'll be nice to see Owen Glendower weathered.



Jeff, you're a Luton/Ellesmere fan letting your fantasies overrule reality!


The Zephyr was one of three larger FORD cars, along with the Consul (smallest of them) and Zodiac(largest). All had the good old bench seats and a column change for the manual gearbox. Wonderful cars to take your latest flame out into the country for a little slap and tickle!

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Jeff, just a thought, you want a BIGGIE, :O (if you'll pardon the expression) :no:  :no:  then why not use the existing two track main Viaduct at the bottom of the plan and build a LONGER one, possibly an extra two arches or so on that lovely long gentle top curve, it could be about 4 ft long at least :stinker: .


Bodgit, (The Man from the planning Dept.) :sungum:

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