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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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Done it :locomotive:

Congratulations Bodgit and especially Jeff.


Just having quiet weekend Saturday cup of coffee here. A large pile of unopened un-photographed models waiting, but who is in a hurry? Mind you mad Christmas is upon us, down here it happens in high summer and is largely drunkenness and domestic violence so making photos will be a good way to ignore it all.


moving quickly along,


Pat Hammond wrote to me today and he has just sent Ramsay's Catalogue to the printer 700 pages in two volumes, with lots of my pictures, so you Geordies had better offer respect from now on...


Again, congratulations Jeff and thankyou, also Andrew for your infectious grin and wise ways.



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Probably fitting Bodgit doing the 10000th post I wonder how many of the 10000 were his anyway (no don't count them).



Don, if you ACTUALLY want to know how many posts people have done, it's easy.


Go to the main page for the Settle and Carlisle route. Find Kirkby Luneside and go across to the number of replies, at present 10,005. Click on the number and a box will open telling you the number of posts from anyone who has posted on this thread. Bodgie has done more than 1100....




Edit: Bodge has done 1167, you have done 151.

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Hi Rob, Its still Friday night here and I have just been up to the Club to make sure there are no last minuet jobs to do before our Mince Pie weekend starts in the morning.


Congrats on the pics in the book mate, well deserved. :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:


Jeff should have done the last post, (BUT NOT AS HE DID IN THE VIDEO) he text me but I was having Fish and Chips, as soon as had finished I went on a saw several Lunesters lurking, Jeff was Off Line so I thought sod it, and did it. I got the last of the first 10,000 and the first of the next 10,000. :O

So on current form Jeff should be on 20,000 by the time KL2 / KS gets to the stage KL1 was last Monday, (if that make any sense). :no:


Bodgit :sungum:

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Hi Rob, Its still Friday night here and I have just been up to the Club to make sure there are no last minuet jobs to do before our Mince Pie weekend starts in the morning.


Congrats on the pics in the book mate, well deserved. :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:


Jeff should have done the last post, (BUT NOT AS HE DID IN THE VIDEO) he text me but I was having Fish and Chips, as soon as had finished I went on a saw several Lunesters lurking, Jeff was Off Line so I thought sod it, and did it. I got the last of the first 10,000 and the first of the next 10,000. :O

So on current form Jeff should be on 20,000 by the time KL2 / KS gets to the stage KL1 was last Monday, (if that make any sense). :no:


Bodgit :sungum:


Andy - sense? Not when you are dancing around at the Club!!!!


I never knew they did Strictly at your establishment. Must be why you're so sprightly....


Off to brothers, back in a minuet  minute!



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It does have rather nice sense of being 'ours' like the snug in a pub, but of course it would be daunting to follow all the conversations since the beginning.


Damn sight better than facebook or similar things, and would be better if I had a bit more thread-discipline, but mostly it is a nice mix of the 'everyday' and 'important' things like the last week or so, Jason and your goodself Bodgit bringing interesting photos and selfless critiques of Jeff's musical prowess.

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Anyway talking of a fresh start, Jeff is going to be a busy boy now, Jason has taught him the delicate art of Building building and so with the input from Al and his fireplaces on Bakewell, Jason's Bacup chimney pots and drain pipes I;m sure were in for some fine establishments in the not to distant future.


Start with an Ale House Jeff, then at least you'll have somewhere to put the world to rights between jobs. :no:


Bodgit :sungum:

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Well, it only seems an hour or so ago that we were looking forward to 10,000. And you lot have accelerated it 12 past that already!! Too much verbal diarrhoea, methinks!


All turnouts and Cobalts have now been removed from the bunker and the scene is set for the circular saw to cut a swathe through the baseboards. Busy day tomorrow at the bank and the housing development, but I'll try and post in between times!


Just think, Jason, one week ago we were running anything and everything during that 10-15 hour KL running session. What a difference a week makes.


Time for an early night.



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Well, it only seems an hour or so ago that we were looking forward to 10,000. And you lot have accelerated it 12 past that already!! Too much verbal diarrhoea, methinks!


All turnouts and Cobalts have now been removed from the bunker and the scene is set for the circular saw to cut a swathe through the baseboards. Busy day tomorrow at the bank and the housing development, but I'll try and post in between times!


Just think, Jason, one week ago we were running anything and everything during that 10-15 hour KL running session. What a difference a week makes.


Time for an early night.




Yes a week is a long time in politics the life of KL

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I popped by earlier but by the time I had caught up you were 400 posts short of the target..

I go away and check out availability of a loco I'd like to get hold of and now I've got to go back and catch up on the last 400.  :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:


Think I'll go and have a COFFEE instead to get over the shock.


See, you didn't need me after all.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:





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Banking and house inspection/reservation duties done for today.


Relieved I've "booked" the house I want, and been relieved of a tidy sum of money!!


Time for some food then a bit of R&R - more demolition!!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D



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Ahh, the joys of the Lakeland landscapes and the beauty of the fells. 


To quote Wordsworth:


I wandered lonely as a cloud 

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of 4 inch nails and screws.....
Destruction continues...
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How many months to build and how many days to clear it . I'm genuinely saddened ,but like everybody else can't wait to see what your next layout will look like plans are coming on great .




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Thanks Brian.


In 4 days I've turned the clock back almost 18 months.....


I was very disheartened about the destruction of KL, but once I started pulling it to bits it's not been so bad. It's the prospect of KL2 that brightens the horizon, however far into the future that may be (if I'm optimistic I'd say it would start in early 2015).


I've managed 4 hours of circular saw and jigsaw mayhem today. Now for a partial tidy-up. I know some people like to see it, so I'll post a few more pics later. At least the main viaduct has come out unscathed!!



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Hi Jeff,


I know you said you 'like wood' but bleeding ell !!! I knew it was belt and braces but still found it a shock to see all that cross-bracing in ex: 4"x2"


KL2 will be more succinct I am sure - am I?

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Hi Jeff,


I know you said you 'like wood' but bleeding ell !!! I knew it was belt and braces but still found it a shock to see all that cross-bracing in ex: 4"x2"


KL2 will be more succinct I am sure - am I?


Yes, I like my wood. Wait until you see the pics when I cut into the station area!!


Or have a look at post #108!



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Yes, I like my wood. Wait until you see the pics when I cut into the station area!!


Or have a look at post #108!



Hi Jeff,


I could not wait so I had a look at post 108................Jeff...Jeff...Jeff...Jeff...............Jeff    This is a prime candidate for that very much used phrase which is never out of the news headlines..........."Lessons will be learned"


I missed all the early KL stuff so I'm not going to miss the KL2 beginnings so will lessons be learned? (I do this joinery work for a living so can offer plenty of advice me old mucker) You will notice I even have sectional aluminium on Dent to cut down on obtrusive legs and such.

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Too painful to look at I need bodgits dark glasses :sungum:

I rather agree with the comment about the woodwork. Those timbers would hold up a roof or ceiling over a 3m span I doubt even your feel would weigh that much. I find lightweight timbers with diagonal bracing gives rigidity.


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Ahh, the joys of the Lakeland landscapes and the beauty of the fells. 


To quote Wordsworth:


I wandered lonely as a cloud 

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of 4 inch nails and screws.....
Destruction continues...



Did you have to learn that in primary school, too?  We had to write it out as well, in our best handwriting so that the best could go up on the wall. And illustrated. No comment!  Those were days of Cursive writing - for those of you too young to have had this grounded into you, it is, essentially, a dumbed down form of copperplate.  Now my Uncle had a fine handwriting style which he practised with a very fine Italic nibbed fountain pen - not often seen in the shops these days.  Of course, he was an earlier generation again.


All that woodwork, Jeff.  What would you have done had you realised back at the start that you were going to rip it all up so soon?

Maybe best not to think about it.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


On the other hand, maybe DO think about it - to make it easier to dismantle next time.


Wishing you all the joys of putting it all back together again.


Polly Miss Chief

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Hi Jeff, just got home from the Open Weekend and downloading the Photos and so a quick look on here before I post some pics on FY.


Your Viaduct removal went to plan and that's good so now its all just the timbers to scrap and the screws to box up ready for next time.


Glad the New House has been secured and so when is completion expected on that?


I will pop in again later for the latest pics.


Bodgit :sungum:

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Right, before I comment on the last few posts, here's a couple more pics - the first showing an "open air" view of the erstwhile cutting!!






More cutting-up tomorrow!



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