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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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Thankyou Jeff,


My impression of KL2 thus far is that there is a lot of stuff in a small space, but I'm sure that so long as it is a nice place to spend time it will grow infinitely large in well-managed stages. Pity that it will cost you your sanity, but we lurkers , no, creative advisors, sundry debtors and hoi polloi, will enjoy it all, no, every saw cut...



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The only factor leading to insanity is the time it'll take before I can get going again.


I'm raring to go! And this time I've the experience of the KL build to speed me along and avoid some of the errors I made last time.


KL2 is basically a SIMPLER, more prototypical version of KL. Don't be mislead by the NER bit. That'll take a bit of doing, but it's technically a simple piece of work.


My favourite bit will be building another viaduct and getting the Kadees fitted and working so I can have a good shunt (if you'll pardon the expression).



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Funnily enough, reading the last few posts which mention both the cost and difficulty of building your own turnouts, I think you would both be surprised. Building track, especially as I did using PCB and bullhead rail (that can be salvaged from S&P flexi, is both easier than you imagine and far cheaper. When you come down for the return visit, I will have you building a turnout in a couple of hours.

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Funnily enough, reading the last few posts which mention both the cost and difficulty of building your own turnouts, I think you would both be surprised. Building track, especially as I did using PCB and bullhead rail (that can be salvaged from S&P flexi, is both easier than you imagine and far cheaper. When you come down for the return visit, I will have you building a turnout in a couple of hours.


I'm with Jason on this one!  Learning how to use Templot and then building my own pointwork opened up a whole new world allowing sweeping trackwork with turnouts inserted into the curve rather than the other way round.


Come on Jeff, deep down you know you want to do it….:-)

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Funnily enough, reading the last few posts which mention both the cost and difficulty of building your own turnouts, I think you would both be surprised. Building track, especially as I did using PCB and bullhead rail (that can be salvaged from S&P flexi, is both easier than you imagine and far cheaper. When you come down for the return visit, I will have you building a turnout in a couple of hours.

Jason, Jeff took to weathering like a duck to water so I recon he should have a go, even if its only at your pad.


Bodge :no:

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Although i have never built my own trackwork, I would take the opportunity and salvage as much of that bullhead rail as you can, It may well come in usful, especailly if you do fancy having a go, all you need is some PCB sleeper strip.


You have got the time to learn haven't you?


andy G

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Hi Jeff,


I'm with Gordon and Jason here. You can reuse all the Marcway turnouts where their geometry fits into KL2, and since you've got a whole load more fiddle yard to do, there is plenty of scope to reuse them there. But the flexibility and seamless flow of handbuilt track would elevate further what you are doing.


Once you've cut your teeth they do go together very quickly, and you can build for around a tenth of the cost of the ready made ones, especially if you've got salvaged rail to use. And if I can learn to do it, anyone can.


Mind you, I did have exceptionally good tutors in Gordon and Norman Solomon........


Best thing that happened to my layout building was to rip everything out of the loft and start again, so I hope it works the same for you.


And while I'm here, I found a pic of the guard (almost certainly not the right term?) rails on the viaduct at Durham. I seem to remember you were talking about these about 70000 pages ago, but if this is any use to you......




There are rails attached in both the 4ft and 6ft to restrain derailed vehicles from doing further damage or veering further off course.


Best wishes,



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The scene in the bunker resembles the aftermath of Krakatoa!!


Gaping holes where a 10' section of the Fell used to be, bits of plaster everywhere and the skip is filling up nicely. If I can bring myself to do it, I'll post a couple of pics later.



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Thanks to all the people who are trying to convince me to make my own turnouts. I have no objection to doing so, it's just a question of that particular task being one in a huge list of jobs that will precede it. And given the fact that I already have 44 Marcway turnouts and I'm happy with the outline plan for KL2, there's no urgency.


I always said I'd build a shunting plank after KL.... maybe then. I'm not saying "no", I'm just saying it'll have to wait. Aside from the new house and all the basics, the next few months are likely to find me scratchbuilding another viaduct and the station building for KL2 (a copy of Kirkby Stephen). After Jason's visit and tutelage, I'm happy to have a go using mounting card.



Edited by Physicsman
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Next hurdle 10,000 :O YES :stinker: Ten Thousand posts :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:


Bodge :stinker:


Getting very close, Andy!


I think it would be apt if YOU were the person to do the 10,000th post - if you are around when the opportunity arises.



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If you've followed KL, prepare for a shocking sight. Here is the Fell - no more...








I managed to remove the first 3 sections relatively easily but decided they were just too heavy - I'll modify the design a bit next time. So I stripped off the plaster and have kept the frames. I've also taken off a lot of the walling. Yes, bits have broken off, but it can be repaired a damn sight quicker than starting from scratch:




The large section of Fell near to the viaduct, and the valley formers will be removed over the weekend.



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That's really it then, no more lovely lighting effects on the Fell... A sad day.


But then we now have the prospect of something better rising from the ashes...


The King is dead, long live the King!


Andy G

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That's really it then, no more lovely lighting effects on the Fell... A sad day.


But then we now have the prospect of something better rising from the ashes...


The King is dead, long live the King!


Andy G


Hopefully, Andy - hopefully!!!



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Maybe Kingspan is the way to go for the fell on KL2 (or should it be renamed Kirkby Stephen - or Kirkby Steven as it's not an exact copy?)


Funny you should mention that.... I used 42    8' x 4'  sections of Kingspan insulating the walls and ceiling of the bunker. Yet I had none left when it came to the layout build - and I hadn't considered it for scenics in any case.


Lovely material and I might well incorporate it into the hillside on KL2.



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I'm with Jason on this one!  Learning how to use Templot and then building my own pointwork opened up a whole new world allowing sweeping trackwork with turnouts inserted into the curve rather than the other way round.


Come on Jeff, deep down you know you want to do it….:-)

Hi Jeff,


I'm also with the 'build your own' brigade. While designing Dent I soon realised that I would need special made to fit turnouts for both the fiddleyard and the scenic section, I chose C&L for the scenic but have used copperclad and bullhead rail for the fiddleyard with SMP filling in between. This was my FIRST attempt at track construction and I found it pretty easy to be honest.


The thing is you now have a bit of free time between the house move and KL2 build so why not have a go!

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Jeff, Jeff I'm here, finished the Fish and Chips, and just looked in and YOUR NEARLY THERE, my vote is for YOU, Jeff to do the 10,000th post so look in Now.


Bodge :sungum:

Done it well done :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:

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