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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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Hi Andy,


I haven't got an Ivatt 2MT but Jason says his is black with number 46406.


Please bring yours if you have one as it's an impressive loco and I'm told the green (Western region Region) Mickey Mouses were very pretty!!!



So am I :O  but that doesn't mean much. :no:


Unfortunately Bachmann missed an important thing on the New Ivatt, they have FAILED to add tender pickups and a hole in the tender for sound installation, consequently its only like and 0-6-0 and can stall on some points on FY and that's why I want to give it a good run on KL.


Bodge :sungum:

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Here's a few Brit pics to whet the appetite!











Somebody has been trying panning! I patented that. You owe me a licence fee of, say.... a spare A4 front number plate... the one I bought last week had one in the seller's photos but on the engine 60023 after 8 days in the mail, and not in the box. I have asked the seller to look or maybe supply a replacement, but IF anyone has a scrap Hornby A4 front plate, I will pay a HANDSOME REWARD!


My model




Seller's pic




I intend to look in the body next... I had an A4 where some part or other fell in there when it was upturned, and it required body removal to retrieve, and clearly in the mail the front coupling was tipped upside down! A long shot I know, ..


Rob (where it is hot and sunny)

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Nice one Jeff, will that pull my Parcels Train on Monday?


Bodge :sungum:


Can do. Or you can have a 5MT, 8F or 9F do the job. Or a 4F, 3F, 4MT, 25, 37, 45, 46. Or the G2, WD or 24.....


The choice is yours.


Loads more pics to post. Jason currently running his Crab round KL. Around 20 locos and 120 wagons in there - on the layout...



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here is something civilised to balance things...


backing towards the NEW IMPROVED KL2 railway .... clearly an unrecorded special train.


apologies to those who are waiting for pictures of pedestrian goods trains and other everyday peculiarities of the countryside...


if one tries hard, one can just make out a stone wall behind the engine, and the trees, stunted though they are, are straight off the fells.



Edited by robmcg
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Well that was some running session, I guess it will be midnight before Jason gets it all packed up and heads for home and a PROPER NIGHTS SLEEP, :O 3 hours did you say, you guys must have been in there almost all night, :no: .


Sound Peaks at 2am, bet the neighbors loved that :nono:  :nono: 


Bodge, :sungum:

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The shed looks fine, Jeff, it's just that the track has been lifted. Any excuse. I do hope you haven't been listening to all the advice people have been offering, except Bodgit.


(note to Bodgit I expect the money in my bank account this week)

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Mickey Mouse 2MT near the shed...






A long view along the line...




Patriot "Royal signals" with coaching stock...






More to come!



Edited by Physicsman
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And finally, after about 10 hours of running over the last day and a bit, some of the 100+ wagons and 16 locos used for the fun gather in the station area to say goodbye to KL.




It took Jason 90 minutes to put all his stock back into storage...


A great time.... roll on Monday with Bodgit!



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Somebody has been trying panning! I patented that. You owe me a licence fee of, say.... a spare A4 front number plate... the one I bought last week had one in the seller's photos but on the engine 60023 after 8 days in the mail, and not in the box. I have asked the seller to look or maybe supply a replacement, but IF anyone has a scrap Hornby A4 front plate, I will pay a HANDSOME REWARD!


My model




Seller's pic




I intend to look in the body next... I had an A4 where some part or other fell in there when it was upturned, and it required body removal to retrieve, and clearly in the mail the front coupling was tipped upside down! A long shot I know, ..


Rob (where it is hot and sunny)

Talking to myself now folks,


APOLOGIES the lost number plate was embedded in the foam insert in the Hornby box. I have idea why I didn't see it yesterday, especially given the clear rubbing-of-paint on the smokebox.


CALL OFF THE SEARCH for spare A4 smokebox number plates, relax, sleep again....


And Jeff, I realise now that you will make KL2 at least 60 feet long with scale radius curves for full length ECML express trains. Oh, no, wait.... someone called Tony Wright may have already done Little Bytham.



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It has been interesting seeing more of the station area and showing that had you finished it it would have been a great layout. Roll on KL2.



ps. I did manage to blag a brief cab ride in a Mucky Duck at Kidderminster

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Morning Jeff, you two managed to get some great pics and the 40 wagon minerals looks really terrific. More of similar on Monday I hope.


I think the first train due out is the 08.30 Milk  from Settle Creamery to London if your up for it, then its a free for all, I don't know if I'll be able to get into the fiddle yard hole that J got into though :no: , I have a slightly wider girth, (that's FAT in posh talk).


Did you get any actual modelling done, as we have seen NO SIGNS of building construction, or was it all PLAYING TRAINS? :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: HHAHHAAAhaaaaa


Bodge :sungum:

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Morning Jeff, you two managed to get some great pics and the 40 wagon minerals looks really terrific. More of similar on Monday I hope.


I think the first train due out is the 08.30 Milk  from Settle Creamery to London if your up for it, then its a free for all, I don't know if I'll be able to get into the fiddle yard hole that J got into though :no: , I have a slightly wider girth, (that's FAT in posh talk).


Did you get any actual modelling done, as we have seen NO SIGNS of building construction, or was it all PLAYING TRAINS? :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: HHAHHAAAhaaaaa


Bodge :sungum:


Morning Andy.


A late start for me, having had about 4 hours sleep in the last 2 days I decided to stay in bed  for a while!


Jason part-built a Parkside kit and we discussed - and he demonstrated - his techniques for buildings, including windows and doors. I'd say we were in the bunker for about 15 hours of the 26 hours that he was here. It was like dropping him into a toy shop - once he was in he wouldn't come out (except for coffee and a cig!!)


Just arrive when you are ready - I'm sure we'll have fun!!



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Not been up long myself and haven't had chance to upload the photos yet (had as quick look through though and there are some ok ones). I will hopefully get a couple on here later on today.


Enjoy yourself tomorrow Bodge, I know you will. I just keep wondering how much stock you will be taking, seeing how much I did? :D

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