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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium

Amongst other things, I will be taking a non-started Parkside kit over to Jeff's house to show him how easy they are, as well as being enjoyable to build. I will be giving a demo on scratchbuilding structures too and getting Jeff to have a go.


In fact, my car is going to be full :D

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  • RMweb Premium

Amongst other things, I will be taking a non-started Parkside kit over to Jeff's house to show him how easy they are, as well as being enjoyable to build. I will be giving a demo on scratchbuilding structures too and getting Jeff to have a go.


In fact, my car is going to be full :D


"Please, sir..... You won't give me a detention if my scalpel blade cuts are 0.01mm out, will you?"


Looking forward to it. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Well I'm away from the web for 3 days and yet again I miss the big announcment!


I hope you have a quick house finding (or building, but you know what builders are like!) and that you don't get too much withdrawal symptoms...


You can use your time sensibly too, think of all the das strips for stone that you can pre-manufacture, and you will now have the time to make the station buildings properly, ie by using individual stoneswhich will be like practising your brick-laying for the new garden...


I did read things the right way in that you and your brother are moving into a new garage and you have claimed the house for the railway??


I would (well I am) use the time while you are layout-less to build up stock from kits, you will soon become an expert.


The plus side is that it means that everyone else in the country has got about 12 months to stock up on 4x2 before there is a national shortage...


Good luck with the 'boys' coming over, enjoy what you have got made and don't rip it out too quickly!


Andy G


You seem to make a habit of that!


As for DAS bricks. I'll be glad to have a break from them. If I'm careful, 90% of the stone walls will survive on the Fell - thank goodness.


And yes, you guessed it .... it'll be 4x2 heaven when I get going again!



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Hi Boys, I'm back,



WOW Jeff I knew it was coming but I thought you hinted at 2016? :nono:  You said I am coming on the 25th and demolision starts on the 26th :O




I am bringing my hammer and a trailer to take away the lot. :no: :no: hahhahha


Don't let J do all the weathering as I've already found my Air Brush and weathering kit. we will also have some noisy Steam and Diesels running between cups of coffee.


I think you need a wider room for a nice 10 ft or so Viaduct down the middle as per the old North Devon Railway, just on its own and looking splendiferus :boast:


I also have a new stock of BIG NAILS that you will need and a Hot Glue Gun :O


As for the last 12 LONG DAYS, well there was NO INTERNET and NO 3G in the farm we stayed at, I had to drive about 4 to 5 miles depending on the weather to get a phone signal on Vodaphone and yet my Wifes vey old house brick type phone on EE had a fairly good signal some days.


I have just had a read from the 2nd Nov and it has been an interesting time on here.







The Mighty Bidgit :sungum: 

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy - it would have been the mother of all April fools if I'd made the whole thing up! I think I'd have a contingent of annoyed and wound-up Lunesters heading my way if I'd pulled that trick on them.


Bring plenty of locos by all means. Especially if you need to let some of them have a good run for a few minutes. My G2 still hasn't arrived yet, but hope it'll be here in time for the two of you - otherwise it'll have nowhere to run. As for weathering wagons - I've got about a dozen wagons to be attacked - mostly insulated and vent vans.


Apologies to any posters but my response will be slow - I'm painting the spindles on the stair banister and it takes hours!



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I will let Andy handle weathering, I'll concentrate on construction :)

J, I don't want to steal you thunder, and it will be good to compare the differences, Pity we cant do the 70 wagon coal train we planned, he would definitely need a bigger fiddle yard then.


Bodge :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Will you be starting a new thread Jeff?


If so, please post a link here, so as I know where it's at.






Hi Sean.


Simple answer: NO new thread. KL2 will continue on here - much simpler for all concerned, especially me!



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff


Have you told Jason and Andy about the paint brushes and other decorating tools you have waiting for them yet? :no: :no: :no: :no: :tomato:




Bill - they AREN'T decorating.















They are building my new house for me!!  :jester:  :jester:




I figured that Jason's built a town on his layout and Bodge gets on with the job at warp speed. Presto! My new house in a flash!!



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Welcome back Andy, and Jeff I hope the painting and decorating goes well. I find my wheelchair an excuse to leave a house slightly untidy when selling, without losing value, and buyers esp. female buyers like to redecorate anyway (sexist I know), so they forgive me and still offer a fair deal. So if you tire of painting just borrow a wheelchair.

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Welcome back Andy, and Jeff I hope the painting and decorating goes well. I find my wheelchair an excuse to leave a house slightly untidy when selling, without losing value, and buyers esp. female buyers like to redecorate anyway (sexist I know), so they forgive me and still offer a fair deal. So if you tire of painting just borrow a wheelchair.

Nice idea Rob, its good to be back and see what has been going on in my absence, you cant leave Jeff alone for a few days without him creating havoc and setting the Web alive with ideas.


Bodgit. :sungum:

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Nice idea Rob, its good to be back and see what has been going on in my absence, you cant leave Jeff alone for a few days without him creating havoc and setting the Web alive with ideas.


Bodgit. :sungum:


Behave yourself!


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


Must admit, now I have a half-blank canvas (the bit that doesn't have the Fell, viaduct and fiddle yard), it's fun to think of ideas to try.....



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  • RMweb Gold

I DID realise that!  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:


Mind you, if there was a degree in engine mechanics you'd have a PhD in it.


Probably more useful than: "A study of sub-threshold fission in the actinide nuclei 228Th and 230Th" ..... now I wonder whose PhD that was?





Too busy catching up the first time round to comment.  That sounds absolutelt fascinating.  No seriously.

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Behave yourself!


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


Must admit, now I have a half-blank canvas (the bit that doesn't have the Fell, viaduct and fiddle yard), it's fun to think of ideas to try.....



Just think Jeff, the whole of one side of the room, some 20ft or so with a 15 arch Viaduct at eye level, and just a constant procession of freight passing over head.



No Platforms to Build,

No Station Building to Build,

No Signal Box to Build,

No Foot Bridge to build,

No Point Rodding to Build,

No Goods Shed to Build,

No Goods yard to lay,

No Aqueduct / Farm access to Build,


In fact you could have trains up and running in 3 Months, the Layout would be finished :O  and you could then retire to the comfort of your favorite armchair and plan your NEXT GREAT PROJECT. :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:


Bodgit :sungum:

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Just think Jeff, the whole of one side of the room, some 20ft or so with a 15 arch Viaduct at eye level, and just a constant procession of freight passing over head.



No Platforms to Build,

No Station Building to Build,

No Signal Box to Build,

No Foot Bridge to build,

No Point Rodding to Build,

No Goods Shed to Build,

No Goods yard to lay,

No Aqueduct / Farm access to Build,


In fact you could have trains up and running in 3 Months, the Layout would be finished :O  and you could then retire to the comfort of your favorite armchair and plan your NEXT GREAT PROJECT. :no: :no: :no: :no:


Bodgit :sungum:

And if it was you Andy, it would only be 3 Weeks :jester:  :jester:



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Just think Jeff, the whole of one side of the room, some 20ft or so with a 15 arch Viaduct at eye level, and just a constant procession of freight passing over head.



No Platforms to Build,

No Station Building to Build,

No Signal Box to Build,

No Foot Bridge to build,

No Point Rodding to Build,

No Goods Shed to Build,

No Goods yard to lay,

No Aqueduct / Farm access to Build,


In fact you could have trains up and running in 3 Months, the Layout would be finished :O  and you could then retire to the comfort of your favorite armchair and plan your NEXT GREAT PROJECT. :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:


Bodgit :sungum:


Whatever you do Andy, don't forget to take the Bodgit's Bumper Book of Shunting Layout Plan's with you! We've got to keep Jeff's mind heading in the right direction between now and KL2! :scratchhead: :declare:




PS. Welcome back. I trust the break has found you refreshed and ready for the next ten layouts! :sungum:

Edited by Mythocentric
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  • RMweb Premium

Well, Andy. Your reputation as a "miracle worker" goes before you....


I do like the viaduct idea - imagine a viaduct 2 or 3 times the size of the one I built for KL. It might be a bit operationally limited and get boring after a while, though!


One thing I'll ENSURE next time round - that there is EASY access to the corner of the layout that looks across the viaduct. This place gives the most spectacular views and the best photos.



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  • RMweb Premium


Too busy catching up the first time round to comment.  That sounds absolutelt fascinating.  No seriously.


Chris - like all things it's interesting to a point. But after 3 years it became a little tedious! Firing high energy neutrons at a thorium target in order to split the nuclei, then measure where the bits went - while dodging the gamma rays - WAS interesting. Scary, too! It had practical relevance to reactor technology, but after a few years it was all too narrow.


It was time to return to the broader Physics world, hence teaching.


I'm sure all those neutrons made me the modeller I am today (facetious remark!!)



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Chris - like all things it's interesting to a point. But after 3 years it became a little tedious! Firing high energy neutrons at a thorium target in order to split the nuclei, then measure where the bits went - while dodging the gamma rays - WAS interesting. Scary, too! It had practical relevance to reactor technology, but after a few years it was all too narrow.


It was time to return to the broader Physics world, hence teaching.


I'm sure all those neutrons made me the modeller I am today (facetious remark!!)




One of my friends over here (he's a lego type guy) is working (???) at TRUMF, the particle accelerators they are building/testing/rebuilding in Vancouver.  My dad worked at University of Toronto Chemical Engineering as one of the machinists for 4-5 years, his shop was right beside what had been the reactor hall for the U of T.  This is located...well,  https://maps.google.ca/?ll=43.659039,-79.394267&spn=0.000031,0.013905&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=43.659142,-79.393767&panoid=WXtz58OcDB5RulERSbaAKg&cbp=12,16.41,,0,0.63

 _right_ downtown Toronto.  One of the few tours I really missed not being able to go on was at Pickering GS, where I couldn't go because all particpants had to be over 16 or 18, due to the relatively high dose rate for the tour- this was as close to the face as it was possible to go kind of tour, by one of the designers/engineers of CANDU reactors. (and rather a while ago now...)  I've leafed through Douglas Point GS's construction drawings (at least one book of them), they were a 1" thick pad of 3x4 drawings or so.  As far as I can tell, Nuclear is the best of the series of options available to us to charge our Iphone 5S or what have you...not a good choice, but the best of the series of bad choices.

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