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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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  • RMweb Premium


Hope you'll incorporate a quarry somewhere on the new KL. Or maybe model a small portable one in the interregnum.

I'm probably going to have a similar amount of space (standard double garage size 16' x 16' - though I only used 16' x 12' on KL) in the new build. But the extra width will mean I can do a couple of things:


The Fell will be in place but can have a larger fiddle yard (maybe 16 roads instead of eight) behind the fell


There will be around 2 feet in front of the Fell - so room to take the branch line to a quarry - as discussed by yourself, and others, around about page 35 (October 2012 - only 350 pages back!!!!!)


So things could be interesting!



Edited by Physicsman
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I'm probably going to have a similar amount of space (standard double garage size 16' x 16' - though I only used 16' x 12' on KL) in the new build. But the extra width will mean I can do a couple of things:


The Fell will be in place but can have a larger fiddle yard (maybe 16 roads instead of eight) behind the fell


There will be around 2 feet in front of the Fell - so room to take the branch line to a quarry - as discussed by yourself, and others, around about page 35 (October 2012 - only 350 pages back!!!!!)


So things could be interesting!



They have been interesting so far it will be fascinating to see where you go next.


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Bill, I'm beginning to think you are the Northern Hemisphere equivalent of Rob. You seem to be acquiring almost as many locos as he. Whereas he must keep the freight arm of Air New Zealand in business with his succession of orders, you are propping up the traditional town model shop!


I've put an embargo on future purchases until things get sorted out. I still have the A4s and 40s on pre-order, and these commitments will stand.


Btw - carry on drooling. It's infectious!




Hee Hee! Sorry but I couldn't hold a candle to Rob. Just following the Bill philosophy of replacing those locos which are too old or too hard to chip (apart from the Crab 2-6-0, so come on Bachmann! I don't want to have to respray that LMS livery!). I've got the ones which I know were used on the branch in either RTR or kit form and will be present when/if the layout is exhibited. I've bought a few possibles which I know worked in the area, i.e. 9F, 04 2-8-0, B1, and which may appear just to upset the rivet-counters. Now I'm applying Rule 1 for home use. i.e. Jubilee 'Victoria', Patriot (to be renumbered 45526 Morecambe and Heysham), Class 24 and, of course 10000, for the simple reason that they were such glorious (and mostly LMS) machines. Simple, if sometimes expensive when the local model shop owner is also a friend (albeit a 'Wessy' man) who shares an enthusiasm for all things LMS!


Cie la vie :derisive:



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Did I hear my name being taken in vain?


I will look forward to KL 2 but not before a good seeing-off for KL 1 and the interesting ways some of the fells, tunnels, track and general character might be 'saved'. 


Meanwhile I have just bought 2 L1 tank engines, an A4 and a wide cab spamcan, all brilliantly weathered.  My theory is that with higher wages in China and any number of other influences, supply of good models is going top be sporadic and/or more expensive,  which will allow me to sell many of my equivalent pristine versions and become EXTREMELY WEALTHY.   Can't fail.... 


Here's an engine which never graced the fells...



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  • RMweb Gold


I go away for two days and when I come back there are 4 pages or more saying everything has changed!


When you said there would be an announcement I thought, 'He's moving'.  Then you said you would not say anything until the end of the month and I thought, 'He's getting married'.  I read some more and thought, 'Oh no, he's ill and will need several months of treatment', so I was relieved when it was a house move!


Hope it all goes well, and that it all works out.  My lads get on really well, and have done since they got through their teenage hormones but I am not sure they could live together.


I suggest building stock, or locos.  You could build structures if they were ones you just wanted to build or were definately not going to be changed.  I am building a back dated version of the cottage I spent my honeymoon in as it will go on the layout somewhere as it has to, but I would not start on any station buildings for my 00 layout as I am not sure of sizes.


Again, I hope everything pans out and I look forward to the progress, whether that is dismantling, buying and selling or re-building.

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I posted the above in a moment of nostalgia for my days of making furniture out of wood, without nails and without screws, being keen on hidden half mitre dovetails and such...  although for sections of model railway scenes, I think I would have done something like what you did. 


moving quickly along, and now that we KNOW you are NOT GOING TO SEE THE LIGHT, here is a real locomotive as posted yesterday in the Hornby section,  the precursor in some ways to the Jubilee, which haunted the S&C  (I had to draw a connection, however tenuous).


I have now posted two pics which have nothing to do with KL.  Clearly I'm too confused to be taken seriously...





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Just spent a while catching up with the last 4 days and things are starting to make some sort of sense.


Various comments come to mind..  You always use a capital F for Fell.  I just wonder if you have a model of Chard's favourite loco hidden buried in the scenery somewhere and are going to cut it up.  you would please a lot of folk.


More seriously  I hope the move works out.  I'm not sure I could cope with living with my brother.  


As to future board sizes.  I discovered 10' by 5' sheets of ply when i started Green Ayre and they cut crossways to amke very manageable boards.  Now everything is  being built on a 5' moduel, including the removable scenic sections for transport to shows.


And as to cutting the fell up into sections and putting it back together,  they took the whole of Abu Simbel apart when the aswan dam was constructed and  no one can see the joins on the reconstruction higher up the rockface so i'm sure you will manage it.  With Abu Simbel the secret ingredient was swedish saws!!!!.



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A fantastic collection of posts since I last looked on here - ten hours ago! I've been out examining my house of preference, but I won't talk about that as it's non-railway.


As for Rob - blimey! Atheistic non-existentialism.... You eat too many dictionaries! Must be all that Southern/GWR blood that drives you to a hallucigenic state!



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Hi Jamie.


I shall certainly TRY to mount the track onto smaller boards. My "bog standard" ply was 8' x 4', so I'd probably standardise on half that, 4' x 4' being very manageable.


The problem I have with KL is the sheer number of turnouts, and hence Cobalts, in the station area. I built the whole thing on risers above a subframe to minimise the chance of a cross-joist getting in the way. I'll have to think even more carefully next time as it's a shame I have to destroy all that neatly (well, I think it is!!) laid track and ballasting work. One of those learning experience things. Besides, who is to say KL2 will be the same as KL? Jason has been suggesting I model a section of Garsdale.


Anyway, that's all for the future. 


To everyone - keep the hints and advice coming. The moment anyone stops listening to advice and assumes they always know best, the time has come to pack it all in!



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nah, I just never finished university...


I DID realise that!  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:


Mind you, if there was a degree in engine mechanics you'd have a PhD in it.


Probably more useful than: "A study of sub-threshold fission in the actinide nuclei 228Th and 230Th" ..... now I wonder whose PhD that was?



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Bill - I can empathise SO clearly with all those LMS/Midland engines. They seem like old friends to me!


Jamie - re. the Fell. Yes, it's the one and only Fell in my model. However, I'm sure 'Chard would be thrilled to bits if I had a disassembled Fell loco model standing, rotting away in a siding. We all know how much he loves the hideous thing!



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Actually one of the things which made me leave uni was the fact that I held good tradesmen in engine reconditioning in higher regard than many of the professors... but the latter weren't all bad.


Some of the PhD stuff being done now in social sciences really is a bit sad, but some of it is ok.. and we do need bright people doing the thinking, without too much commercial/poitical pressure.


Give me a place in Cambridge and I'll think about it... suitable living expenses of course...

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Hi Jeff


Like many other followers of KL I didn't see that coming... As you mentioned changes in your life, while on holiday with your dad, I did worry that it might be something in connection with his health. After reading the full story I was so pleased that isn't the reason for the demise of KL 1. No doubt it's going to be a busy year ahead for you and your brother and I would just like to add my own best wishes and good luck for the big move.


These 382 pages are a testament to how much work you have put into KL 1, and also how much experience and dedication you will no doubt bring to KL 2.

Hopefully planning the new layout will also provide a pleasurable interlude from the occasional trials and tribulations of building and moving to your new home. 

....and with no layout to build for the next few months, there'll be no better time to start building a few Parkside wagon kits!



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Thanks Alan.


The next few months will certainly be interesting and I'll try to get plenty of railway stuff done in this time. Not sure about the kits - though there are clearly plenty of devotees on here!


The most likely scenario, as I mentioned a couple of pages back, is a goods yard build on a small board that can be fitted into KL2. I've not really given much thought to what KL2 will be like - it would be simplest to use KL and add enhancements. The Fell, tunnel portal leading to the viaduct and the stream in the valley will all DEFINITELY be staying as I think those are the things that shout "S&C". The fiddle yard will be much bigger. A quarry in front of the fell leading onto the branch (suggested a few times by Peter) is a strong possibility. As for the station area/layout - well, it could be the same as KL. We'll see!


It was 381 pages ago that you made your first contribution on here. How the hell we've got to 382 pages, nearly 10,000 posts and nearly 200,000 views, I'll never know!!



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.....How the hell we've got to 382 pages, nearly 10,000 posts and nearly 200,000 views, I'll never know!!


I do! This is a great thread.


Lot's of excellent modelling. You explain everything, Jeff, which is a big help to those of us who have never done some of the things that you're doing.

The free exchange of ideas, help and advice.

Plus the banter and humour between all the contributors is most enjoyable.


Oh, and not forgetting. Mankini Man!

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  • RMweb Premium

I do! This is a great thread.


Lot's of excellent modelling. You explain everything, Jeff, which is a big help to those of us who have never done some of the things that you're doing.

The free exchange of ideas, help and advice.

Plus the banter and humour between all the contributors is most enjoyable.


Oh, and not forgetting. Mankini Man!


Very kind, Kev.


Can I point out that a number of things I've done, I'd never done them before KL. So it was a learning experience for me, too! 


If there is one thing I'm really pleased about, it's showing what's been done - even if it didn't quite come out right, or, as in the case of cutting rock face attempt 2, was downright awful! It allowed people to make lots of helpful suggestions and, sometimes, to just say "looks awful Jeff - think you'll have to change it" (are you watching, Jason?!)


And, of course, the "humour". Ermm....


Just to make it clear. The KL thread will continue and eventually KL2 will appear on here. I have no intention of starting another thread - that would be too confusing (to me, never mind anybody else!)



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Oy Jeff. What about the station platforms? Those platforms can be used on KL2 and as such can be prepared now, ahead of the impending visits :D


Sorry to disappoint, but I'm spending over 12 hours a day painting, decorating etc to ready the house for sale - I'll put it on the market next week. When you see the old upstairs train room and what it looks like now, you'll be amazed! I may post a pic in the next day or two.


Btw, Bodge visits on the 25th. KL demolition commences the 26th.



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Unfortunately, I only have one Salmon track panel wagon built up (and unlikely to get the other finished in time, otherwise we could have staged a demolition / materials recovery train as a fitting end to KL1.

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Well I'm away from the web for 3 days and yet again I miss the big announcment!


I hope you have a quick house finding (or building, but you know what builders are like!) and that you don't get too much withdrawal symptoms...


You can use your time sensibly too, think of all the das strips for stone that you can pre-manufacture, and you will now have the time to make the station buildings properly, ie by using individual stoneswhich will be like practising your brick-laying for the new garden...


I did read things the right way in that you and your brother are moving into a new garage and you have claimed the house for the railway??


I would (well I am) use the time while you are layout-less to build up stock from kits, you will soon become an expert.


The plus side is that it means that everyone else in the country has got about 12 months to stock up on 4x2 before there is a national shortage...


Good luck with the 'boys' coming over, enjoy what you have got made and don't rip it out too quickly!


Andy G

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