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Newbryford's mostly Yellow workbench - "it's a drag, man......."

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  • RMweb Premium

Intriguing shade of maroon on that MBA Mick! Is the top rail still gold?




It looks like it - this is the only other pic I can find - so far - unless anyone else can help. It does look like a fresh coat of EWS gold.

Dunno if the bogies are refurb/repainted either. I know at least one of the DBS red BYA repaints kept their original weathered bogies.




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  • RMweb Premium

I'll be keeping my eyes open for pics of that one then, thankfully we haven't had the MBAs running round here for a while.

I didn't realise there was more than one BYA repainted either.

Most wagon repaints (as opposed to overhauls) seem to leave the bogies untouched. The JGAs that have gone red still have the outline of the RMC decals visible through the paint and red drips on the bogies. Shows how quickly a wagon can get a new lick of paint



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  • RMweb Premium

I didn't realise there was more than one BYA repainted either.



I think only two BYAs have been repainted (BICBW)


Going back to a recent project:

A pack of transfers arrived today for my DBS Exececutive train. Pics soon.




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  • RMweb Premium

Meanwhile, back on the bench.

Thanks to Steve at Railtec, the set now carries the branding and logo of DB Schenker.






The FO should really have Roevac vents on the roof instead of the large central one.

The roofs have been painted a much darker shade of grey.


Full debut at the Telford D&E show next weekend.




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Premium

Perhaps Jouef mark 3S would have been better perhaps? At least they have the Rovac vents on them, look good though Mick




Then I need a sleeper and catering vehicle. Mix and match Mk3's as it is!


When I finally get round to a Shapeways order, I'll get some of the 3D Roevacs. Or scrounge a few from somebody that's already got some.......




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Mick


I have a question for you or any fellow "yellow" fan. I'm in the process of making UTU3 999602 coach in the post refurbished / current form. Starting with a Replica Railways Mk1 BG, I have cut & shut windows from a Replica Railways Collet Coach bodyshell to make the side with "older" opening windows, but I'm having an issue with the other side - see photo >> https://flic.kr/p/haD9Zm.


Does anyone know what size the windows would be? They look narrower than those you see on mk2 stock - but this could just be an optical illusion. I can't find any photos of 999602 exactly side-on to estimate dimension from.


Many thanks in advance.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Mick


I have a question for you or any fellow "yellow" fan. I'm in the process of making UTU3 999602 coach in the post refurbished / current form. Starting with a Replica Railways Mk1 BG, I have cut & shut windows from a Replica Railways Collet Coach bodyshell to make the side with "older" opening windows, but I'm having an issue with the other side - see photo >> https://flic.kr/p/haD9Zm.


Does anyone know what size the windows would be? They look narrower than those you see on mk2 stock - but this could just be an optical illusion. I can't find any photos of 999602 exactly side-on to estimate dimension from.


Many thanks in advance.


Hi Sam,

The UTU vehicles are full length Mk1 types (they're all ex-Southern Region EMUs), so a BG is a bit short.

The windows are odd sizes and I haven't yet got around to a post-refurb UTU. There is a possibility that etched sides are in the process of being designed by someone else - I know they have the measurements....




Edit: spelling

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Are the smaller windows not the same as the toilet windows on the Mk2s or the corridor side windows of the Mk3 SLE/SLEPs? They look about a similar size & shape. No idea on the larger ones I'm afraid. Would the Extreme Etchings window frames be a suitable part to provide the smaller windows (with the original window openings filled in of course) - than a complete cut and shut of several mk2/mk3s?

Edited by surfsup
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Hello Mick


Can I ask your advice please as I've sinned and joined the dark side. I found some interesting photos of departmental stock and got the urge to start another project that I will probably never finish (track building taking too much time= good excuse).


I see earlier in your thread you have built 2 versions of 999550 HSTRC. Can I ask with the benefit of hindsight would you build another one by cut and shut or would you opt for the PHD kit? Obviously I am interested in an earlier era (blue/grey with red stripe) I think the window arrangement is different to the yellow era and thus might mean more kits or donor vehicles.


Also you use an Airfix MK2, which is a D. The HSTRC was a F. Obviously you have moved the windows already, but apart from the air con condenser underneath is there any big difference between the d and f? Is it easier to get a Lima 2F?


Even though blue/grey/red stripe is a different era to your all yellow, I must admit that I see your interest in it now (except HSTs of course).




EDITED: pressed enter mid word. With brains like mine I should be in government.

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The TRU (a.k.a 950001) was back out today for the first time in ages.

Also sporting new night time UV lights on the front and some new decals on the side similar to what the 313 has. 

I hear on the grape vine these will be going on the full fleet including the NMT...


*These referring to the new decals

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Mick


Can I ask your advice please as I've sinned and joined the dark side. I found some interesting photos of departmental stock and got the urge to start another project that I will probably never finish (track building taking too much time= good excuse).


I see earlier in your thread you have built 2 versions of 999550 HSTRC. Can I ask with the benefit of hindsight would you build another one by cut and shut or would you opt for the PHD kit? Obviously I am interested in an earlier era (blue/grey with red stripe) I think the window arrangement is different to the yellow era and thus might mean more kits or donor vehicles.


Also you use an Airfix MK2, which is a D. The HSTRC was a F. Obviously you have moved the windows already, but apart from the air con condenser underneath is there any big difference between the d and f? Is it easier to get a Lima 2F?


Even though blue/grey/red stripe is a different era to your all yellow, I must admit that I see your interest in it now (except HSTs of course).




EDITED: pressed enter mid word. With brains like mine I should be in government.



Hi DS,


My preferred method nowadays is cut and shut for the likes of 999550 [1] as it means I can get matching windows from other "donor" coaches. (And Airfix mk2's can be picked up reasonably cheaply, especially BSO's as donors). The main body difference between 2D/2F is the toilet layout, (diagonally opposite on one and on the same side on the other - can't remember exactly which....) but more often than not, the test vehicles have one toilet blanked out, so it's not too critical. I do sometimes use Lima 2F's.


999550 has had at least two, if not 3 different window layouts in it's lifetime. It was modified between use with the NMT and now it's stand-alone activities. Luckily, I noticed this about 30 minutes before I was about to start painting my second HSTRC yellow...........


As for underframe detail, I try to make some representation of the various boxes and equipment - the usual suspect is the aircon fan - some are single, some are double. (Stones Ltd/Temperature Ltd) and I always try and preserve the bits I cut off. Not unknown to stick a single fan from a Lima underframe onto a Airfix underframe and vice-versa, although I was using Hurst Models cast single fans when they were available. (I think PHD mat have resin or 3-D version in development, if not production)


[1] my first - NMT - version of 999550 used Hurst Models overlays, as did the rest of the NMT Mk3's. As the sides are now virtually unavailable, I will use cut n shut as much as possible, but I do have the PHD bits to do my revamped NMT..


Hope this helps and welcome to the world of test trains.




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  • RMweb Premium

The TRU (a.k.a 950001) was back out today for the first time in ages.

Also sporting new night time UV lights on the front and some new decals on the side similar to what the 313 has. 

I hear on the grape vine these will be going on the full fleet including the NMT...


*These referring to the new decals


That's the problem with trying to keep up to date. The TRU has now had at least three detail variations in yellow - never mind pre-yellow.




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Many thanks for the info Mick.


It is indeed a very interesting subject and I am going to read your thread from start to end- all 50 pages of it. I see you have done the Sprinter conversion (I take it that is the 'TRU' you and Mr Swift are discussing above). The PHD conversion looks nice and straight forward. I shall read how you got on.


Thanks again for the advice- and for the inspiration.

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  • RMweb Premium

. I see you have done the Sprinter conversion (I take it that is the 'TRU' you and Mr Swift are discussing above). The PHD conversion looks nice and straight forward.



Yes, 950001 is the Track Recording Unit based on a Class 150 Sprinter - one of the most heavily used and abused test trains because it can pretty much go everywhere without restriction.


The kit is a FLF, but patience will be rewarded.




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Thanks chaps. Sorry to hijack your thread with questions, but I see both of you (Mick and Jim) have built the RTOV- presumably both using the PHD kit?


Any opinion on which is easier out of the Sprinter and RTOV (or DBSO in my era...)? I might as well order the bits I think I will want from PHD in one go. I must say that I like the look of his etched steps, but I have heard these can be a little difficult (not quite the words I heard)- but well worth it from the look of them.


Again, thanks for the info and sorry for all the questions. I really did not appreciate how interesting departmental stuff can be.

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