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Hassell Rode, ARA, O gauge Open Day 20th October 2024

Benjamin Brady

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  • 1 month later...

Good evening all,


There is not much to report on the 0 Guage at the moment, transit boards are currently being constructed for the colliery and odd jobs for the many layout itself. However as a distraction there was the mission to build a 00 gauge layout in 4 weeks for an upcoming show (Trent Vale) I belive Andy was there himself milling about on the sunday. The layout is a 4 track mainline roundy round, but after all what more do you want, most of the public enjoyed it. As the photos shall show it depicts a section of modern day mainline somewhere in the UK.





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  • 4 months later...

Good Morning all,


Well thart's another open day done and dusted, and an enjoyable day was had by all. There was plnety of visiting and resident stock avilable to run on the main layout. It was also a good chance to see the developments on the collierys transformation to become a stand alone layout. The colliery managers appeared to of renews their fleet of locos with the addition of 2 of the excellent Minerva Victory tank locos which ran perfect straight from the box.


Both the colliery and the main layout were in operation during the day myself spending more time shuffling wagons in the exchance sidings rather than mainline running which does make a change. The race is on not to get some colour on the colliery with it having it's second outing in this form in April so there is plenty to be getting on with on club nights. HHB itself is out at the Newark show in a stand alone form.


Enjoy the photos


until next time














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Hi All,


Just a few more photos of Weaver Hill from the Trent Valley model railway show. The next outing for this layout as it currently stands shall be at Maccasfield model railway show. There is quite a lot of work to carry out on the layout during the winter months. This involved the reballasting of the layout along with the weathering of the track. There shall also be some senic work carried out during this perod with the secruity fencing being replaced concrete post and wire. The obelisk shall also be rebuilt.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Good afternoon all,


Well that's another week off and a few projects finished. It was running night down the club on Friday. An enjoyable evening as always playing trains. Unfortunately I never managed to take any photos but there was not a great deal of stock or members down.

As for Weaver Hill with the impending Maccasfield show coming up most efforts have been concentrated on this. There has been sone work on stock detailing and improvements to the layout. The monument has undergone a major facelift and is looking very much the part now. The OHLE is also changing with the Dapol mast being replaced on two of the boards with the more appropriate 'stringy' catenary.

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Some photos of the work, the catenary is just laid out to give an representation of what to expect I shall update soon with building progress.



Some photos of the work, the catenary is just laid out to give an representation of what to expect I shall update soon with building progress.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


Just a few more photos of the work that has been taking place on the layout this past week preparing for Mac show in March. For those that saw it at Trent Valley you will notice quite a difference between then and now. The retaining wall is nearly done and work is progressing with the OHLE. The momument now looking completly different and the surrounding topography of Weaver Hill has changed.









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Evening All 


   A quick update in between doing Weaver Hill , and the GN15 project , Hassell Harbour Bridge will be next appearing at Lincoln show , well Newark County Showground , for those that have seen it before , this will now come without the colliery , as its a stand alone project now .


   reading certain forums this week , which i do agree on , would like to say this is a club layout , with many members who all model different eras , so please enjoy it for what it is , and if you would like to test a loco , hopefully we will try and accommodate you.


Look forward to seeing you there .

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evening All 


    Well back on Weaver Hill tonight , doing more work on the monument , and Ballasting , If you had seen the layout at St Johns the ballast was rather white , taking a leaf out of " Oak Road " trying to put colour into the PVA , brown , hopefully will get a better result , not as good as " Oak Road " but hopefully something like ,


Only time will tell .



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   Quick update , good time had at Stafford show , well worth a visit , Back in time for second half of the Rugby too !!!!.


   Only two lines left to ballast now . think it looks ok , got to rest my back is aching from bending over , finish last two lines in the morning , will post before and after photos , see what you think , then it will be on with the scenery , and plant a few trees from Steve the tree man .



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Hi David,


It is Macclesfield show; Weaver Hill the 00 layout shall be attending this show, with plenty of improvements over it's last outing 9 months previous. HHB next outing shall be Newark in Feburary, which unfrotuantly clashes with Glasgow. I myself shall be attending Glasgow but HHB has enough crew members going and I won't be missed. For those who like a Southern region flavour then HHB shall defiantly be the layout for you with one of our members making the trip from Austraila with his SR stock for a play.



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   Well that,s all the ballasting done , just need to set up now, to match each board together and clear ballast from sides , 90% of the scenery done on Weaver Hill also , now to concentrate on the OHLE , masts are up , just need to work out how to run the wires , got some ideas , we will see what happens .



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Good Evening all, 


Well quite an update for you all this evening. It has been a busy weekend modelling and jollying. On the modelling front the Hill board is nearly complete. The obelisk has seen a considerable amount of work undertaken on it. This has been done by my brother who has carried over the skills he has used in military modelling to railway modelling. He started by preshading the stonework with black before adding layers of stone paint with the airbrush. This was all finished with some dry brushing to highlight the details. A lighting conductor was added to the rear and now it is in place ready for the show. The OHLE is ready to be placed on corner board which is nearly all complete bar some minor tinkering. The next major project shall be the addition of the stables on the second board from right. 


As for jollying well it all started with a last minute trip to the big city to take some photos of Electrostars. After watching other people have a go at following James Makins work I thought why not have a go myself (mind this shall not be a project finished very soon, it has been added to a jobs list that stretches around the world twice). The photos were taken and as the weather was not grand and it was decided to turn our attentions to the train home. That is where the problems really started, after travelling 80 miles there was a loud bang followed with a flash. This was followed by the train coming to a grinding halt. The information revived pointed to a pantograph issue and after some considerable time stranded just outside Rugby we were evacuated off the train. This was however not done in time for even the emergency lighting to give up and half hour was spend in a very dark Pendolino with glow sticks. We finally arrived back 4 hours late. 


Anyway now I have bored you all with the details of a little trip and the work that has been carried here are some photos for you to enjoy. 









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Good Morning all, 


Well I have returned from a week away in West Wales and just to kick start me back into modelling I thought I would dabble at another holiday project. It's a lima Great Western Class 47. When we used to have the family holidays to Cornwall it was always a treat to go and see the sleeper on it's journey to the big city and I remember many an evening sat at Hayle with Dad, brother and sister waiting for it to pass. My sister not being highly amused with the situation and choosing to sit in the car listening to the radio. Anyway back to the modelling I have had a model of the GW 47 for year now and have often though of upgrading to a Bachmann one but this runs perfectly well and after a little bit of tlc makes an very acceptable model. Unfortunately being early privatisation it does not quite fit into Weaver Hill but we also have Rule 1 :)





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   Club layout all packed for Newark show , after problems with vans , Insurance failed us today at 12.0.clock , needless to say one of our members put up a good show and sorted , now we have two vans , good lesson learnt today , 


   Anyway for me , i think we are going for the GWR theme this week , so l i think all of the big four will be there , just think of our layout as one big test track with scenery , and anything goes,  as we all model different era,s , sorry if that may upset some people , but , we try and run trains that go together .


  Lets hope we have a good weekend , and good luck to all those who are exhibiting this weekend .

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Good Morning,


Well after a night in Glasgow the other half of the contingent are up and about ready for the Glasgow show. We are very much looking forward to it reading the positive comments seen on here about the show.


As for those at Newark I have not had many updates, but shall get a full debreif and shall be able to update with photos from the weekend on their return.



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Evening All 


    Putting finishing touches to OHLE , not happy with it  , this is a MK1 version home made catenary , got to go with it though , attending show next week , just passable if you do not look to close .


   At least the class ninety locos can run now , after all Weaver Hill is the home of the class ninety fleet  , no we are not bringing all fifty of them !!!!.



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Good evening all,


Well why work has been comencing on the layout there has also been some stock detailing going on, this evening I have had the airbrish out and ran over the class 68 and an engineering train for it to run with while at the show.


Not long now.




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Good Evening all, 


Well a last minute test run of the layout has been made and after a few issues there has been some smooth running of the stock. The layout is now all ready to be packed ready for it's travels tomorrow. 


Unfortunately the OHLE is no where near the state we would of hoped to of had it at for the show and this shall be an area to be addressed on its return. Anyway we are looking forward to the show and a weekend playing trains. 







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Good morning All 


    Day two at Macc exhibition , running present day trains this weekend , Virgins trains repaired after yesterday breakdowns , so looking forward to another day playing trains ,


    Good thing our second layout , the GN 15 is right next to us , could not get better planning than that , all in all a second day of playing trains !!!!.



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    All done and dusted , layouts all back home , left hall about 5.15 , good going for two layouts .


    Layouts ran well today , time to put more effort into getting them running well on the set day , with Weaver Hill i think we got it right , lots of children liked seeing the Virgins trains , next time hopefully two Pendolino's and a ten car voyager , 


   GN 15 , will out next at the Corris  Model show in August ,


   Will post photos from the weekend later .


   Time now to build houses for the clubs colliery layout which is in Church Stretton in a couple of weeks time .



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