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Hi Arnie, glad you like 'em. Just found this photo-a couple of gronks


one is 08509 'Wath ETD' , I've been trying to fathom out what the other is something mill,hill or hall?

Looks like Barrow Hill to me :)

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Hi Arnie, glad you like 'em. Just found this photo-a couple of gronks


one is 08509 'Wath ETD' , I've been trying to fathom out what the other is something mill,hill or hall? Anyway I don't have any 37 namer shots, I can't actually remember seeing any but I didn't get up there very often. There were some 37s around in sector liveries thay were probably visitors and didn't stop long enough to be attacked by the Tinsley painter boys :lol:. And just look at the sad sight of all those dead locos :( that 31 on the left looks as though it's been on fire! I've just received my 'Royal Signals' so it looks like some detailing is in order. Happy Peak-ing Phil.


Hi Phil,


Cheers for the latest pic, 08509 looks smart maybe another to add to the list :) Yeah Tinsley did look like a loco graveyard alot of the time! Enjoy the detailing up of Royal Signals.





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Hi Arnie, glad you like the pic, D55 is one down the list, I'm in the middle of chopping the detail (if thats what you want to call it!) off the buffer beams of my Railroad Cl.40 chassis. This is a replacement unit for my D231 'Sylvania' she's had a paint patch and revarnish and body wise is looking good, just the chassis to tart up then off to the muck shop ;) . Must go got some drilling to do :D . Cheers Phil.

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Hi Arnie, nice going she (if that's the right terminology for a regiment/soldier B) ) is looking very smart (which is the right terminology for a soldier!!;) ). I'd not heard of this one and fancy it myself :) . Oh and the weathering's spot on as well! Cheers Phil.

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Hi Arnie, nice going she (if that's the right terminology for a regiment/soldier B) ) is looking very smart (which is the right terminology for a soldier!!;) ). I'd not heard of this one and fancy it myself :) . Oh and the weathering's spot on as well! Cheers Phil.


Thanks Phil, Yeah she's definately my favourite peak so far :) Going to hopefully have some time tonight to wire up the shed's interior lights.





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Hi arnie, here's a pic to take you back (and me!:P ) to a time when 'Peaks' were even more gorgeous ;) .


Am not knocking their later incarnations but this is a loco I fell for a long time ago and as far as I remember she was very much the dirtiest loco in the world B)(1976) . She sits here in original condition, bar the white walled tyres! (doner chassis) ready for the filth shop, how long can I hold off?!!!!:blink: . The bufferbeam detail is very different as they went thro' many changes over the years, my mix here is Hornby 31 & Heljan whatever . The air pipes still had chains on! keeping them in check. Anyway, enjoy!:D . Cheers Phil.

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Hi arnie, here's a pic to take you back (and me!:P ) to a time when 'Peaks' were even more gorgeous ;) .


Am not knocking their later incarnations but this is a loco I fell for a long time ago and as far as I remember she was very much the dirtiest loco in the world B)(1976) . She sits here in original condition, bar the white walled tyres! (doner chassis) ready for the filth shop, how long can I hold off?!!!!:blink: . The bufferbeam detail is very different as they went thro' many changes over the years, my mix here is Hornby 31 & Heljan whatever . The air pipes still had chains on! keeping them in check. Anyway, enjoy!:D . Cheers Phil.


Hi Phil,


She looks lovely mate nice one :) I do like the orginal peaks shame they were all gone by the early 80's would have liked one for the layout.





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Just managed to get a bit of time to wire up and test the lights in the shed, here are a few pics of the shed lights and others that i've managed to wire up so far. Still got the signals to do.





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Hi Arnie

Hi Phil,


She looks lovely mate nice one :) I do like the orginal peaks shame they were all gone by the early 80's would have liked one for the layout.





Hi Arnie, 'Ingleborough' was a loco that spent most of its time working from Toton up the Midland Line down to the sidings where I used to spot a bit , I say a bit cos I used to watch trains rather than writing it all down, but wish I had now!!!!:angry: . However as my memory serves D7 was one of the last green 'Babes':unsure: only did that cos they turn me on HaHa ;) .

Peaks 4 eva Phil.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cracking layout Arnie, great locos. What products did you use stain your ballast the various colours. Really effective especially the oil stain effect.




Hi Guy,


Thanks for the comment, I sprayed on a thinned mixture of railmatch frame dirt and sleeper grime over the ballast and then some railmatch weathered black and some MIG blacksmoke weathering powder for some shading and oil patches. It was my first time doing any track and ballast weathering but it seems to have come out ok.





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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

Got hold of one of Bachmann's single road engine shed's. They are rather tasty smile.gif I have plonked it down on the other side of the layout that will eventually become a yard and small maintrence area. I have attached some pics of the shed and other bits.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Arnie,


Nice pics, the sector locos bring back a few memories, 37215 spent a bit of time hanging around Eastleigh I have a pic somewhere. 47004 rings a bell too, very nice.


I don't blame you for having a class 26 turn up now and then, I bought one myself.:D




Cheers Peter.

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