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EBay madness


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:O Wow.Someones doubled his money.Are Bachman doing another run of this livery ? Went for over 200 sheets.



The SECR Wainwright C went for £204!  I think we will be seeing a few more on flea-bay.................

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I wonder what happened to the other 3? Surely it would say 3 sold/1 available?




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And Courtrade, 'pro' weathered by no stretch of the imagination.




I shall resist the urge to drill down into the various interpretations of 'pro-weathered' at this juncture.


EDIT: sorry, can't resist these words from the description:" in very good condition or as new" - which assumes that Bachmann smear filth on all new product as part of he QC sign-off process. 

Edited by 'CHARD
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I have one that I picked up in 2002 brand new from my local model shop here in Sydney - didn't realise it was a limited edition as it came without a certificate - maybe it didn't sell well so they dumped them on the antipodes I paid about A$ 80 for it  well less than 40 quid given the exchange rate at the time.

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  • RMweb Premium


They've got loads of 'pro-weathered' wagons - I think this one is the 'best': http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dapol-OO-Gauge-B764-Vent-Van-BR-Ex-LMS-Weathered-Boxed-VGC-/290701964574?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item43af2ff51e. China clay wagons used to end up all white, but a van? And a special prize for random apostrophes - "all coupling's and buffers are intact".


What gets me is that people think that poor weathering adds value, instead of subtracting it. These should be sold for a few pounds each, due to having been wrecked by the previous owner.

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""Looking closely at this model I can see two hairline cracks in the window frame just below the roof at both ends of the locomotive. This is a common feature of these locomotives and does not detract from the model."


And an opening bid of £1250 :scratchhead:


My flabber is truly gasted at this one...



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Is the brass underneath normally so obvious.


I remember someone with a green one of these and I thought it was black under the bogie!




Yes - when you turn them upside down. (I used to have about a dozen of them in my TT days)




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  • RMweb Gold

:O Wow.Someones doubled his money.Are Bachman doing another run of this livery ? Went for over 200 sheets.




Just noticed the same seller has another one and he's actually a Bachmann dealer.Thats got to be unethical surely.  http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/stk.php?p_code=po&prod_selected=branchline




Whats more amazing is another listing from another seller without a bid for it yet.



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Just noticed the same seller has another one and he's actually a Bachmann dealer.Thats got to be unethical surely.  http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/stk.php?p_code=po&prod_selected=branchline





Maybe an e-mail to Bachmann. He might not then be a dealer any longer!



Edited by melmerby
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Apparently they've sold for even more!




Rare - 1. because it's in experimental blue and 2. Has the wrong number D5501 (from the green version) rather than the correct D5578.


IMHO cracks, hairline or otherwise, seriously "detract from the model" and the fluff around the axles suggests that it's been run on a carpet at some time, not that it's difficult to eliminate. The oil has been opened at some time.


Prototypically, surely a diesel in experimental blue should not have a right facing lion? but then it is Tri-ang.


The 00 version is not worth nearly as much, but then this has the correct number (and is lot tattier)




Two possibilities for the polished brass: original - this is a late model in the range and could have escaped the blackening process or (unlikely seeing the condition) a previous owner has carefully polished it off.

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Just noticed the same seller has another one and he's actually a Bachmann dealer.Thats got to be unethical surely. 



Unethical yes, but not illegal since resale price maintenance was abolished around 1970.

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  • RMweb Gold

Only a 3 day listing - not much time to build up a frenzy!

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